
BS in Statistics

Students earning a B.S. in Statistics will acquire knowledge of a broad range of statistical techniques and methods, an understanding of the mathematical underpinnings of these methods and techniques, and the computational skills, such as R and SAS, to apply and implement these methods using real data. Statistics majors are in high demand in industry in a wide array of fields such as medical research, technology companies, pharmaceuticals, insurance, finance, government, genetics, public health, sports, and epidemiology to name a few.

Curriculum (Effective Fall 2023)

AP Credit Policies


  • One year of Single Variable Calculus: &
  • Multivariable Calculus: Math 263
  • Linear Algebra: Math 212
  • Statistics: Stat 203 or Biostatistics: Stat 335
  • SAS Programming & Applied Statistics: Stat 303
  • One year of Probability & Statistics: Stat 304 & Stat 305
  • Applied Regression Analysis: Stat 308
  • Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments: Stat 307 - capstone
  • Select three of the following:      
    STAT 306 Intro to Stochastic Processes 
    STAT 310 Categorical Data Analysis     
    STAT 311 Applied Survival Analysis     
    STAT 321 Computational Aspects of Modeling and Simulation      
    STAT 336 Advanced Biostatistics  
    STAT 337 Quantitative Methods in Bioinformatics    
    STAT 338 Predictive Analytics  
    STAT 344 Longitudinal Data Analysis and Mixed Modelling    
    STAT 351 Nonparametric Statistical Methods   
    STAT 370 Data Science Consulting 
    STAT 388 Topics (must be approved)
  • Science requirement:
    • Choose 2 from the following list (6 credits):
      • BIOL 101 General Biology I (3 cr)
      • BIOL 102 General Biology II (3 cr)
      • CHEM 160 Chemical Structure and Properties (3 cr)
      • CHEM 180 Chemical Reactivity (3 cr)
      • PHYS 121 College Physics I (3 cr)
      • PHYS 122 College Physics II (3 cr)
      • ANTH 101 Human Origins (3 cr)
      • ENVS 101 The Scientific Basis of Environmental Issues (3 cr)

Note: 48 total credit hours

Students must also satisfy all requirements of ÎçÒ¹AV university and the college of arts and sciences. Students pursuing this major are exempt from the "Quantitative Knowledge and Inquiry" and "" core requirements. 


Curriculum (Prior to Fall 2023)

AP Credit Policies


  • One year of Single Variable Calculus: Math 161 & Math 162
  • Multivariable Calculus: Math 263
  • Linear Algebra: Math 212
  • Statistics: Stat 203 or Biostatistics: Stat 335
  • SAS Programming & Applied Statistics: Stat 303
  • One year of Probability & Statistics: Stat 304 & Stat 305
  • Applied Regression Analysis: Stat 308
  • Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments: Stat 307 - capstone
  • Three electives: any 3-credit class at the 300 level

Recent elective courses have included:

  • Categorical Data Analysis: Stat 310
  • Applied Survival Analysis: Stat 311
  • Computer Principles of Modeling and Simulation: Stat 321
  • Advanced Biostatistics: Stat 336
  • Quantitative Methods in Bioinformatics: Stat 337
  • Predictive Analytics: Stat 338
  • Nonparametric Statistical Methods: Stat 351

Note: 42 total credit hours

Students earning a B.S. in Statistics will acquire knowledge of a broad range of statistical techniques and methods, an understanding of the mathematical underpinnings of these methods and techniques, and the computational skills, such as R and SAS, to apply and implement these methods using real data. Statistics majors are in high demand in industry in a wide array of fields such as medical research, technology companies, pharmaceuticals, insurance, finance, government, genetics, public health, sports, and epidemiology to name a few.

Curriculum (Effective Fall 2023)

AP Credit Policies


  • One year of Single Variable Calculus: &
  • Multivariable Calculus: Math 263
  • Linear Algebra: Math 212
  • Statistics: Stat 203 or Biostatistics: Stat 335
  • SAS Programming & Applied Statistics: Stat 303
  • One year of Probability & Statistics: Stat 304 & Stat 305
  • Applied Regression Analysis: Stat 308
  • Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments: Stat 307 - capstone
  • Select three of the following:      
    STAT 306 Intro to Stochastic Processes 
    STAT 310 Categorical Data Analysis     
    STAT 311 Applied Survival Analysis     
    STAT 321 Computational Aspects of Modeling and Simulation      
    STAT 336 Advanced Biostatistics  
    STAT 337 Quantitative Methods in Bioinformatics    
    STAT 338 Predictive Analytics  
    STAT 344 Longitudinal Data Analysis and Mixed Modelling    
    STAT 351 Nonparametric Statistical Methods   
    STAT 370 Data Science Consulting 
    STAT 388 Topics (must be approved)
  • Science requirement:
    • Choose 2 from the following list (6 credits):
      • BIOL 101 General Biology I (3 cr)
      • BIOL 102 General Biology II (3 cr)
      • CHEM 160 Chemical Structure and Properties (3 cr)
      • CHEM 180 Chemical Reactivity (3 cr)
      • PHYS 121 College Physics I (3 cr)
      • PHYS 122 College Physics II (3 cr)
      • ANTH 101 Human Origins (3 cr)
      • ENVS 101 The Scientific Basis of Environmental Issues (3 cr)

Note: 48 total credit hours

Students must also satisfy all requirements of ÎçÒ¹AV university and the college of arts and sciences. Students pursuing this major are exempt from the "Quantitative Knowledge and Inquiry" and "" core requirements. 


Curriculum (Prior to Fall 2023)

AP Credit Policies


  • One year of Single Variable Calculus: Math 161 & Math 162
  • Multivariable Calculus: Math 263
  • Linear Algebra: Math 212
  • Statistics: Stat 203 or Biostatistics: Stat 335
  • SAS Programming & Applied Statistics: Stat 303
  • One year of Probability & Statistics: Stat 304 & Stat 305
  • Applied Regression Analysis: Stat 308
  • Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments: Stat 307 - capstone
  • Three electives: any 3-credit class at the 300 level

Recent elective courses have included:

  • Categorical Data Analysis: Stat 310
  • Applied Survival Analysis: Stat 311
  • Computer Principles of Modeling and Simulation: Stat 321
  • Advanced Biostatistics: Stat 336
  • Quantitative Methods in Bioinformatics: Stat 337
  • Predictive Analytics: Stat 338
  • Nonparametric Statistical Methods: Stat 351

Note: 42 total credit hours