
The Ethics and Social Philosophy Graduate Faculty

Thomas L. Carson (Metaethics, Theories of Value, Ethics, Utilitarianism)

Harry J. Gensler (Ethical Theory, Racism, Religious Ethics, Global Ethics, the Golden Rule)

Joy Gordon.  Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. Professor of Social Ethics (Social and Political Philosophy, Human Rights, International Law, Ethical Issues in International Relations)

David B. Ingram (Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Social Science, Critical Race Theory; also contemporary German and French Philosophy)

Richard Kim (Ethics, Moral Psychology, East Asian Philosophy, and Comparative Philosophy)

Pamela Lomelino (Bioethics, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethical theory, Applied ethics;)

Heidi Malm (Ethical Theory, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Law)

Jennifer Parks (Bioethics, Ethical Theory, Feminism, Social Philosophy)

Thomas Regan (Contemporary Political Theory, Philosophy of Law, and Whitehead)

Jacqueline Scott (Nietzsche, Ethics, Race Theory)

Mark H. Waymack (Bioethics, Ancient Greek Ethics, Early Modern British Moral Philosophy, narrative ethics)

Thomas L. Carson (Metaethics, Theories of Value, Ethics, Utilitarianism)

Harry J. Gensler (Ethical Theory, Racism, Religious Ethics, Global Ethics, the Golden Rule)

Joy Gordon.  Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. Professor of Social Ethics (Social and Political Philosophy, Human Rights, International Law, Ethical Issues in International Relations)

David B. Ingram (Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Social Science, Critical Race Theory; also contemporary German and French Philosophy)

Richard Kim (Ethics, Moral Psychology, East Asian Philosophy, and Comparative Philosophy)

Pamela Lomelino (Bioethics, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethical theory, Applied ethics;)

Heidi Malm (Ethical Theory, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Law)

Jennifer Parks (Bioethics, Ethical Theory, Feminism, Social Philosophy)

Thomas Regan (Contemporary Political Theory, Philosophy of Law, and Whitehead)

Jacqueline Scott (Nietzsche, Ethics, Race Theory)

Mark H. Waymack (Bioethics, Ancient Greek Ethics, Early Modern British Moral Philosophy, narrative ethics)