Minor in Ethics and Moral Philosophy
Ethics is a central area of human concern and human inquiry. A special concern with ethics and human values is one of things that defines ÎçÒ¹AV and the Jesuit Tradition. Philosophy and philosophical treatments of ethics and ethical theory are foundational for the critical discussion of ethical issues in other fields. The Minor in Ethics and Moral Philosophy can prove to be a significant credential for some students, both for finding employment and for admission to graduate or professional school, as there is increasing attention to the study of ethics in professional schools.
Academic Advising
Students pursuing a Minor in Ethics and Moral Philosophy are encouraged to plan their selection of courses with the Philosophy Undergraduate Director, or with their designated advisor, each semester prior to registration.
Double-Dipping Policy
- Students may not major and minor in the same discipline.
- Majors: no fewer than 21 credit hours in the individual student’s transcript must be unique to each major; that is, the courses in question are considered as actually fulfilling requirements of one major, not of more than one major.
- Minors and interdisciplinary minors: no fewer than 6 credit hours in the individual student’s transcript must be unique to each minor; that is, the courses in question are considered as actually fulfilling requirements of one minor, not of more than one minor or major.
For further information about the Minor in Ethics and Moral Philosophy, please contact the Philosophy Undergraduate Program Director.
Ethics is a central area of human concern and human inquiry. A special concern with ethics and human values is one of things that defines ÎçÒ¹AV and the Jesuit Tradition. Philosophy and philosophical treatments of ethics and ethical theory are foundational for the critical discussion of ethical issues in other fields. The Minor in Ethics and Moral Philosophy can prove to be a significant credential for some students, both for finding employment and for admission to graduate or professional school, as there is increasing attention to the study of ethics in professional schools.
Academic Advising
Students pursuing a Minor in Ethics and Moral Philosophy are encouraged to plan their selection of courses with the Philosophy Undergraduate Director, or with their designated advisor, each semester prior to registration.
Double-Dipping Policy
- Students may not major and minor in the same discipline.
- Majors: no fewer than 21 credit hours in the individual student’s transcript must be unique to each major; that is, the courses in question are considered as actually fulfilling requirements of one major, not of more than one major.
- Minors and interdisciplinary minors: no fewer than 6 credit hours in the individual student’s transcript must be unique to each minor; that is, the courses in question are considered as actually fulfilling requirements of one minor, not of more than one minor or major.
For further information about the Minor in Ethics and Moral Philosophy, please contact the Philosophy Undergraduate Program Director.