ҹAV The Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage
The Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage exists to help faculty and students: Recognize and research Roman Catholic thought and its link to all academic disciplines in the university Convey that thought to audiences inside and outside ҹAV Watch VideoAgainst Free Market Economics: Lecture and Luncheon with Dr. Tony Annett
Free markets are good at producing wealth but fall quite short in engendering justice or well-being. On the other hand, Catholic social teaching– and the economic theories attached to the Catholic intellectual tradition–offer a more balanced view of market economies and who markets are meant to serve. Resisting free market ideology, Catholic social teaching emphasizes how the common good must take precedence in economic life. Anthony Annett, author of “Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy” explores the insights of this tradition in light of current debates. Response by Dayle M. Smith, Ph.D., Dean of the LMU College of Business Administration. Watch Video2023 Annual Cardinal Bernardin Common Cause Lecture - Bishop John Stowe, O.F.M.
The Cardinal Bernardin Common Cause lecture series provides Catholic prelates a platform to engage people of good will in common cause with the Church on important issues facing us today. The Hank Center welcomed our 2023 Bernardin Lecturer - the Most Rev. John Stowe, O.F.M. Conv., Bishop of Lexington, Kentucky. Watch VideoInaugural Jesuit Lecture: Bill McCormick, SJ
In an age dominated by guilt for historical complicity in violence and injustice, how are Christians to engage in public life? Through a reading of Aquinas’ De regno, McCormick argues for a political theology that is both public in its commitment to justice and humble in its awareness of the injustices in which it has been complicit. Watch Video2023 Annual Newman Lecture: Dawn Eden Goldstein
In the conversionary spirit and legacy of St. John Henry Newman, the Hank Center invites scholars each spring to recount their own discovery (or rediscovery) of the Catholic intellectual heritage. This year featured Dr. Dawn Eden Goldstein who integrated aspects of her own experience with her research for Fr. Ed: The Story of Bill W.'s Spiritual Sponsor--recently released biography of Fr. Ed Dowling, S.J. Watch VideoWelcome and Protect: Jesuit Refugee Service's Response to the Ukraine Crisis
We were pleased to welcome Jesuit Refugee Services staff members, Diana Haidemak, a legal counselor for JRS Romania, and Oleana Zinkevych, Ukrainian Team Coordinator. Diana and Oleana shared stories from their work providing support to refugees from Ukraine, as well as refugees from across other parts of the world. Watch Video-
2022 Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. Lecture
The Hank Center is honored to welcome the Fall 2022 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. Fellow in Catholic Studies, Kathleen Sprows Cummings to offer this year’s lecture. This year's lecture is titled "A New Kind of Saint: Catholics and Canonization in the 21st Century," and will also include a live discussion and Q&A following the lecture. Watch Video Hank at 15 Gala
We recently celebrated 15 wonderful years at the Hank Center with a Gala commemorating everyone who has contributed to this amazing milestone. You can watch a video of some remarks from the Gala here. Watch VideoPreventing Unjust War: A Catholic Argument for Selective Conscientious Objection
Why does humankind continue to be plagued by war? Catholic pacifists blame the just war tradition, which can be invoked to justify any war, and so must be jettisoned. In his book, Preventing Unjust War: A Catholic Argument for Selective Conscientious Objection, Roger Bergman argues that the problem is not the just war tradition but the unjust war tradition. Ambitious rulers start wars that cannot be justified, and yet warriors continue to fight them. The problem is that warriors are believed not to hold any responsibility for judging the justice of the wars they are ordered to fight. Selective conscientious objection, the right and duty to refuse to fight unjust wars, is the solution. With the example of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at hand, ҹAV sociologist of religion Fr. Paddy Gilger, SJ, will engage author Roger Bergman in a lively discussion of what the Catholic intellectual heritage can contribute to this perennial problem. Watch Video2022 Cardinal Bernardin Common Cause Lecture
The Cardinal Bernardin Common Cause lecture series offers Catholic prelates a platform to engage people of good will in common cause with the Church on important issues facing us today. The Hank Center welcomes our 2022 Bernardin Lecturer - the Most Rev. Daniel E. Flores, Bishop of Brownsville, Texas. Watch VideoUnequal Impact: Environmental Racism and Faith Based Resources
Climate change and Restorative Justice are deeply connected. From workers’ rights, to land use, to pollutant loads in neighborhoods, people of color are exposed to far greater environmental health hazards than others. Join the Hank Center and special guests for a conversation on these vital topics. Part of SES’s Sixth Annual Climate Change Conference. Watch VideoThe 2022 Saint John Henry Newman Lecture: Dr. Jennifer Newsome Martin
Jennifer Newsome Martin, Associate Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame, offers this year's Newman Lecture: The Sacrament of the Possible, or, Why I Became a Catholic. The Newman Lecture series invites scholars to recount their own discovery of the Catholic intellectual tradition in light of their ongoing research and thought. Watch VideoConversations on the Catholic Imagination: The Relevance of the Stars
Cardinal Seán O’Malley and Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete were friends for decades, starting before the latter entered the seminary. Though their particular paths in the Church diverged – O’Malley became the Archbishop of Boston and Albacete went on to lead the Communion and Liberation movement in the U.S. -- they shared a passion not only for the rich tradition of Catholic culture and thought but also for addressing the urgent question of how to live a Christian life in a postmodern era. The publication of a posthumous collection of some of Albacete’s most brilliant talks and essays -- “The Relevance of the Stars: Christ, Culture, Destiny” -- provides a perfect opportunity to reflect on the Mystical Monsignor’s legacy as a theologian, pastor, and public intellectual. The editors of “The Relevance of the Stars” – Lisa Lickona and Gregory Wolfe – engage in a lively conversation with Cardinal O’Malley about the life and legacy of Monsignor Albacete. Watch VideoThe Unbearable Lightness of Being
In 2015, Pope Francis remarked that “today we are not living an epoch of change so much as an epochal change”—or put another way, “We are not living an era of change but a change of era.” Five years later, in the midst of the global pandemic, Francis concluded an interview by recalling the ancient poet Virgil’s figure Aeneas. Having lost everything in the defeat of Troy, Aeneas faces a decision whether to remain in despair or move into the future. He picks up his father and heads for the mountain. Francis concluded: “This is what we all have to do now, today: to take with us the roots of our traditions, and make for the mountain.” We live in a period of fleeting change whose lightness is nearly unbearable. In his lecture, the Hank Center’s 2021 Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. Fellow, Stephen Schloesser, S.J., will explore the ways that we can re-source the Catholic intellectual heritage so that we might creatively engender its innovative radiance. What elements of our traditions might we draw from as we as we make for the mountain? What materials, attitudes, and dispositions will we need? Schloesser will integrate a sacramental approach and draw on the insights of figures including Paul Claudel, Annie Dillard, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Milan Kundera, and Denise Levertov, as well as Caroline Walker Bynum and Alfred North Whitehead. The cultivation of awe and wonder —which admittedly also entail some fear—will be encouraged as a response to the surprising, puzzling, bewildering, astonishing, and mysterious. Watch VideoCatholicism in Dialogue: Conversations on Racial Justice
An ecumenical and interfaith conversation exploring racial justice in Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, and Baha’i. Featuring Pastor Chris Harris (Bright Star Church Chicago), Omer M. Mozaffar (LUC), Steve Sarowitz (Baha'i Faith), and Rabbi Michal Woll (Congregation Shir Hadash). Watch VideoConversations on the Catholic Imagination: Why Dante Matters Today
Make sure to never miss a Hank Center event! Join our email list to information about upcoming events, new insights into the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, and more. /ccih/ Marking the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death—and his enduring influence on the Catholic imagination in theology, art, politics, and culture. Part of our series of Conversations on the Catholic Imagination. Featuring Fr. Stephen Gregg (Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey), Angela Alaimo O’Donnell (Fordham University), Randy Boyagoda (University of Toronto), and Paul Mariani (Boston College, retired). Watch VideoCatholic Higher Education in the 21st Century
St. John Paul II proposed in in the landmark Ex Corde Ecclesiae “that a Catholic university unites “the search for the truth with the certainty of already knowing the fount of truth.” Thirty years later, what are the implications and challenges of this “constitution for Catholic higher education” for teachers, researchers, thinkers, and students in Catholic universities? Four ҹAV professors and a doctoral student discuss education as the pursuit of truth, the philosophical and pedagogical balance between reason and faith, and challenges encountered in the multicultural landscape of the 21st Century. This event marks the launch of the Hank Center's journal, Nexus: Conversations on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Watch VideoSpirit and the Machine: Catholic Responses to an Increasingly Artificial World
“Now more than ever, we must guarantee an outlook in which AI is developed with a focus not on technology, but rather for the good of humanity and of the environment, of our common and shared home and of its human inhabitants, who are inextricably connected.” -Pope Francis Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most important technologies in the world today-- but it is also one rife with serious spiritual, social and ethical questions. Join us for a robust interdisciplinary discussion that aims to promote responsibility among organizations, governments, institutions of higher education, and the private sector and explore resources that the Catholic intellectual and social teaching tradition might offer to the conversation. Panelists: Ann Skeet, John Farrell, Fr. Philip Larrey, Ph.D. Co-sponsored by America Media, the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, and the Fordham Center on Religion and Culture. Watch Video2021 Cardinal Bernardin Common Cause Lecture with Cardinal Joseph Tobin
Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, offers this year’s Bernardin Lecture, which seeks to engage LUC’s community in dialogue about issues facing the Church today. Co-sponsored by ҹAV’s Jesuit Community. Watch VideoSigns of the Times: Context, Contingency, Crisis | Part 1
Meeting the Moment: Challenges and Models for Hope in the U.S. Church Many challenges have faced the church in the United States in the last century. This panel will discuss a few of the most salient of these: racism, sexual violence, gender discrimination within Catholic education, the integration of liberationist movements, and war. The panelists will discuss key figures in the tradition and in literature, as well as draw from ethnographic studies in seeking to offer potential responses to the context in which the US Church finds itself in 2021. Panelists: Dan Cosacchi, Karen Ross, Brent Little Moderator: Marty Tomszak Signs of the Times: Context, Contingency, Crisis This day-long symposium offers reflections on major events and current affairs impacting Catholics, the Church, and the study of theology and ethics today. Featuring current LUC doctoral students and recent graduates. Co-sponsored by the ҹAV Department of Theology. Watch VideoSigns of the Times: Context, Contingency, Crisis | Part 2
Context: Putting the Status Quo into Question Panelists: Molly Greening, Evan Marsolek, Nathan Pederson Moderator: Sara Wilhelm Garbers Signs of the Times: Context, Contingency, Crisis This day-long symposium offers reflections on major events and current affairs impacting Catholics, the Church, and the study of theology and ethics today. Featuring current LUC doctoral students and recent graduates. Co-sponsored by the ҹAV Department of Theology. Watch VideoSigns of the Times: Context, Contingency, Crisis | Part 3
Publicly Religious and Theologically Political: Theology and Ethics in the 21st Century Panelists: Andy Blosser, Dannis Matteson, Meghan Toomey, Dominic Tomuseni Moderator: Cathy Buescher Signs of the Times: Context, Contingency, Crisis This day-long symposium offers reflections on major events and current affairs impacting Catholics, the Church, and the study of theology and ethics today. Featuring current LUC doctoral students and recent graduates. Co-sponsored by the ҹAV Department of Theology. Watch VideoSigns of the Times: Context, Contingency, Crisis | Part 4
Surviving Contingency and Crisis: Theological and Ethical Reflections Panelists: Kathleen McNutt, LaShaunda Reese, John Crowley-Buck, Wendy Crosby Moderator: Keunwoo Kwon Signs of the Times: Context, Contingency, Crisis This day-long symposium offers reflections on major events and current affairs impacting Catholics, the Church, and the study of theology and ethics today. Featuring current LUC doctoral students and recent graduates. Co-sponsored by the ҹAV Department of Theology. Watch VideoEyes on RISE: A Virtual Gala
ҹAV's CATH 296 students sponsored this virtual gala for RISE: Refugees in Schools Everywhere ( The event featured: Remarks by Ann Strandoo of RISE Interviews with student refugees, both here and abroad Remarks from Fr. James Martin, SJ A performance by the International Orchestra of Refugees (founded and directed by ҹAV graduate Sebastian Agignoae) An Examen prayer led by Jesuit Scholastics Watch VideoThe 2021 Saint John Henry Newman Lecture: Dr. Jennifer Frey
From the Rust Belt to Rome: The Conversion of a Working-Class Atheist Jennifer Frey, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Carolina, offers this year’s Newman Lecture, which invites scholars to recount their own discovery of the Catholic intellectual tradition in light of their ongoing research and thought. Professor Frey, a convert to Catholicism, will share part of her spiritual autobiography-- with special attention to Augustine, Aquinas, and John Paul II-- and provide observations on dynamic relationship between faith and culture. Watch VideoBeyond Patriarchy: Women and Lay Leadership
This final session in a series based on the forthcoming publication Catholic Higher Education in Light of Catholic Social Thought engages the origins of Catholic colleges and universities, founded by religious congregations and dioceses; with the social structures and leadership styles established by those origins and persisting to varying degrees today; with the great changes in Catholic higher education since the 1960s, not least the increasing roles and responsibilities of lay men and women; with remaining obstacles to the full participation of lay people, especially women; and with the responsibilities of Catholic colleges and universities, in light of CST, to identify and overcome those obstacles. Featuring Catherine Punsalan-Manlimos with a response from Kathleen Maas Weigert. Watch VideoWar, Peace, and the Catholic Imagination
Featuring National Book Award winning novelist Phil Klay and multiple award winning poet Philip Metres discussing how violence, warfare, and oppression are mediated through an imagination that knows the profound failure of such human endeavors. Part of our series of Conversations on the Catholic Imagination. Watch VideoHelp Wanted: Labor Policies, Problems, and Opportunities
Series on Catholic Higher Education in Light of Catholic Social Thought March 2, 2021 This presentation identifies the forces that have reshaped the U.S. economy and higher education over the past half century; examines how those forces have affected not only the environment in which Catholic colleges and universities operate, but the internal dynamics of those institutions (e.g., outsourcing of services, use of adjunct faculty, erosion of tenure, opposition to unions); and frame more just and sustainable alternatives in light of CST. Featuring Joseph A. McCartin (Georgetown Univeristy) with a response from Dan Rhodes (ҹAV). Watch VideoChicago Católico: Making Catholic Parishes Mexican
Featuring Deborah Kanter discussing her new book, Chicago Católico: Making Catholic Parishes Mexican. In conversation with Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz. Co-sponsored by the ҹAV Department of History. Watch VideoWhat Students? Which Mission?
Colleges closing. Tuitions rising. Graduation rates lagging. This talk presents institutional data on Catholic colleges and universities in the U.S. to examine student demographics, institutional practices, and how larger structural factors influence how Catholic colleges and universities operate in the U.S. today, often in direct opposition to the tenets of Catholic Social Thought. The role of Catholic K-12 education is also discussed. The presentation ends with questions that individual colleges can explore and encourages Catholic college networks to consider how to come together to work towards a better embodiment of mission through the students that we enroll and educate. Featuring Laura Nichols (Santa Clara University) with a response from Jennifer Boyle (Arrupe College, ҹAV). Watch VideoA System Adrift? Catholic Social Thought as an Anchor for Catholic Higher Ed
This session of our series is concerned with elaborating the current challenges to Catholic colleges and universities in the context of the U.S. system of higher education, clarifying what CST is, and explaining its relevance for Catholic higher education. Featuring Jennifer Reed-Bouley and Bernard Prusak, editors of the book Catholic Higher Education in Light of Catholic Social Thought: Critical-Constructive Essays (forthcoming in 2021 from Paulist Press), with a response from Michael Schuck. Watch VideoA Canticle for Leibowitz and the Monastic Figure in a Dystopian World
Keynote Address: Fr. Stephen Gregg, O. Cist. Respondent: Katy Carl, Editor in Chief of Dappled Things Avoiding excesses of both pietism and pessimism, Walter M. Miller’s A Canticle for Leibowitz has an enduring relevance. Join us in conversation about this classic of speculative fiction -- a novel that rhymes with many realities of 21st Century life. Watch VideoCatholic Q&A: Are God's Providence and My White Privilege the Same Thing?
This program offers students an opportunity to learn more about the Catholic faith in discussion with LUC scholars and community leaders. Join us for a discussion about the challenging question of what role God's providence plays in Christian self-reflection in a racialized society. The environment for Catholic Q&A is warm, welcoming, and genial so that dialogue and good will might flourish, even if there is disagreement. It is one of our most popular programs. Watch VideoThe Gift of Our People: A Fresh Look at Our Faithful Citizenship
Steven P. Millies The 2020 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. Lecture October 29, 2020 The Hank Center welcomes the Fall 2020 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. Fellow in Catholic Studies, Steven P. Millies, to offer this year's Teilhard lecture. Dr. Millies is associate professor of public theology and directs the Bernardin Center at Catholic Theological Union. Following the insight of Pope Francis that “that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for each other and the world,” this lecture promises to inspire a more evolved engagement with faith, conscience, politics, and civic life. Watch VideoCatholic Vote 2020: Results, Reflection, Renewal
While it is not certain that we will know the results of the election on 11/5, we do know how important Catholic thought is to citizenship and the common good-- especially during times of intense disagreement and polarization. Please join this excellent, interdisciplinary panel as we assess our current political context, reflect on the moral dynamics of leadership, and explore the possibilities for renewal and community in the wake of "the most important election of our lifetimes." Panelists: Molly Andolina, Amanda Bryan, Miguel Diaz, Steven P. Millies, and Bernard Prusak Moderator: Michael P. Murphy Watch VideoCatholic Vote 2020: How will Faith be a Factor?
At roughly 23% of the population, Catholics are the second largest religious voting bloc in the U.S. They are particularly relevant this year because of Biden's Catholic faith and the issues in play with the SCOTUS vacancy. Still, Catholics are too large to consider as a monolithic group and are split on the candidates and the issues. Given these realities, what deeper distinctions can we draw about voters, faith, and politics? Watch VideoElection 2020: "There is no Catholic Vote--and, it's Important"
Catholics comprise roughly 23% of the US population and the “Catholic vote” has picked the winner of nine in the last ten presidential elections. Still, since Catholic choices mirror the national results, many question whether there is such a thing as a distinctive Catholic voting bloc. This rousing conversation draws more deeply on distinctions among the many subgroups of Catholic voters, the issues that concern them, and the regions in which they vote. Watch VideoA Prophet is Not Known in Her Town | Keynote Address: Sr. Carol Zinn
How does one live out a life of Gospel commitment in a time when systems and structures are collapsing? How are we called to manifest lives of deep relationship, accompaniment, and love, speaking words of hope in challenging times? How do particular women respond to the challenges of their contexts in a prophetic spirit? Our keynote speaker, Carol Zinn, SSJ, Ed.D., and respondent Mara Brecht, Ph.D., address these questions and more. Watch VideoA Prophet is Not Known in Her Town | Panel Presentation 1
Coming Home to Ourselves: Unmuting Prophetic Voices Panelists: Sr. Anne Arabome timone davis Cecilia Gonzelez-Andrieu Watch VideoA Prophet is Not Known in Her Town | Panel Presentation 2
Women Leading in Media Panelists: Jessica Mesman Heidi Schlumpf Judith Valente Moderator: Michelle Nickerson Watch VideoA Prophet is Not Known in Her Town | Panel Presentation 3
Conversation Among Colleagues: Let's Rethink CST Panelists: Natalia Imperatori-Lee Catherine Punsalan-Manlimos Christiana Zenner Moderator: Kathleen Maas Weigert Watch VideoFaith and Secularization: A Dialogue
Our panelists have engaged issues of faith and secularization in significant ways in their work--from the organization of "free thinkers" in the 18th century, to the decline of religion in some quarters in the 19th and 20th centuries, to the rise of the "Nones" in the early 21st century. Jerome Baggett's recent book The Varieties of Nonreligious Experience: Atheism in American Culture, which focuses on the inner lives and experiences of atheists, will be the jumping off point for our discussion. This work will open up onto larger questions of the relationship between secularism and belief, the religious dimension or instinct in human life, and current practices, particularly in the U.S. Watch VideoTeilhard Lecture - Uwem Akpan "Personal Portraits of Grace"
Award-wining Nigerian author, Uwem Akpan, the 2017 Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., Fellow in Catholic Studies presented his lecture on "Personal Portraits of Grace" in November at ҹAV Chicago. Watch here. Watch VideoRobert Alter: The Challenge of Translating the Bible
44th Annual Edward L. Surtz, S.J. Lecture in the Humanities Professor Alter is author of more than 20 books of criticism, translation, and commentary, most recently The Art of Bible Translation (2019). His complete translation of the Hebrew Bible, a work 24 years in the making, was published by W.W. Norton in 2018 and has been acclaimed as stylistically faithful to the Hebrew while inventively artful in English. Watch VideoLatinx Catholic Identities and the Catholic Experience
Panelists: Kirstin Valdez Quade, Francisco Aragón, and Héctor García With Gina Franco September 21, 2019 Watch VideoSacramental Telepathy: What Goes On in Catholic Writers' Heads?
Panelists: Phil Klay, Kirstin Valdez Quade, Randy Boyagoda With Mark Bosco, S.J. Watch VideoPresence 2019: Poems, Essays, and Translations from the Current Issue
Founding editor Mary Ann B. Miller, assistant editor Marjorie Maddox, and advisory board member Angela Alaimo O’Donnell host contributors to Presence 2019 to showcase the mission of the journal, including new poems, poems in translation, In Memoriam poems and essays on Catholic poets whose work has spanned many decades. Featuring Debra Bruce, Kathleen Marks, Susan L. Miller and Jeannine M. Pitas. Watch VideoPoetry: Featured Readings
Samuel Hazo and Dana Gioia With Mike Aquilina Watch VideoFlannery O'Connor: From A PRAYER JOURNAL to her Letters
Panelists: Christine Flanagan, Angela Alaimo O'Donnell, and Jill Peláez Baumgaertner With Brent Little Watch VideoThe Catholic Imagination in Culture: Journalism, Magazines, and Web Spaces
Panelists: Matt Malone, S.J., Ken Woodward, and Vinson Cunningham With Melinda Henneberger Watch VideoLost in the Cosmos 2.0: Reconsidering Walker Percy in the 21st Century
Panelists: Paul Elie, Farrell O'Gorman, Jessica Hooten Wilson With Mark Bosco, S.J. Watch VideoGraces Seen and Unseen: Catholic Imagination and Contemporary Literary Studies
Panelists: Paul Mariani, Dana Greene, and Kevin Burke, S.J. With Nicole Coonradt Watch VideoPolish Religious Literature after Miłosz
Panelists: Paweł Rojek, Ewa Chrusciel, Krzysztof Koehler, and Artur Grabowski Watch VideoAs Satan Falls: Rene Girard and the Mystery of Paying Attention
Panelists: Cynthia Haven, Andrew McKenna, and Colby Dickinson With Suzanne Ross Watch VideoThe Art and Craft of Spiritual Autobiography and Memoir
Panelists: Ken Garcia, Abigail Favale, and Jessica Mesman With Dominic Preziosi Watch VideoPoetry: Featured Readings
Fanny Howe and Lawrence Joseph With Anthony Domestico Watch VideoThe Aesthetics of Faith and Doubt
Panelists: Jennifer Newsome Martin and John F. Deane With Michael P. Murphy Watch VideoHandmaids, Prophets, and Misfits: Cinematic Moments, Transformative Encounters
Panelists: TJ Berden, Dorothy Fortenberry, William Price, and Jonathan Rosenbaum With Elizabeth Coffman Watch VideoCatholic Artists in Modernist Spaces
Panelists: Anne Carpenter, Anthony Domestico, and Stephen E. Lewis With Stephen Tardif Watch VideoSeeking After the Whole: The Catholic Imagination as Critical Context
Panelists: Jessica Hooten Wilson, Joshua Hren, and Abigail Favale With Michael P. Murphy Watch VideoMidway Upon the Journey of our Life: Dante as Resource for the Present Moment
Panelists: Griffin Oleynick, Catherine Wolff, Paul Contino With Angela Alaimo O'Donnell Watch VideoDreaming the Black Imagination: The Spiritual Foundations of Black Art
Panelists: Carolyn Medine, Joseph Brown, S.J., and timone davis With Kimberly Rae Connor Watch VideoDynamics of Belief and Unbelief in Modern and Contemporary Fiction
Panelists: Bill Gonch, Brent Little, Trevor Williams, and Joseph Simmons, S.J. Chair: Cathy Buescher Watch VideoSearching for God in the Postmodern World: Fiction, Poetry, and Television
Panelists: Julianne Dolan Mitchell, Emma McDonald, and Stephen Tardif Chair: Philip Metres Watch VideoPre-Conference | The Catholic Imagination in Dystopian and Science Fiction
Panelists: Kimberly Dennis, Fr. Stephen Gregg, Phillip Henderson Chair: John Hawkins Watch VideoPre-Conference | CUA Contemporary Catholic Writers
CUA Contemporary Catholic Writers: One Reading Group's Search for the "Radical Center" in the Catholic Literary Landscape Panelists: Bethany Besteman, Robert Sherron, and Jonathan Wanner Chair: Jessica Schnepp Watch VideoPre-Conference | Women's Voices in Catholic Literary and Artistic Traditions
Panelists: Lauren Barbato and Timothy Dulle Chair: Colby Dickinson Watch VideoPre-Conference | Commonweal Lunch Event
Commonweal Editor Dominic Preziosi in Conversation with Dana Gioia, Jessica Hooten Wilson, Philip Metres, and the Assembled Crowd. Watch VideoPre-Conference | From "Parker's Back" to Fleabag
From "Parker's Back" to Fleabag: Modes of Self-Disclosure and Divine Encounter in Contemporary Narrative Art Panelists: Michael O'Connell, Jane Wageman, and Fr. Andrew Summerson Chair: Kathleen McNutt Watch VideoPre-Conference | Art and Act: Performing the Catholic Imagination
Panelists: Colin Cutler, Renee Roden, and Eve Tushnet With Michael P. Murphy Thursday, September 19, 2019 ҹAV Watch VideoDynamics of Belief and Unbelief in Modern and Contemporary Fiction
Panelists: Bill Gonch, Brent Little, Trevor Williams, and Joseph Simmons, S.J. Chair: Cathy Buescher Watch VideoPlenary | Paul Schrader
Paul Schrader gives a plenary address at the Third Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference. With Michael P. Murphy Watch VideoPlenary | Alice McDermott
Alice McDermott gives a plenary address at the Third Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference With Rachel Hart Winter Watch VideoPlenary | Richard Rodriguez
Richard Rodriguez gives a plenary address at the Third Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference With Catherine Wolff Watch VideoPlenary | Dana Gioia and Angela Alaimo O'Donnell: On the Catholic Imagination
Dana Gioia and Angela Alaimo O'Donnell give the plenary address, "On the Catholic Imagination," at the Third Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference. With Michael P. Murphy Watch VideoThe 2019 George W. Hunt, S.J. Prize Honoring Mary Szybist
Awarded by the Trustees of America Magazine and the Saint Thomas More Chapel and Center at Yale University at the Third Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference. Watch VideoKeynote | Paul Mariani
Inaugural Flannery O'Connor Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Paul Mariani gives the keynote address for the Third Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference Watch VideoFlannery O'Connor Lifetime Achievement Award: Paul Mariani
Paul Mariani receives the inaugural Flannery O'Connor Lifetime Achievement Award Watch VideoPlenary | Tobias Wolff
Tobias Wolff gives a plenary address at the Third Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference. With Paul Contino Watch VideoStudent Perspectives on the Future of Catholicism
Today’s dialogues are focused on the key question: What is the future of Catholicism in America? The editors and authors of The Future of Catholicism in America, (Columbia University Press, 2019), along with notable members of the press, lead us in discussions to address this question from several perspectives. Watch VideoPeople and Practice | The Future of Catholicism in America
Today’s dialogues are focused on the key question: What is the future of Catholicism in America? The editors and authors of The Future of Catholicism in America, (Columbia University Press, 2019), along with notable members of the press, lead us in discussions to address this question from several perspectives. Watch VideoChurch In the Public Square | The Future of Catholicism in America
Today’s dialogues are focused on the key question: What is the future of Catholicism in America? The editors and authors of The Future of Catholicism in America, (Columbia University Press, 2019), along with notable members of the press, lead us in discussions to address this question from several perspectives. Watch VideoLeadership and Public Influence Panel | The Future of Catholicism in America
Today’s dialogues are focused on the key question: What is the future of Catholicism in America? The editors and authors of The Future of Catholicism in America, (Columbia University Press, 2019), along with notable members of the press, lead us in discussions to address this question from several perspectives. Watch VideoCatholic Minds, Catholic Matters: Austen Ivereigh
Pope Francis, the Synod, and the Call to Change The Hank Center and ҹAV’s Jesuit Community welcomed British Catholic writer, journalist and commentator, Austen Ivereigh. Watch VideoCatholic Minds, Catholic Matters: Fr. James Heft
Fr. James Heft (University of Southern California) gives a talk on popular appraisals of Pope Francis. Watch VideoAn Evening With Micheal O'Siadhail: The Five Quintets Poetry Reading
A poetry reading with Michael O'Saidhail. Watch VideoHank Center Presents | A Public Voices Series: Micheal O'Siadhail
A Public Voices Series conversation with Michael O'Saidhail. Watch VideoGlobal 1968 Symposium Day 1 Part 1
A discussion on public citizenship, violence, and the psychological tension of power and peacemaking that marked the era. Watch VideoGlobal 1968 Symposium Day 1 Part 2
A panel exploring developments and tensions in the changing church of 1968--from questions of doctrine and style to the lived theologies of peace, justice, and inclusion--questions that remain central. Watch VideoGlobal 1968 Symposium Day 2 Part 1
A close look at the many events and movements taking place in the city of Chicago--ground zero for so many of the political, cultural, and social convulsions of 1968. Watch VideoGlobal 1968 Symposium Day 2 Part 2
A discussion on issues of justice that are as relevant now as they were in 1968. Watch VideoGlobal 1968 Symposium Day 2 Part 3
Fifty years ago in 1968, the world was on fire. Youth protests and civil unrest spread throughout the entire world. Boston College historian Julian Bourg discussed the many times and spaces of 1968, and how the legacies of the Sixties continue to shape our politics and culture today. Watch VideoGlobal 1968 Symposium Day 3 Part 1
A discussion of the events and protests in Mexico leading up to, during, and after the '68 Olympics. Watch VideoGlobal 1968 Symposium Day 3 Part 2
A concluding conversation among students from two very similar years, 1968 and 2018. ҹAV students past and present reflected on the power of young people to effect transformational political, social, and spiritual change. Watch VideoConversation on The Berrigan Letters
ҹAV graduate Dan Cosacchi, co-author of The Berrigan Letters: Personal Correspondence Between Daniel and Philip Berrigan, in conversation with Dr. Michelle Nickerson of the ҹAV History Department. Watch VideoBill Wylie-Kellerman: Berrigan and Stringfellow
Bill Wylie-Kellerman, author and personal friend of Daniel Berrigan, S.J., speaks on the legacy of Father Berrigan and his friendship with William Stringfellow, activist and theologian of Block Island, R.I. Watch VideoQ&A with Bill Wylie-Kellerman
Audience Q&A following the lecture. Watch VideoPanel on the New Catholic Left
Fred Marchant, Kathleen "Cookie" Ridolfi, and Shawn Francis Peters speak on the experience of Daniel Berrigan and friends as they followed conscience to action. Journalist Heidi Schlumpf (National Catholic Reporter) moderates. Watch VideoThe New Catholic Left Q&A
Fred Marchant, Kathleen "Cookie" Ridolfi, and Shawn Francis Peters answer questions following their panel on the New Catholic Left. Journalist Heidi Schlumpf (National Catholic Reporter) moderates. Watch VideoHank Center Presents | A Public Voices Series: Bishop Robert McElroy
Director of the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, Michael Murphy, Ph.D. sits down with Bishop Robert McElroy. Recorded on April 18th, 2018 during Bishop McElroy's visit to ҹAV. Watch Video2018 Cardinal Bernardin Common Cause Lecture
On April 18th, the Hank Center welcomed Bishop McElroy to the ҹAV Lake Shore Campus to deliver the 2018 Cardinal Bernardin Common Cause Lecture entitled "Forming a Catholic Political Imagination." Watch VideoCardinal Bernardin 2018 Common Cause Lecture Q&A
The audience Q&A session following the 2018 lecture. Watch VideoHabemus Papam - Massimo Faggioli
Massimo Faggioli delivers his thoughts at the Habemus Papam event on April 5, 2018. Watch VideoHabemus Papam - Response by Melanie Barrett
Melanie Barrett delivers her response to Massimo Faggioli's address. Watch VideoHabemus Papam - Response by Miguel Diaz
Miguel Diaz delivers his response to Massimo Faggioli's address. Watch VideoDr. Charles Camosy's Lecture during the 1968 Series pt. 1
Dr. Camosy's presentation on Marriage, Contraception and the historical impact of Humanae Vitae 50 years after its promulgation. Watch VideoRebecca Bratten Weiss' Lecture during the 1968 Series pt. 1
Dr. Bratten Weiss' presentation on Marriage, Contraception and the historical impact of Humanae Vitae 50 years after its promulgation. Watch VideoDr Julie Hanlon Rubio's Lecture during the 1968 Series Part 1
Dr. Rubio's presentation on Marriage, Contraception and the historical impact of Humanae Vitae 50 years after its promulgation. Watch VideoFirst Panel Discussion 1968 Series pt. 1
Panelists Camosy, Bratten Weiss, and Hanlon Rubio take questions and respond during the 1968 Series pt. 1 Watch VideoSecond Panel Discussion 1968 Series pt. 1
Panelists Camosy, Bratten Weiss, and Hanlon Rubio take questions and respond during the 1968 Series pt. 1 Watch VideoHank Center Presents | A Public Voices Series: George Saunders
Director of the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, Michael Murphy, Ph.D. sits down with George Saunders for a discussion on Literature, Religion, Spirituality, Culture, Saunders' work and beyond. Recorded on March 1st, 2018 during George Saunders' visit to ҹAV. Watch VideoHank Center Presents | A Public Voices Series: The George Saunders Radio Hour
Full video of the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage's | Public Voices Series: George Saunders Radio Hour featuring Members of the English Department, members of the Department for Performing Arts, Director Michael Murphy, Ph.D., and George Saunders himself. Watch VideoAlex Miller Lecture: George Saunders and the Technologies of Affect
During our first panel: George Saunders in the Humanities: Intimate Pasts, Empathetic Presents, Posthuman Futures, Alex Miller Presents on Post-Posthuman Aesthetics and Neoliberal Prosthetics during The symposium George Saunders and the fiction of radical humanism. Watch VideoGeorge Saunders speaking at CCIH's Symposium: Good God, but Life Can Be Less Tha
Plenary Address featuring George Saunders speaking on his writing process for his novels. Introduction to our Symposium on Radical Humanism within his writings. Watch VideoGeorge Saunders Q & A following his Plenary Address
Q&A featuring George Saunders speaking on his writing process for his novels. Part of the Symposium on Radical Humanism within his writings. Watch VideoShelby Sleevi Lecture: Intimate Narration in George Saunders and Djuna Barnes
During our first panel: George Saunders in the Humanities: Intimate Pasts, Empathetic Presents, Posthuman Futures, Sleevi Presents intimate moments and parallels drawn between Lincoln in the Bardo and Djuna Barnes' novel, during The symposium George Saunders and the fiction of radical humanism. Watch VideoKeynote Address: Faith and Neuroscience Colloquium, Dr. William Jaworski
Dr. William Jaworski's Keynote Address for CCIH's Faith and Neuroscience Colloquium: Perspectives on Personhood. Titled, "Can Science Study the Human Soul?" Watch VideoDr. Susan Ross' Lecture: Personhood and Reductionism
Dr. Susan Ross' Presentation for CCIH's Faith and Neuroscience Colloquium: Perspectives on Personhood. Featured in the Panel "Personhood and Reductionism" Watch VideoDr. Rebecca Silton's Introduction and Lecture: Personhood and Reductionism
Dr. Rebecca Silton's Presentation for CCIH's Faith and Neuroscience Colloquium: Perspectives on Personhood. Featured in the Panel "Personhood and Reductionism" Watch VideoDr. CJ Love Lecture: Personhood and Evolution
Dr. CJ Love's Presentation for CCIH's Faith and Neuroscience Colloquium: Perspectives on Personhood. Featured in the Panel "Personhood and Evolution" Watch VideoDr. James M. Calcagno Introduction and Lecture: Personhood and Evolution
Dr. James Calcagno's Presentation for CCIH's Faith and Neuroscience Colloquium: Perspectives on Personhood. Featured in the Panel "Personhood and Evolution" Watch VideoMartin Marty on "Martin Luther and the Day that Changed the World"
Watch Martin Marty be interviewed at our Luther Symposium by Paraclete Press's editor-in-chief, Jon M. Sweeney. Their discussion focuses on Marty's book, published by Paraclete Press: October 31, 1517: Martin Luther and the Day that Changed the World. Watch VideoDr. Pauline Viviano Introduction and Lecture: Personhood and Evolution
Dr. Pauline Viviano's Presentation for CCIH's Faith and Neuroscience Colloquium: Perspectives on Personhood. Featured in the Panel "Personhood and Evolution" Watch VideoPanel: Personhood and Evolution- Featuring Love, Calcagno, and Vivianno
Panel Discussion for CCIH's Faith and Neuroscience Colloquium: Perspectives on Personhood. Featured in the Panel "Personhood and Evolution" Watch VideoAaron William Perry - Sacred Sustainability Part 1
Aaron William Perry guest speaks at ҹAV on Sacred Sustainability for the Faith, Science, and Ethics Colloquium. (Oct. 4 2017) Watch VideoAaron William Perry - Sacred Sustainability Part 2
Aaron William Perry guest speaks at ҹAV on the connection between faith and sustainability at the Faith, Science, and Ethics Colloquium (Oct. 2017, Chicago). Watch VideoAaron William Perry - Sacred Sustainability Part 3
Aaron William Perry concludes his guest presentation at ҹAV on Sacred Sustainability for the Faith, Science, and Ethics Colloquium (Oct 4., 2017) Watch Video-
Click here to watch "The World Will Be Saved By Beauty: Dorothy Day's Message of Hope" by Kate Hennessey, the granddaughter of Day. This lecture was delivered as a part of The Joan and Bill Hank Center for Catholic Intellectual Heritage's "Revolution of the Heart: A Symposium on Dorothy Day", the granddaughter of Dorothy Day. This lecture was delivered as a part of The Joan and Bill Hank Center for Catholic Intellectual Heritage's "Revolution of the Heart: A Symposium on Dorothy Day"
"Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved By Beauty" with Kate Hennessey
"The World Will Be Saved By Beauty: Dorothy Day's Message of Hope" Kate Hennessey Watch Video“Dorothy Day: A Saint for Today” with Robert Ellsberg
“Dorothy Day: A Saint for Today,” Robert Ellsberg. Ellsberg was a member of the Catholic Worker community in New York from 1975 to 1980, and served as the managing editor of The Catholic Worker newspaper from 1976 to 1978. He is now editor-in-chief of Orbis Books. Ellsberg looks at his good friend Day and the ways her mission should be carried out today. This lecture was delivered as a part of The Joan and Bill Hank Center for Catholic Intellectual Heritage's "Revolution of the Heart: A Symposium on Dorothy Day" Recorded on 17 February 2017. Watch Video"Religious Freedom before Ecumenism and Slave Emancipation" with Thomas Murphy
The Hank Center's Spring 2017 Black History Month Lecture by Dr. Thomas Murphy, S.J., titled "The Jesuit Choice: Religious Freedom before Ecumenism and Slave Emancipation" Watch Video"Astronomy and Faith" with Dr. Jonathan Lunine
Dr. Jonathan Lunine gives a talk on "Astronomy and Faith: From Lemaitre's Big Bang to the Jesuit Fathers of the Vatican Observatory" as part of the Faith and Science Symposium. Watch VideoThe 2016 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ Lecture
Irish poet John F. Deane, the Fall 2016 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ Fellow, speaks on "A Luminous Absence: Poetry and the Need for God's Absence" Watch VideoThe Challenge of God Plenary Address: Robyn Horner
Challenge of God Plenary Address: Robyn Horner, "A Phenomenology of Revelation: Contemporary Encounters with Saint Ignatius of ҹAV" Watch VideoThe Challenge of God Plenary Address: Adriaan Peperzak
Challenge of God Plenary Address: Adriaan Peperzak, "The Challenge of God" Watch VideoThe Challenge of God Plenary Address: Richard Kearney
Challenge of God Plenary Address: Richard Kearney, “What Comes After God? Some Anatheist Reflections” Watch VideoThe Challenge of God Plenary Address: Luc Marion
Challenge of God Plenary Address: Luc Marion, “God and the Ambivalence of Being” Watch VideoThe Challenge of God Plenary Address: Thomas J.J. Altizer
Challenge of God Plenary Address: Thomas J.J. Altizer, "Radical Catholicism and God: A Theological Exploration of Dante and Joyce" Watch VideoThe Challenge of God Plenary Address: John D. Caputo
Challenge of God Plenary Address: John D. Caputo, “Tradition and Event: Radicalizing the Catholic Principle" Watch Video"From Black-Belt Sinner to Sweet Baby Jesus" - The 2016 Cardinal Newman Lecture
The Hank Center's 2016 Cardinal Newman Lecture was delivered by the poet and memoirist Mary Karr. Please enjoy this humorous and deeply thoughtful talk on Karr's experience of finding her Catholic faith. Watch VideoReflections on Democracy, Culture, Catholicism: Voices from Four Continents
Dr. Danute Gailiene (Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania) reflects on her participation in, and contributions to, this publication at the Hank Center's Publication Colloquium in February 2016. Watch VideoReflections on Democracy, Culture, Catholicism: Voices from Four Continents
Dr. Baskara Wardaya, S.J. (Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) reflects on his participation in, and contributions to, this publication at the Hank Center's Publication Colloquium in February 2016. Watch Video2015 Denise Levertov Conference Plenary: Kevin Burke, SJ
Enjoy this recording of the plenary speaker Kevin Burke, SJ, from The Hank Center's 2015 conference "'This need to dance, This need to kneel:' The Poetry and Poetic Life of Denise Levertov." Watch Video2015 Denise Levertov Conference Plenary: Mary Gordon
Enjoy this recording of the plenary speaker Mary Gordon, from The Hank Center's 2015 conference "'This need to dance, This need to kneel:' The Poetry and Poetic Life of Denise Levertov." Watch Video2015 Denise Levertov Conference Plenary: Albert Gelpi
Enjoy this recording of the plenary speaker Albert Gelpi, from The Hank Center's 2015 conference "'This need to dance, This need to kneel:' The Poetry and Poetic Life of Denise Levertov." Watch VideoCaring for Our Common Home: Conversations on Ecology and Justice-Part I
The Laudato Si' Symposium was a day-long series of events responding to, reflecting upon, and enacting the recent encyclical from Pope Francis on the environment - Laudato Si. In this video, we hear a welcome from Mark Bosco, S.J.,PhD, Director of the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, and John Pelissero, PhD, Interim President ҹAV. Watch VideoCaring for Our Common Home: Conversations on Ecology and Justice-Part II
The Laudato Si' Symposium was a day-long series of events responding to, reflecting upon, and enacting the recent encyclical from Pope Francis on the environment - Laudato Si. In this video, we hear academic responses by ҹAV faculty with a welcome from Susan Ross, PhD, Chair and Professor, Department of Theology. Watch VideoCaring for Our Common Home: Conversations on Ecology and Justice-Part III
The Laudato Si' Symposium was a day-long series of events responding to, reflecting upon, and enacting the recent encyclical from Pope Francis on the environment - Laudato Si. In this video, we view an intercampus and interdisciplinary town hall conversation introduced by Michael P. Murphy, Ph.D., Director of Catholic Studies. Watch VideoHonorary Degree Conferral On Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Human Letters honoris causa. Watch VideoThe Preferential Option for Culture in Latino/a Theology - Part I
This colloquium seeks to honor the presence of Cardinal Ravasi in the United States by engaging the rich history and diversity of Latino/a Catholicism, and the origins, development, and future of Latino/a theology. In this video, we hear from Dr. Marian Diaz, Dr. Jean-Pierre Ruiz, and Dr. Orlando Espin. Watch VideoThe Preferential Option for Culture in Latino/a Theology - Part II
This colloquium seeks to honor the presence of Cardinal Ravasi in the United States by engaging the rich history and diversity of Latino/a Catholicism, and the origins, development, and future of Latino/a theology. In this video, we hear from Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernandez, Dr. Maria Teresa Davila, Dr. Nestor Medina, Dr. Roberto Goizueta, Dr. Naomi DeAnda, and Dr. Miguel Diaz. Watch VideoThe 2015 Cardinal Newman Lecture: Dr. Colby Dickinson (LUC)
Dr. Dickinson's 2015 Cardinal Newman Lecture: Life in Dialogue with Faith: The Subtle Complexities of an Ongoing Conversion Watch VideoCrossings and Dwellings Plenary Address: Dr. Carol Coburn
Crossings and Dwellings Plenary Address: Dr. Carol Coburn “Crossing Boundaries and Cultural Encounters: Women Religious as Builders and Shapers of Catholic Culture and American Life” Watch VideoCrossings and Dwellings Plenary Address: Dr. John T. McGreevy
Crossings and Dwellings Plenary Presentation: Dr. John T. McGreevy "Globalization: Rewriting 19th-century American Jesuits" Watch VideoCrossings and Dwellings Plenary Address: Rima Lunin Schultz
Crossings and Dwellings Plenary Presentation: Rima Lunin Schultz "Jane Addams’s Dilemma: American Catholic Education in the Progressive Era, 1890-1925" Watch VideoCrossings and Dwellings Plenary Address: Dr. Kathleen Sprows Cummings
Crossings and Dwellings Plenary Presentation: Dr. Kathleen Sprows Cummings Watch VideoCrossings and Dwellings Student Roundtable
Crossings and Dwellings Student Roundtable Jessica Hagen (ҹAV) Michael Polowski (ҹAV) Hope Shannon (ҹAV) Evan Thompson (ҹAV) Respondent: Dr. Monica Mercado (Bryn Mawr College) Watch Video2014 Ignatian Heritage Month at LUC: A Lecture by Jon Sobrino, S.J.
A Community of Blood: Jesuits, University Professors, and Worker Martyrs Watch Video2014 Ignatian Heritage Month at LUC: A Panel Discussion with Jon Sobrino, S.J.
2014 Ignatian Heritage Month at LUC: A Panel Discussion with Jon Sobrino, S.J. Memory and Hope : The Salvadoran Martyrs, Prophetic Witness, and the Future of Jesuit Higher Education Watch VideoCatholicism in Dialogue: Hinduism and Catholicism: Finding God in All Things
For the 2014 Catholicism in Dialogue lecture, Prof. Francis X. Clooney, S.J. (Harvard Divinity School) spoke about the inter-religious encounter between Catholicism and Hinduism through the lens of 'God in all things.' Prof. Clooney's lecture included two faculty responses and two reflections from ҹAV students. Watch VideoHabemus Papam +1 - Pope Francis the Latin American Jesuit
In this installment of the Hank Center's symposium Habemus Papam +1, Dr. Gustavo Morello, S.J. and Dr. Peter Bernardi, S.J. offer their own reflections on the roots and development of Pope Francis's personality and style from both his Argentinian Catholic background and Jesuit training. Watch VideoHabemus Papam +1 - Francis Among the Theologians and Diplomats
Part 2 of 4 of the Hank Center's Habemus Papam +1 panel discussion. In this part, Fr. Matt Malone, Dr. Susan Ross, and Dr. Miguel Diaz offer their own thoughts and reflections on the first year of the pontificate of Pope Francis, as well as some constructive suggestions for moving forward in the future. Watch VideoHabemus Papam +1 - The Pillars of the Francis Revolution
Part 3 of 4 of the Hank Center's Habemus Papam +1 panel discussion. In this part, John L. Allen Jr. delivers his keynote address on the pillars of the 'Francis Revolution' and engages the audience in a brief Q&A. Watch VideoHabemus Papam +1 - Panel Discussion
Part 4 of 4 of the Hank Center's Habemus Papam +1 panel discussion. In this part, Mr. Kenneth Woodward moderates a discussion among the day's speakers, and between the speakers and the audience, around Pope Francis, the future of his pontificate, and the future of the Catholic Church. Watch VideoShouts or Whispers? A Journey Through Catholic Letters Today
For its second Cardinal Newman Lecture, the Hank Center invited writer, teacher, publisher, and editor Gregory Wolfe to speak about his journey of faith in the Catholic Church. Watch VideoJesuit Global Education and the Plight of Refugees
Prof. David Hollenbach, the University Chair in Human Rights and International Justice at Boston College, offered his reflections on the role Jesuit global education can play in addressing the crises of displacement and refugees. Watch Prof. Hollenbach's lecture and the engaging responses offered by a panel of professors at ҹAV. Watch VideoThe Jesuit Restoration with Rev. John Padberg
Rev. John Padberg continues his conversation here at ҹAV on the restoration of the Jesuits in 1814 in the lead-up to the bicentennial of the restoration in 2014. If you missed the lecture, check it out here! Watch Video'On Pilgrimage' with Fr. Pat Ryan
Enjoy Fr. Pat Ryan's lecture 'On Pilgrimage,' and the insightful and informative commentary on this lecture offered by faculty and students from the three Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Watch VideoRestored Jesuits and the American Experience, 1814-2014
John Padberg, S.J. visited ҹAV on October 18, 2012 and presented a lecture on the Jesuit suppression and consequent restoration in 1814. In his remarks – the first in a series of lectures offered by Fr. Padberg – he reflects on the mentalities shaping 19th-century Jesuit enterprises, both in Europe and America. Watch VideoThe Spirit of Vatican II: Then and Now Part I
A Colloquium Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Opening of the Second Vatican Council Two Witnesses of the Council: the Diaries of Yves Congar and Henri de Lubac Rev. Joseph Komonchak, S.T.L., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America Watch VideoThe Spirit of Vatican II: Then and Now Part II
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage hosted a colloquium that brought together some of the leading scholars of Vatican II – and post-Vatican II – Catholic theology. The event focused on the effects that Vatican has had on the Roman Catholic world, and what we could expect for the future of ‘the spirit of Vatican II.’ Watch VideoThe Spirit of Vatican II: Then and Now Part III
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage hosted a colloquium that brought together some of the leading scholars of Vatican II – and post-Vatican II – Catholic theology. The event focused on the effects that Vatican has had on the Roman Catholic world, and what we could expect for the future of ‘the spirit of Vatican II.’ Watch VideoThe Spirit of Vatican II: Then and Now Part IV
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage hosted a colloquium that brought together some of the leading scholars of Vatican II – and post-Vatican II – Catholic theology. The event focused on the effects that Vatican has had on the Roman Catholic world, and what we could expect for the future of ‘the spirit of Vatican II.’ Watch VideoCatholic Actors in the Third Wave of Democratization
Lecture by Dr. José Casanova, Department of Sociology, Georgetown University“ Catholic Actors in the Third Wave of Democratization: Lessons for the Arab Spring and the Muslim Fourth Wave” April 12, 2012 Watch VideoHoly Fathers, Abusive Fathers and the Missing Father: How Catholic Schools Cure
Holy Fathers, Abusive Fathers and the Missing Father: How Catholic Schools Cure Urban Poverty December 1, 2011 Lecture by Patrick J. McCloskey, MS, School of Education, ҹAV. Klarcheck Informations Commons, 4th Floor, Lake Shore Campus, ҹAV. Watch VideoJesuit Mission of Chiquitos Part 1
Music of the Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos Lecture, Q&A , Panel Discussion Watch VideoJesuit Mission of Chiquitos Part 2
Music from the Jesuit Missions of Chiquitos Documentary Film Musical Performance Watch VideoA Catholic Origin of Human Rights
In his lecture Fr. Araujo discussed what role natural law moral theory played in emerging human rights discourse, placing a particular focus on the work of 16th century Spanish theologian and political theorist Francisco de Vitoria. Fr. Araujo also explored the implications of natural law’s history for contemporary human rights theory. Watch VideoFood for the Body, Food for the Soul: Hunger and Catholic Social Teaching
The Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage CATHOLIC MINDS, CATHOLIC MATTERS LECTURE SERIES Thursday, December 2, 2010 "Food for the Body, Food for the Soul: Hunger and Catholic Social Teaching" Lecture by Kathleen Maas Weigert. University Research Professor. Watch VideoMontaigne, God, and Other
MONTAIGNE, GOD, AND OTHER March 30, 2010 Dr. David Posner, Associate Professor, Department of Modern Languages, ҹAV. Watch VideoWomen of the Word Colloquium Part 1
November 12, 2009 Presented by The Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage with assistance from The Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, Fordham University, The Gannon Center for Women and Leadership, ҹAV. Watch VideoWomen of the Word Colloquium Part 2
November 12, 2009 Presented by The Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage with assistance from The Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, Fordham University, The Gannon Center for Women and Leadership, ҹAV. Watch VideoWomen of the Word Colloquium Part 3
November 12, 2009 Presented by The Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage with assistance from The Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, Fordham University, The Gannon Center for Women and Leadership, ҹAV. Watch VideoWomen of the Word Colloquium Part 4
November 12, 2009 Presented by The Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage with assistance from The Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies, Fordham University, The Gannon Center for Women and Leadership, ҹAV Watch VideoSpring Irish Festival: Celtic Sites and Sounds Part 1
SPRING IRISH FESTIVAL: CELTIC SITES AND SOUNDS March 16, 2010 Celtic Sites: Messages and Missions: Communication Among Celtic Churches Dr. Benjamin Hudson, Professor of History and Medieval Studies, Pennsylvania State University. Respondents: Dr. Jennifer Ash and Dr. Allen Frantzen, Department of English, ҹAV. Watch VideoSpring Irish Festival: Celtic Sites and Sounds Part 2
SPRING IRISH FESTIVAL: CELTIC SITES AND SOUNDS March 16, 2010 Celtic Sounds: The Music of What Happens: The Irish Harp in Myth and Neuroscience Fr. Richard Woods, O.P. Lund-Gill Chair, Professor of Theology, Dominican University. Irish harp performance by Aislinn Gagliardi. Watch VideoSpring Irish Festival: Celtic Sites and Sounds Part 3
SPRING IRISH FESTIVAL: CELTIC SITES AND SOUNDS March 16, 2010 Celtic Sounds: The Music of What Happens: The Irish Harp in Myth and Neuroscience Fr. Richard Woods, O.P. Lund-Gill Chair, Professor of Theology, Dominican University. Irish harp performance by Aislinn Gagliardi. Watch VideoPaths to Muslim-Christian Dialogue
September 17, 2009 Paths to Muslim-Christian Dialogue: The Role of Forgiveness in Islamic Jurisprudence Dr. Russell Powell, Associate Professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law Watch Video"Reawakening to the Relationship Between Study and Worship"
Reawakening to the Relationship Between Study and Worship October 29, 2009 Fr. John C. Haughey, S.J., Senior Fellow, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University Watch Video"'God, if you are up there, prove it': Eugene O’Neill and the Absence of God"
"'God, if you are up there, prove it': Eugene O'Neill and the Absence of God" Dr. Jonathan C. Wilson, Dept. of Fine and Performing Arts February 16, 2009 Watch VideoOf Elves and Angels: J.R.R. Tolkien as a Catholic Thinker
"Of Elves and Angels: J.R.R. Tolkien as a Catholic Thinker" Dr. Mark McIntosh, Dept. of Theology January 29, 2009 Watch VideoAugustine on the Legacy of Plato's Academy
"Augustine on the Legacy of Plato's Academy" Dr. Blake Dutton, Dept. of Philosophy October 23, 2008 Watch VideoSexually Abusive Priests and Church Law: A Study in Institutional Meltdown
Institutional Meltdown Watch VideoJesuits and Science Part 1
"The Kerala School, Jesuits, and Calculus" Dr. George Gheverghese Joseph, University of Manchester Watch VideoJesuits and Science Part 2
"The Jesuit as a Scientist" Dr. Mordechai Feingold, California Institute of Technology Watch VideoJesuits and Science Part 3
Panel Responses Dr. Florence Hsia, University of Wisconsin-Madison Dr. Eli Maor, ҹAV Dr. Paul Mueller, S.J., ҹAV Watch VideoDon Quijote de la Mancha: Conflicted Catholic?
Dr. Carole Holdsworth is Professor of Spanish Literature in the Department of Modern Languages at ҹAV. Her research interests are the contemporary novel, Don Quijote and Modernismo. Watch VideoGifford Lecturers’ Panel: Introduction
Panel Introduction (12:07) October 24, 2007 Introductions by: * Edmondo Lupieri. John Cardinal Cody Endowed Chair * Michael Schuck, Ph. D. Associate Professor; Director of the Joan and Bill Hank Center for Catholic Intellectual Heritage * John McCarthy, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Section Coordinator of Constructive Theology Watch VideoGifford Lecturers’ Panel: Professor J. Wentzel van Huyssteen
Professor J. Wentzel van Huyssteen (18:18) October 24, 2007 James I. McCord Professor of Theology and Science Princeton Theological Seminary. Professor van Huyssteen delivered the Gifford Lectures in 2004. Watch VideoGifford Lecturers’ Panel: Professor Ralph McInerny
Professor Ralph McInerny (23:14) October 24, 2007 Michael P. Grace Professor of Medieval Studies and Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame. Professor McInerny delivered the Gifford Lectures in 1999. Watch VideoGifford Lecturers’ Panel: Professor Michael Ruse
Professor Michael Ruse (25:16) October 24, 2007 Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy and Director of History of Science, Florida State University. Professor Ruse delivered the Gifford Lectures in 2001 Watch VideoGifford Lecturers’ Panel: Jeremy Campbell
Jeremy Campbell (33:54) October 24, 2007 Author of The Many Faces of God: Science's 400-Year Quest for Images of the Divine (W.W. Norton, 2006). Former Washington correspondent for the London Evening Standard. Watch VideoGifford Lecturers' Panel: Responses and Discussion
Panel Responses and Discussion (1:25:10) October 24, 2007 Watch VideoScience and Worship: God, Time, and the Vatican Observatory
William Stoeger, S.J. Father Stoeger is an astrophysicist on the staff of the Vatican Observatory, specializing in theoretical cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, and interdisciplinary studies relating to science, philosophy, and theology. Watch VideoReflections on Democracy, Culture, Catholicism: Voices from Four Continents
Dr. Danute Gailiene (Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania) reflects on her participation in, and contributions to, this publication at the Hank Center's Publication Colloquium in February 2016. Watch Video