Catholic Classics Reading List
Theology and Spirituality: Ancient
Augustine of Hippo
Confessions, City of God, On Christian Doctrine, On the Free Choice of the Will
Basil of Caesaria
On the Holy Spirit
The Life of Antony, On the Incarnation
Benedict of Nursia
The Rule of St. Benedict
Clement of Alexandria
Protrepticus, Paedagogus, Stromata
Cyril of Jerusalem
Catechetical Lectures
Gregory of Nazianzus
Theological Orations, Homilies on "Our Father"
Gregory of Nyssa
Life of Moses
Boethius, Anicius
The Consolation of Philosophy
Against Heresies
Justin Martyr
First Apology, Second Apology
On First Principles, Commentaries
Divine Names, Mystical Theology
Theology and Spirituality: Medieval
Abelard, Peter
Sic et Non, Letters
Anselm of Canterbury
Monologion, Proslogion, Cur Deus Homo?
Aquinas, Thomas
Summa Theologiae, Summa Contra Gentiles, Questiones de Veritate
Bede, Venerable
Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum
Bernard of Clairvaux
Commentary on the Song of Songs, Sermons
Life of St. Francis, Itinerarium, Collationes de Hexameron, Sermons
Catherine of Sienna
Eckhart, Meister
Julian of Norwich
Richard of St. Victor
On the Trinity
Ruysbroeck, John
The Spiritual Espousals
Scotus, Duns
Ordinatio, De Primo Principio
Thomas a Kempis
The Imitation of Christ
Theology and Spirituality:
Reformation-19th Century
Bellarmine, Robert
Borromeo, Charles
Tridentine Catechism
de Sales, Francis
Letters of Spiritual Direction
Erasmus, Desiderius
Praise of Folly, Enchiridion
Ignatius of ÎçÒ¹AV
Autobiography, Spiritual Exercises
John of the Cross
Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Flame of Love
Lamennais, Felicite de
Ouvres complètes de Lamennais
Liguori, Alphonsus
The Great Means of Salvation and Perfection
Newman, John Henry
Grammar of Assent, University Sermons, The Idea of a University
Pascal, Blaise
Teresa of Avila
Interior Castle
Theology and Spirituality: 20th Century-Contemporary
Adam, Karl
The Spirit of Catholicism
Blondel, Maurice
Chenu, Marie-Dominique
Aquinas and His Role in Theology
Congar, Yves
I Believe in the Holy Spirit
Day, Dorothy
The Long Loneliness
Danielou, Jean
Prayer: The Heart of the Church
De Lubac, Henri
Surnatural, The Drama of Atheistic Humanism
Dulles, Avery Cardinal
Models of the Church
Gilson, Etienne
The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy
Guardini, Romano
The Lord, Letters from Lake Como
Gutierrez, Gustavo
A Theology of Liberation
Haring, Bernard
Free and Faithful in Christ
Lisieux, Therese of
The Story of a Soul
Lonergan, Bernard
Insight, Method in Theology
Maritain, Jacques
The Degrees of Knowledge, Integral Humanism
Merton, Thomas
The Seven Storey Mountain
Metz, Johannes Baptist
Faith in History and Society
Mother Teresa
Murray, John Courtney
We Hold These Truths
Nouwen, Henri
The Wounded Healer
Rahner, Karl
Theological Investigations, Foundations of Christian Faith
Ratzinger, Joseph
Introduction to Christianity
Ruether, Rosemary Radford
Sexism and God-Talk
Schillebeeckx, Edward
Jesus, Christ, Church
Sertillanges, A.G.
The Intellectual Life
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
The Phenomenon of Man, The Divine Milieu
von Balthasar, Hans Urs
Glory of the Lord
Wojtyla, Karol
Love and Responsibility
Philosophy: Ancient
Confessions, On the Free Choice of the Will, The City of God
The Consolation of Philosophy
Philosophy: Medieval
Abelard, Peter
Sic et Non
Anselm of Canterbury
Monologion, Proslogion
Aquinas, Thomas
Summa Theologiae, Summa Contra Gentiles, Commentary on the Sentences
Itinerarium, Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard
Cusa, Nicholas of
On the Vision of God
Lombard, Peter
The Sentences
Ockham, William of
Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard
Scotus, John Duns
Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, De Primo Principio
Philosophy: Modern
Descartes, Rene
Meditations on First Philosophy, Discourse on Method
Galilei, Galileo
Discourse on the Two Sciences
Pascal, Blaise
Newman, John Henry
Grammar of Assent, University Sermons
Philosophy: 1900–Contemporary
Anscombe, Elizabeth
Collected Philosophical Papers
Copleston, Frederick
History of Philosophy
Gilson, Etienne
The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy
MacIntyre, Alasdair
After Virtue
Marcel, Gabriel
Homo Viator
Pieper, Josef
Leisure: The Basis of Culture, The Cardinal Virtues
Maritain, Jacques
Degrees of Knowledge, Integral Humanism
Taylor, Charles
Sources of the Self, Varieties of Religion Today, A Secular Age
Literature: Medieval
Alighieri, Dante
The Divine Comedy
Literature: 1500–1900
Cervantes, Miguel de
Don Quixote
Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne
Funeral Orations
Donne, John
The Major Works
Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Selected Poetry
Montaigne, Michel de
Thompson, Francis
Vico, Giambattista
New Science
Literature: 20th–Contemporary
Belloc, Hiliare
Selected Essays
Boll, Heinrich
The Stories of Heinrich Boll
Bernanos, Georges
Diary of a Country Priest
Bloy, Leon
Le Désespéré, La Femme pauvre
Cairns, Scott
Recovered Body
Chesterton, G. K.
Orthodoxy, The Man Who Was Thursday
Claudel, Paul
The Satin Slipper
Dillard, Annie
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Holy the Firm
Dubus, Andre
Selected Stories, Meditations from a Movable Chair
Endo, Shusaku
Silence, Deep River, Jesus: A Life
Everson, William
Collected Poems
Gordon, Mary
The Company of Women
Greene, Graham
Monsignor Quixote, The End of the Affair, The Power and the Glory
Hampl, Patricia
Virgin Time
Hansen, Ron
Mariette in Ecstasy
Heaney, Seamus
Opened Ground: Selected Poems: 1966-1996
Helprin, Mark
A Soldier of the Great War
Hijuelos, Oscar
Mr. Ives' Christmas
Horgan, Paul
Great River
Jarman, Mark
Unholy Sonnets
Jones, David
Levertov, Denise
The Stream and the Sapphire
Levine, Philip
The Mercy
L'Heureux, John
The Shrine at Altamira
Lowell, Robert
Lord Weary's Castle
Mariani, Paul
Salvage Operations
McDermott, Alice
Charming Billy
Merton, Thomas
The Seven Storey Mountain, New Seeds of Contemplation
Milosz, Czeslaw
Selected Poems
Moore, Brian
Black Robe
Morrison, Toni
Muggeridge, Malcolm
Chronicles of Wasted Time
O'Connor, Flannery
Collected Works
Peguy, Charles
The Portal of the Mystery of Hope
Percy, Walker
The Last Gentleman, The Moviegoer, The Second Coming
Powers, J. F.
The Presence of Grace
Rodriguez, Richard
Hunger of Memory
Sayers, Dorothy
The Mind of the Maker
Schneider, Reinhold
Las Casas before Charles V
Sheen, Fulton
Life is Worth Living
Silone, Ignazio
Bread and Wine
Spark, Muriel
Memento Mori
Tate, Allen
Collected Poems
Tolkien, J.R.R.
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Undset, Sigrid
Kristin Lavreansdatter
Waugh, Evelyn
Brideshead Revisited
Wilbur, Richard
New and Collected Poems
Wolff, Tobias
In the Garden of the North American Martyrs
Catholic Social Thought:
Magisterial Documents
Pope Leo XIII
Rerum Novarum
Pope Pius XI
Quadragesimo Anno
Pope John XXIII
Mater et Magistra, Pacem in Terris
Pope John XXIII
Pacem in Terris
Vatican Council II
Gaudium et Spes, Dignitatis Humanae
Pope Paul VI
Populorum Progressio, Octogesima Adveniens
Synod of Bishops
Justice in the World
Latin American Bishops
Medellin Documents, Puebla Documents
U.S. Catholic Bishops
The Challenge of Peace
Catholic Social Thought: 18th–19th Centuries
Orestes Brownson
No Church, No Reform
Isaac Hecker
The Church and the Age
Felicite de Lamennais
Paroles D'un Croyant
Bishop Wilhelm von Ketteler
Christian Social Reform
Frederic Ozanam
Catholic Social Thought: 20th Century
Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
A Consistent Ethic of Life: An American Catholic Dialogue
Dorothy Day
The Long Loneliness
Madeleine Delbrel
We the Ordinary People of the Streets
Gustavo Gutierrez
A Theology of Liberation
John Lafarge
The Catholic Viewpoint on Race Relations
Jacques Maritain
The Person and the Common Good
Thomas Merton
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander
Virgil Michel
The Social Question
John Courtney Murray
We Hold These Truths
John Ryan
Distributive Justice