Faculty Activities & Publications
Israel 75 Birthday
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Hebrew Studies celebrated Israel Independence Day with Birthday Cake in the shape of the Israeli flag, with Israeli Music Videos and some videos direct from Israel showing the celebrations in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, and with the Hebrew students helping guests make Hebrew Name Bead Bracelets. There were also lots of Israel-themed giveaways!
Pisanki Polish Event 2023
Please click on Link below for photos from Polish Studies Program
Easter event where ÎçÒ¹AV students had a chance to hear about Polish Easter tradition and had a chance to create their own PISANKI using the scratching method.
Event took place at the ÎçÒ¹AV campus on Tuesday, March 28th. You can see the result of their work:)
Egon Schwarz texts, Dr. Reinhard Andress
Reinhard Andress, PhD, Director of German Studies, has published an edition of Egon Schwarz' texts largely from his papers: Literatur als Überlebensstrategie. Eine Erinnerung an Egon Schwarz. Schwarz was a Austrian-Jewish exile from Vienna who fled National Socialism and ended up in Latin America for ten years before becoming one of the leading Germanists in the US at Harvard University and Washington University in St. Louis. He wrote prolifically, including his autobiography, Keine Zeit für Eichendorff (1972), with a prize-winning new edition as Unfreiwillige Wanderjahre in 2009. On the occasion of the fifth year since his passing in 2017 and the year 2022 when he would have been 100 years old, Andress worked with Schwarz' widow, Irène Lindgren Schwarz, to publish this series of autobiographical texts, poems, diary entries, essays and speeches from his papers. The edition appeared with Edition Doppelpunkt in Vienna where Andress also presented the edition in September 2022.
Dr. Reinhard Andress Glory of Germania Restoration Project
Dr. Reinhard Andress has appeared on German TV in connection with his Glory of Germania Restoration Project. Exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago, the porcelain artwork consisting of over 1000 tiles represented the centerpiece of the Royal Porcelain Manufacture's exhibition at the exposition. In it, the goddess Germania reigns supreme as a symbolic manifestation of the German people and as protectress of fourteen figures from German arts and sciences. After the World's Fair, the artwork graced the ballroom of the Germania Club in Chicago until the organisation's demise in 1985. The Glory of Germania disappeared from view until Dr. Andress found it in the attic of the Altenheim, a senior residency in Forest Park. He has published extensively on the artwork. Meanwhile, the artwork has been gifted to the Royal Porcelain Manufacture for restoration and permanent display. The artwork's arrival in Berlin was the occasion for the TV appearance.
Recent publications:
Dr. Reinhard Andress
In May 2018, Dr. Reinhard Andress organized a conference at ÎçÒ¹AV on The Early Stages of Exile. The conference volume with additional articles, edited by Dr. Andress, appeared in July 2020 with Brill/Rodopi in the Netherlands under the title of Vorstufen des Exils / Early Stages of Exile. Exile is usually defined as the time one lives elsewhere, involuntarily separated from home. However, exile can also be conceptualized more broadly as a process already starting at home, while traveling into exile and/or before arriving in the place of exile. It includes the sense of alienation at home for political, racist, religious, cultural or linguistic reasons, also for reasons of sexual orientation or censorship. Pondering the pros and cons of exile, establishing networks of resistance, matters of bureaucracy or learning a new language are just some of the additional aspects. This volume attempts to shed detailed light on those early stages of exile. Aside from contributions by Dr. Andress, the volume also includes articles by the ÎçÒ¹AV colleagues Dr. Julia Elsky and Dr. Pamela Caughie.
Dr. D. Scott Hendrickson
Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (1595–1658). Literatura y espiritualidad en el Siglo de Oro español (Madrid: Comillas Pontifical University, 2018) is a Spanish translation of Dr. Hendrickson's 2015 publication Jesuit Polymath of Madrid (Leiden: Brill). It explores the life and work of the once famous Jesuit author Eusebio Nieremberg, and focuses on the influence of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in his treatises. It has now been published in the Colección Manresa, the leading series of Jesuitica in the Spanish speaking world.
Dr. Clara Burgo
Clases mixtas: L2 y lengua de herencia (Arco Libros, 2018) describes the situation of mixed classrooms of Spanish (as a second language and as a heritage language), both in the US and in other Spanish-speaking countries. It presents the challenges and advantages for second language and heritage language learners, as well as their opinions and those of their instructors found in recent research. The book serves as a guide to the instructor with the objective of maximizing student ​learning and with specific examples so that all learners can benefit from this common learning setting in many institutions. It was published through Arco Libros, a publisher specialized in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.
Dr. Ana Rodriguez Navas
Idle Talk, Deadly Talk (University of Virginia Press, 2018) is a study of gossip's place in the literature of the Caribbean and its diasporas. Studying recent fiction alongside poetry, song lyrics, journalism, memoirs, and political essays, the book argues that the study of gossip, and especially of its hitherto unremarked status as an essentially adversarial practice, offers a new perspective on the literature, culture, and power dynamics of the Caribbean region.
Dr. Reinhard Andress
Re-edition of a volume of short stories by Fred Heller, Das Leben beginnt noch einmal (Life Begins Anew), including a 30-page essayistic afterword by Dr. Reinhard Andress (Profession of German & Director of German Studies). Heller himself was an Austrian Jew, well established in Viennese journalistic and theatrical circles, when he had to flee the city after Hitler annexed the country in 1938. He ended up in Montevideo, Uruguay, where he published the aforementioned short stories that offer insights into the transition from emigrant to immigrant of a cast of characters from all walks of life. The volume was published in a German-language publishing house in Buenos Aires in 1945 but largely forgotten. Dr. Andress was able to engage an Austrian publishing house, the Milena Verlag, in doing a reedition of the work.
Latin Heritage Celebration
Latin Heritage Celebration
Students from Dr. Gabriela Buitrón Vera's upper-division Spanish joined the Latinx celebration, played Latinx Bingo and enjoyed some multicultural food and music.
Israel 75 Birthday
Please click on link for photos
Hebrew Studies celebrated Israel Independence Day with Birthday Cake in the shape of the Israeli flag, with Israeli Music Videos and some videos direct from Israel showing the celebrations in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, and with the Hebrew students helping guests make Hebrew Name Bead Bracelets. There were also lots of Israel-themed giveaways!
Pisanki Polish Event 2023
Please click on Link below for photos from Polish Studies Program
Easter event where ÎçÒ¹AV students had a chance to hear about Polish Easter tradition and had a chance to create their own PISANKI using the scratching method.
Event took place at the ÎçÒ¹AV campus on Tuesday, March 28th. You can see the result of their work:)
Egon Schwarz texts, Dr. Reinhard Andress
Reinhard Andress, PhD, Director of German Studies, has published an edition of Egon Schwarz' texts largely from his papers: Literatur als Überlebensstrategie. Eine Erinnerung an Egon Schwarz. Schwarz was a Austrian-Jewish exile from Vienna who fled National Socialism and ended up in Latin America for ten years before becoming one of the leading Germanists in the US at Harvard University and Washington University in St. Louis. He wrote prolifically, including his autobiography, Keine Zeit für Eichendorff (1972), with a prize-winning new edition as Unfreiwillige Wanderjahre in 2009. On the occasion of the fifth year since his passing in 2017 and the year 2022 when he would have been 100 years old, Andress worked with Schwarz' widow, Irène Lindgren Schwarz, to publish this series of autobiographical texts, poems, diary entries, essays and speeches from his papers. The edition appeared with Edition Doppelpunkt in Vienna where Andress also presented the edition in September 2022.
Dr. Reinhard Andress Glory of Germania Restoration Project
Dr. Reinhard Andress has appeared on German TV in connection with his Glory of Germania Restoration Project. Exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago, the porcelain artwork consisting of over 1000 tiles represented the centerpiece of the Royal Porcelain Manufacture's exhibition at the exposition. In it, the goddess Germania reigns supreme as a symbolic manifestation of the German people and as protectress of fourteen figures from German arts and sciences. After the World's Fair, the artwork graced the ballroom of the Germania Club in Chicago until the organisation's demise in 1985. The Glory of Germania disappeared from view until Dr. Andress found it in the attic of the Altenheim, a senior residency in Forest Park. He has published extensively on the artwork. Meanwhile, the artwork has been gifted to the Royal Porcelain Manufacture for restoration and permanent display. The artwork's arrival in Berlin was the occasion for the TV appearance.
Recent publications:
Dr. Reinhard Andress
In May 2018, Dr. Reinhard Andress organized a conference at ÎçÒ¹AV on The Early Stages of Exile. The conference volume with additional articles, edited by Dr. Andress, appeared in July 2020 with Brill/Rodopi in the Netherlands under the title of Vorstufen des Exils / Early Stages of Exile. Exile is usually defined as the time one lives elsewhere, involuntarily separated from home. However, exile can also be conceptualized more broadly as a process already starting at home, while traveling into exile and/or before arriving in the place of exile. It includes the sense of alienation at home for political, racist, religious, cultural or linguistic reasons, also for reasons of sexual orientation or censorship. Pondering the pros and cons of exile, establishing networks of resistance, matters of bureaucracy or learning a new language are just some of the additional aspects. This volume attempts to shed detailed light on those early stages of exile. Aside from contributions by Dr. Andress, the volume also includes articles by the ÎçÒ¹AV colleagues Dr. Julia Elsky and Dr. Pamela Caughie.
Dr. D. Scott Hendrickson
Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (1595–1658). Literatura y espiritualidad en el Siglo de Oro español (Madrid: Comillas Pontifical University, 2018) is a Spanish translation of Dr. Hendrickson's 2015 publication Jesuit Polymath of Madrid (Leiden: Brill). It explores the life and work of the once famous Jesuit author Eusebio Nieremberg, and focuses on the influence of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in his treatises. It has now been published in the Colección Manresa, the leading series of Jesuitica in the Spanish speaking world.
Dr. Clara Burgo
Clases mixtas: L2 y lengua de herencia (Arco Libros, 2018) describes the situation of mixed classrooms of Spanish (as a second language and as a heritage language), both in the US and in other Spanish-speaking countries. It presents the challenges and advantages for second language and heritage language learners, as well as their opinions and those of their instructors found in recent research. The book serves as a guide to the instructor with the objective of maximizing student ​learning and with specific examples so that all learners can benefit from this common learning setting in many institutions. It was published through Arco Libros, a publisher specialized in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.
Dr. Ana Rodriguez Navas
Idle Talk, Deadly Talk (University of Virginia Press, 2018) is a study of gossip's place in the literature of the Caribbean and its diasporas. Studying recent fiction alongside poetry, song lyrics, journalism, memoirs, and political essays, the book argues that the study of gossip, and especially of its hitherto unremarked status as an essentially adversarial practice, offers a new perspective on the literature, culture, and power dynamics of the Caribbean region.
Dr. Reinhard Andress
Re-edition of a volume of short stories by Fred Heller, Das Leben beginnt noch einmal (Life Begins Anew), including a 30-page essayistic afterword by Dr. Reinhard Andress (Profession of German & Director of German Studies). Heller himself was an Austrian Jew, well established in Viennese journalistic and theatrical circles, when he had to flee the city after Hitler annexed the country in 1938. He ended up in Montevideo, Uruguay, where he published the aforementioned short stories that offer insights into the transition from emigrant to immigrant of a cast of characters from all walks of life. The volume was published in a German-language publishing house in Buenos Aires in 1945 but largely forgotten. Dr. Andress was able to engage an Austrian publishing house, the Milena Verlag, in doing a reedition of the work.