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Department of Theology


Thinking Theologically

Theological thinking seeks not only an understanding of the nature of religion. It also seeks an understanding of the relationship of the Christian tradition to a contemporary world where social, political, and economic structures are often unjust; where secular faiths arise and challenge the self-evidentness of the Christian faith; and where scientific and technological advances pose new problems for human self-understanding.

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News & Stories


Interdisciplinary Symposium on Science and Society: A Dialogue on Gene Editing

The College of Arts and Sciences is proud to present the inaugural "Interdisciplinary Symposium on Science & Society: A Dialogue of Gene Editing," featuring an interdisciplinary panel of leading experts from across the natural and social sciences on Wednesday, February 7. The symposium will be held from 3:00 - 7:00 PM CST in Sister Jean, B.V.M., Multipurpose Room North in the Damen Student Center on ÎçÒ¹AV's Lake Shore Campus.


Defining the Extraterritorial: Habermas and Ricoeur on Religion and Reason

Maureen Junker-Kenny of Trinity College Dublin will give the Fall 2023 Richard A. McCormick SJ Chair of Catholic Theology on Thursday, October 26, in Coffey Hall - McCormick Lounge from 4:00 - 5:30 pm. The title of her lecture is "Defining the Extraterritorial: Habermas and Ricoeur on Religion and Reason."


Mary McAleese, President of Ireland from 1997 - 2011, to speak on the 1998 Good Friday Agreement

Dr. Mary McAleese, President of Ireland from 1997 to 2011, will speak at ÎçÒ¹AV on Friday, February 16, at 5:00 pm in Jo Ann Rooney Hall in the Mundelein Center on The 1998 Good Friday Agreement - the agreement between the political parties in Northern Ireland and the British and Irish Governments.

"In the ultimate depths of his being man knows nothing more surely than that his knowledge, that is, what is called knowledge in everyday parlance, is only a small island in a vast sea that has not been travelled. It is a floating island, and it might be more familiar to us than the sea, but ultimately it is borne by the sea and only because it is can we be borne by it. Hence the existentiell question for the knower is this: Which does he love more, the small island of his so-called knowledge or the sea of infinite mystery?" Karl Rahner
Intellectual Life Events
Intellectual Life Events

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New Faculty Publications
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6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM