ࡱ>  Lbjbj 04MMMh,Mi54444444$+79655#5222P424222 lLM"%H 24950i52:j2j:22:22552i5: :  Curriculum Vita RAYMOND TATALOVICH ACADEMIC TRAINING Ohio University: B.A., 1965; Pi Gamma Mu; Phi Alpha Theta; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi. University of Chicago: M.A., 1968; Ph.D., 1971; University of Chicago Fellowship; Henderson Fund Scholarship; Hillman Fund Scholarship; NDEA Title IV Fellowship; Dissertation: "After Medicare: Political Determinants of Social Change in the American Medical Association" ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE ҹAV University of Chicago: Professor of Political Science, March, 1985 to Present; Director, Center for Urban Policy, 1980-1988; Tenure approved, April 1980; Associate Professor of Political Science, 19781985. Chicago State University: Chairperson, Department of Economics and Political Science, 19771978;Associate Professor, March, 1978; Tenure approved, March 1977; AssistantProfessor,19741978. University of Southern Mississippi: Assistant Professor, 19721974. University of IllinoisChicago Circle: (Visiting) Instructor of Political Science, 19711972. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Public Policy (Moral Conflicts), Presidency and Executive Branch, Congress, Canadian Politics BOOKS Raymond Tatalovich and Ted G. Jelen, Governing America in the Twenty-First Century: Contested Values and Conflicting Interests (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, FORTHCOMING) Christopher Dolan, John Frendreis, and Raymond Tatalovich, The Presidency and Economic Policy (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008). Moral Controversies in American Politics: Cases in Social Regulatory Policy, co-edited with Byron W. Daynes, 4th ed. (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe Publishers, FORTHCOMING 2010). Foreword by Theodore J. Lowi, Cornell University. The Presidency and Political Science: Two Hundred Years of Constitutional Debate, with T. Engeman (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003). Cultures At War: Moral Conflicts in Western Democracies, with T. Alexander Smith (Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2003). To Govern a Nation: Presidential Power and Politics, with Byron W. Daynes and Dennis L. Soden (New York: St. Martin(s Press, 1998). Moral Controversies in American Politics: Cases in Social Regulatory Policy, co-edited with Byron W. Daynes (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe Publishers, 1998). Foreword by Theodore J. Lowi, Cornell University. The Politics of Abortion in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Study. (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe Publishers, 1997). Nativism Reborn: The Official English Language Movement and the American States (Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1995) The Modern Presidency and Economic Policy, with John Frendreis (Itasca, IL: Peacock Publishers, 1994). Social Regulatory Policy: Moral Controversies in American Politics, coedited with Byron W.Daynes, (Boulder,CO: Westview Press, 1988). Foreword by Theodore J.Lowi, Cornell University. Presidential Power in the United States, with Byron W.Daynes (Monterey, CA: BrooksCole [Wadsworth] Publishers, 1984). Foreword by Harry A. Bailey, Jr., Temple University. --Theoretical framework adapted for high school use in James J. Carroll, The Presidency Under Our Constitution (Syracuse: Project LEGAL, Inc., 1989), pp. 46-56. The Politics of Abortion: A Study of Community Conflict in Public PolicyMaking, with Byron W. Daynes, (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981). Contemporary Readings in American Government, with Byron W.Daynes (Lexington, MA: D.C.Heath, 1980). Study Guide to accompany An Introduction to American Government, by Kenneth Prewitt and Sidney Verba, (New York: Harper and Row, 1976). ARTICLES IN REFEREED JOURNALS A Hundred Miles of Wet: Religion and the Persistence of Prohibition in the American States (with John Frendreis), State Politics & Policy Quarterly. FORTHCOMING August, 2010. A Presidential Economic Scorecard: Performance and Perception, (with Chris Dolan and John Frendreis), PS: Political Science & Politics (October, 2009): 689-694. Cultural and Institutional Factors Affecting Political Contention Over Moral Issues, (with Mildred Schwartz), Comparative Sociology 8 (2009): 76-104. (Judicial Activism vs. Restraint: The Role of the Highest Courts in Official Language Policy in Canada and the United States( (with C. Michael MacMillan) American Review of Canadian Studies 33 (Summer, 2003): 239-260. (The Emerging Scholarly Consensus on Presidential Leadership: A New Realism, An Old Idealism((with T. Engeman) White House Studies 2 (2002): 123-137. (Predicting Legislative Output in the First Hundred Days, 1897-1995" (with J. Frendreis and J. Schaff) Political Research Quarterly 54 (December 2001), 853-870. (Accuracy and Bias in Macroeconomic Forecasting by the Administration, the CBO, and the Federal Reserve Board( (with J. Frendreis). Polity 32 (Summer, 2000), 623-632. (Issue Publics, Mass Publics and Agenda-Setting: Environmentalism and Economics in Presidential Elections( (with M. Wattier) Government and Policy 17 (1999), 1-12. ((Friends and Neighbors( Voting for Governor in the Emerging Two-Party South, 1968-1988" (with B. Cassie and R.A. Strickland), American Review of Politics 19 (Summer 1998), 115- 128. (Party and Free Votes in Canada: Abortion in the House of Commons( (with L.M. Overby and D.T. Studlar), Party Politics 4 (July 1998), 381-392. (Nonlegal Advice: The amicus briefs in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services( (with J. Rossotti and L. Natelson), Judicature 81 (November/December, 1997), 118-121. --Reprinted in Elliot E. Slotnick, ed., Judicial Politics: Readings from Judicature, 2d ed. (Chicago: American Judicature Society, 1999), pp. 167-170. (Who Supports English-Only Language Laws: Evidence from the 1991 and 1992 National Election Studies( (with J. Frendreis), Social Science Quarterly 78 (June 1997), 354-368. "Abortion Attitudes, Gender and Candidate Choice in Presidential Elections, 1972 to 1992" (with M. Wattier and B. Daynes), Women & Politics 17:1 (1997), 55-72. "Abortion Policy Implementation in Canada and the United States (with D. Studlar), American Review of Canadian Studies (Summer and Autumn, 1995), pp. 203-217. (Senate Voting on Abortion Legislation Over Two Decades: Testing a Reconstructed Partisanship Variable( (with M. Wattier), American Review of Politics 16 (Summer 1995) 167-183. (Reprinted in Carl Grafton and Anne Permaloff, eds., The Behavioral Study of Political Ideology and Policy Formulation (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2005), pp. 129-148. "Voting on Official English Language Referenda in Five States: What Kind of Backlash Against Spanish-Speakers?," Language Problems & Language Planning 19 (Spring 1995), 47-59. "Keeping Abortion Clinics Open: The Importance of Ragsdale v.Turnock in the Post-Casey Era," Policy Studies Review (with S. Mezey and M. Walsh) 13 (Spring/Summer, 1994), 111-126. "Who Sponsors Official English Language Legislation?: A Comparative Study of Fourteen States," Southeastern Political Review XXI (Fall 1993), pp. 721-735. "The Lowi Paradigm, Moral Conflict, and Coalition-Building: Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life," Women & Politics (with B. Daynes) 13 (1993), pp. 39-66. "The Persistence of Ideological Cleavage in Voting on Abortion Legislation in the House of Representatives, 1973-1988," (with D. Schier) American Politics Quarterly (January 1993), pp. 125-139. "Presidential Politics and Abortion, 1972-1988" (with B. Daynes), Presidential Studies Quarterly (Summer 1992), pp. 545-561. "Political Party Linkages to Presidential Popularity: Assessing the 'Coalition of Minorities' Thesis," (with A. Gitelson) Journal of Politics (February, 1990), pp. 234-242. "The Geographical Distribution of U.S. Hospitals with Abortion Facilities," (with B. Daynes) Family Planning Perspectives (March/April, 1989), pp. 81-84. --Cited in plaintiffs/ACLU brief and amicus brief of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (etc.) to the Supreme Court in Turnock v. Ragsdale, No. 88-790 (1988). --Reprinted in Stanley K. Henshaw, ed., The Abortion Fact Book, 1992 Edition: Readings, Trends and State and Local Data to 1988 (New York: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1992). "Religious Influence and Congressional Voting on Abortion," (with B.Daynes), Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, (June 1984), pp. 197-200. "Moral Controversies and the Policymaking Process: Lowi's Framework Applied to the Abortion Issue," (with B.Daynes) Policy Studies Review (Winter, 1983), pp. 207-222. "A Spatial Analysis of Voting on Health Care Issues: United States House of Representatives, 96th Congress, First Session," (with R.Mullner, S.Andes, and B.Bardes), Social Science and Medicine (1982), pp. 1147-1156. "The Limits of Judicial Intervention in Abortion Politics," (with B.Daynes), The Christian Century (January 1982), pp. 16-20. --Reprinted in U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Hearings, Bills Proposing a Constitutional Amendment With Respect to Abortion, 97th Cong., 1st Sess., 1981, pp. 556-60. "The Trauma of Abortion Politics," (with B.Daynes), Commonweal (November 20, 1981), pp. 644-649. --Reprinted in U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Hearings, Bills Proposing a Constitutional Amendment With Respect to Abortion, 97th Cong., 1st Sess., 1981, pp. 550-555. "The Salience of Religion as Social Background Variable in Congressional Voting," (with B.Daynes), Journal of Political Science (Spring 1981), pp.8897. "Towards a Paradigm to Explain Presidential Power" (with B.Daynes), Presidential Studies Quarterly (Fall 1979), pp. 428-441. --Reprinted in Harry A. Bailey, Jr. and Jay M. Shafritz,eds., The American Presidency: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Dorsey, 1988). (Electoral Votes and Presidential Campaign Trails:1936-1976," American Politics Quarterly (October, 1979), pp. 489-497. "The Emerging SocioEconomic Cleavage of Mississippi Republicanism," Journal of Political Science (Fall 1978), pp. 109-113. "Societal Determinants of Reported Crime in the America States: A Comparative Analysis Using Multiple Regression," Criminal Justice Review (Fall, 1976), pp. 127-132. "Federalism in the Strategy of Presidential Campaign Trails, 19321972: An Empirical Analysis," Conference for Federal Studies Notebook (Summer 1976), pp. 3-16. "Friends and Neighbors Voting: Mississippi, 19431973," The Journal of Politics, (August 1975), pp. 807-814. CHAPTERS IN BOOKS/MONOGRAPHS Economic Management and the Great Recession, (with John Frendreis), in Steven E. Schier, ed., A TransformationalPresidency?: Barack Obama in the White House. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, FORTHCOMING. Riding the Tiger: Bush and the Economy,( (with Johhn Frendreis) in Steven Schier, ed., Ambition and Division: Legacies of the George W. Bush Presidency (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009), pp. 215-239. (CON: A Productive (honeymoon( period is necessary for a successful presidency,( in Robert P. Watson and David A. Freeman, eds., Debating the Presidency (Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2005), pp. 170-173. (The Persistent Mandate: George W. Bush and Economic Leadership( (with J. Frendreis), in Steven E. Schier, ed., High Risk and Big Ambition: The Presidency of George W. Bush (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004), pp. 224-245. (Abortion( in Leslie A. Pal and R. Kent Weaver, eds., The Government Taketh Away: The Politics of Pain in the United States and Canada (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2003), pp. 263-292. Raymond Tatalovich and Thomas S. Engeman, "The Emerging Scholarly Consensus on Presidential Leadership: A New Realism, An Old Idealism," in Robert P. Watson, ed., Contemporary Presidential Studies: A Reader (New York: Nova History Publications, 2002), pp. 217-231. (Clinton, Class and Economic Politics( (with J. Frendreis and J. Schaff) in Steven E. Schier, ed., The Postmodern Presidency: Bill Clinton(s Legacy in U.S. Politics. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2000), pp. 41-59. (Cultural Individualism, Marginalized Policy, and Abortion in the United States in Hans Krabbendam and Hans-Martien Ten Napel, eds., Regulating Morality: A Comparison of the Role of the State in Mastering the Mores in the Netherlands and the United States (Antwerpen-Apeldoorn, Netherlands: E.M. Meijers Institute of Legal Studies of Leiden University, 2000), pp. 115-133. (George Washington: The First Modern President? A Reply to Nichols( (with T. Engeman) in Mark J. Rozell, William Pederson, and Frank J. Williams, eds., George Washington and the Origins of the American Presidency (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000), pp. 37-76. (The Constitutionalist Presidency: Conservative Scholarship and Energy in the Executive,( (with S. Yenor and T. Cook) in Phillip G. Henderson, ed., The Presidency Then and Now (Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield, 2000), pp. 95-113. (Opinion Leadership: Elections, Campaigns, Agenda Setting, and Environmentalism( (with M. Wattier), in Dennis L. Soden, ed., The Environmental Presidency (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1999), pp. 147-187. (La politica de grupos de interes en America del Norte: el caso del TLC en Mexico, Canada y Estados Unidos( ["The Politics of Interest Groups in North America: The Case of NAFTA in Mexico, Canada and the United States" (with P. Sanchez). In Julian Castro Rea, Robert J.Jackson and Gregory S. Mahler, eds., Los Sistemas Politicos De America Norte En Los Noventa: Desafios y Convergencias [The Political Systems of North America in the Nineties: Challenges and Convergences] (Mexico, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autonoma De exico, Centro de Investigaciones sobre America del Norte, 1999), pp. 297-327. (The Normative Study of the Presidency( (with S. Yenor and T. Cook) in Ryan J. Barilleaux, ed., Presidential Frontiers: Underexplored Issues in White House Politics (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1998), pp. 3-21. (Official English as Nativist Backlash,( in Juan F. Perea, ed., The New Nativism. (New York: New York University Press, 1997), pp. 78-102. (The Abortion Controversy in Canada and the United States,( Canadian-American Public Policy (February, 1996), pp. 1-39. "Abortion Policy in the United States and Canada: Do Institutions Matter?" (with D. Studlar), in Marianne Githens and Dorothy McBride Stetson, eds., Abortion: Public Policy in Cross Cultural Perspective (New York: Routledge, 1996), pp. 75-95. "The Persistence of Ideological Cleavage in Voting on Abortion Legislation in the House of Representatives, 1973-1988," (with D. Schier) in Malcolm L. Goggin, ed., Understanding the New Politics of Abortion (Sage Publications, 1993), pp. 109-122. "The Impact of Subsidized Housing on Property Values," (with E.Warren and R.M.Aduddell), URBAN INSIGHTS Monograph,Center for Urban Policy, ҹAV University of Chicago, (August, 1983). "Legislative Quality and Legislative PolicyMaking: Some Implications for Reform," in LeRoy N.Rieselbach, ed., Legislative Reform: The Policy Impact (Lexington, MA: LexingtonHeath, 1978), pp. 223-231. "The Role of the Mississippi Electorate in a Changing Political System," in David M.Landry and Joseph B.Parker, eds., Mississippi Government and Politics in Transition (Dubuque, IA: KendallHunt, 1976), pp. 15-34. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Entry on (Theodore R. Marmor( in Ross M. Mullner, ed., Encyclopedia of Health Services Research (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2009) Entry on (Council of Economic Advisers( in Michael Genovese and Lori Cox Han, eds., Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics (New York: Facts on File, 2008). Entries on (Economic Policy( (pp. 151-153), (Economic Powers( (pp. 153-154) and (Business Policy( (p. 65) in Michael Genovese, ed., Encyclopedia of the American Presidency (New York: Facts on File, 2004). (Status Claims and Cultural Conflicts: The Genesis of Morality Policy( (with T.A. Smith) Policy Currents (on-line Newsletter of Public Policy Section of APSA) vol. 10, no. 4 (2001) pp. 2-8. "Moral Conflicts and the Policy Process" (with T.A. Smith and M. Bobic), Policy Currents (Newsletter of Public Policy Section of APSA) 4 (November 1994) pp. 1, 3-6. "Mandate Elections: Avenues to Presidential Leadership or Power Abuse" (with B. Daynes), Washington State University, Division of Governmental Studies and Services, Occasional Paper, 1989. "Mormons and Abortion Politics in the United States," (with B. Daynes), International Review of History and Political Science 23 (May 1986), 1-13. "The Impact of Social Background Characteristics on Congressional Voting: The Unanticipated Effects of Religion Upon Support for Federal Involvement in Society and Economy," (with B.Daynes), Washington State University, Division of Governmental Studies and Services, Occasional Paper,(Summer 1981). "The Nature of Presidential Power in the United States,"(with B.Daynes), International Review of History and Political Science (November, 1980), pp. 24-56. "The Chicago Guaranteed Mortgage Program," (with E. Warren), Planning (American Planning Association Magazine), (May 1980), p. 21. "A Systems Analysis of Legislative Politics in the American Medical Association's House of Delegates," The Southern Quarterly (April, 1974), pp. 253-271. "After Medicare: The Politics of Bureaucratic Adaptation in the American Medical Association," International Review of History and Political Science (February, 1974), pp. 1-18. BOOK REVIEWS David A. Crockett, Running Against the Grain: How Opposition Presidents Win the White House (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2008), FORTHCOMING Presidential Studies Quarterly (March 2010): 198-200. Victoria A. Farrar-Myers, Scripted for Change: The Institutionalization of the American Presidency (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2007), Presidential Studies Quarterly 38 (June, 2008): 363-364. Paul A. Djupe and Laura R. Olson, Religious Interests in Community Conflict (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2007), Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 47 (March 2008): 162-163. Lawrence J. Grossback, David A.M. Peterson, James A. Stimson, Mandate Politics (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006), Political Science Quarterly 122 (Fall 2007): 508-509. Michael J. Korzi, A Seat of Popular Leadership: The Presidency, Political Parties, and Democratic Government (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2004), Congress & the Presidency (Autumn 2007): 89-90. Elizabeth Anne Oldmixon, Uncompromising Positions: God, Sex, and the U.S. House of Representatives (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2005), Perspectives on Poliitcs (2006). Melissa Haussman, Abortion Politics in North America (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2005), Journal of Politics (2006) Myra Marx Ferree, William Anthony Gamson, Jurgen Gerhards, and Dieter Rucht, Shaping Abortion Discourse: Democracy and the Public Sphere in Germany and the United States (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002) Perspectives on Politics 1 (December, 2003), p. 809. Mark J. Rozell, Executive Privilege: Presidential Power, Secrecy, and Accountability, 2nd ed. (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2002). White House Studies (2003) Ronald Schmidt, Sr., Language Policy and Identity Politics in the United States (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2000). Perspectives on Political Science 31 ( Spring 2002), p. 110. Rosemary Nossiff, Before Roe: Abortion Policy in the States (Philadelphia: Temple University Press,2001). American Political Science Review 95 (December 2001), p. 1005. William W. Lammers and Michael A. Genovese, The Presidency and Domestic Policy (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2000). Journal of Politics 63 (November 2001), pp. 1315-1317. Paul Apostolidis, Stations of the Cross: Adorno and Christian Right Radio (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000). Perspectives on Political Science 30 (Summer 2001): 188-189. F.L. Morton and Rainer Knopff, The Charter Revolution & The Court Party (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press, 2000). Perspectives on Political Science 30 (Winter, 2001): 62. Angus McLaren and Arlene Tigar McLaren, The Bedroom and the State: The Changing Practices and Politics of Contraception and Abortion in Canada, 1880-1997, 2nd ed. (Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1997). American Review of Canadian Studies. 30 (Spring 2000), 103-105. Meena Bose, Shaping and Signaling Presidential Policy: The National Security Decision Making of Eisenhower and Kennedy (College Station, TX: Texas A&M Press, 1998). Perspectives on Political Science 29 (Spring 2000), 43-44. John W. Sloan, The Reagan Effect: Economics and Presidential Leadership (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1999). Presidential Studies Quarterly 29 (December 1999), 952-953. Keith Krehbiel, Pivotal Politics: A Theory of U.S. Lawmaking (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998). Perspectives on Political Science 28 (Summer 1999), 175-176. Arthur M.Melzer, Jerry Weinberger, and M. Richard Zinman, eds., Multiculturalism and American Democracy (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1998). American Review of Politics 19 (Fall/Winter 1998), pp. 291-294. Review Essay of Alexander L. George and Juliette L. George, Presidential Personality & Performance (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1998); Thomas E. Cronin and Michael A. Genovese, The Paradoxes of the American Presidency (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998). Journal of Politics 61 (May 1999), 561-563. Didi Herman, The Antigay Agenda: Orthodox Vision and the Christian Right. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997) Canadian Journal of Political Science 31 (March 1998), 180-181. H.D. Forbes, Ethnic Conflict: Commerce, Culture, and the Contact Hypothesis (New York: Yale University Press, 1997). Perspectives on Political Science (Fall 1998), p. 243. Steven Hart, What Does the Lord Require? How Christians Think ҹAV Economic Justice (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1996). Review of Religious Research 39 (March 1998), 273-274. Review Essay of: Stephen Skowronek, The Politics Presidents Make (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1993); Donald J. Lisio, The President and Protest: Hoover, MacArthur, and the Bonus Riot (NewYork: Fordham University Press, 1994); Patrick Anderson, Electing Jimmy Carter: The Campaign of 1976 (Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1994). Southeastern Political Review (September 1997), 547-551. Shirley Anne Warshaw, Powersharing: White House-Cabinet Relations in The Modern Presidency (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1996). Perspectives on Political Science 25 (Summer 1997),165. Mark A. Graber, Rethinking Abortion: Equal Choice, the Constitution, and Reproductive Politics(Princeton, NY: Princeton University Press, 1996). Perspectives on Political Science (Spring 1997), p. 110. Marc K. Landy and Martin A. Levin, eds., The New Politics of Public Policy (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994). Perspectives on Political Science (Summer 1996), 151-152. Ted G. Jelen, ed., Perspectives on the Politics of Abortion (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995). Review of Religious Research 38 (December 1996), 29. Louis Fisher, Presidential War Power (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1995). Perspectives on Political Science (Winter, 1996), 29. Paul S. Herrnson, Congressional Elections: Campaigning at Home and in Washington (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1995). Social Science Quarterly (December 1995), 930-931. Paul Haskell Zernicke, Pitching the Presidency: How Presidents Depict the Office (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1994). Perspectives on Political Science, 24(Fall 1995), 222-223. Mark J. Rozell, Executive Privilege: The Dilemma of Secrecy and Democratic Accountability (Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 1994). XXV Presidential Studies Quarterly (Summer, 1995), pp. 582-584. Kenneth J. Meier, The Politics of Sin (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1994), Policy Currents (Newsletter of the APSA Policy Section), February, 1995. Review Essay of: Ted G. Jelen and Marthe A. Chandler, eds., Abortion Politics in the United States and Canada: Studies in Public Opinion (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1994); Marilynne Seguin, A Gentile Death (Toronto: Key Porter Books Limited, 1994) in American Review of Canadian Studies (Autumn 1994), pp. 415-418. Sidney M. Milkis, The President and the Parties (New York:Oxford University Press, 1993), American Review of Politics 16 (Summer, 1995), 203-206. Richard A. Watson, Presidential Vetoes and Public Policy (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1993), in American Review of Politics, (Autumn 1994), pp. 430-432. F.L. Morton, Morgentaler v. Borowski: Abortion, The Charter, and the Courts (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1992), American Review of Canadian Studies 24 (Spring 1994) 111- 113. Janine Brodie, Shelley A.M. Gavigan, and Jane Jenson, The Politics of Abortion (Toronto: Oxford University Press,1992), American Review of Canadian Studies 23: (Winter 1993), pp. 641-643. Review Essay. Peter S. Wenz, Abortion Rights as Religious Freedom (Temple University Press, 1992); Vincent J. Samar, The Right to Privacy: Gays, Lesbians, and the Constitution (Temple University Press, 1991) American Political Science Review, (March 1993), 222-223. Harold W. Stanley and Richard Niemi, Vital Statistics of American Politics (CQ Press, 1992) Midsouth Political Science Journal 13 (Autumn 1992), pp. 394-395. Robert H. Blank, Regulating Reproduction (Columbia University Press, 1990) American Political Science Review (December, 1991), 1439-1440. Keith Hawkins and John M. Thomas, eds., Making Regulatory Policy (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989), American Political Science Review, (December 1990), 1388-1389. William David Pederson, ed., The "Barberian" Presidency: Theoretical and Empirical Readings (Peter Lang, 1989). Presidential Studies Quarterly (Summer 1990), pp. 621-623. Fred I. Greenstein, ed., Leadership in the Modern Presidency (Cambridge, MA: Harvard, 1988). Presidential Studies Quarterly (Fall 1989), pp. 852-856. "The Elusive Quest for Presidential Success," Journal of Politics (February, 1990), pp. 257-268. A review essay of Ryan J. Barilleaux, The Post-Modern Presidency: The Office After Ronald Reagan (Praeger, 1988); Phillip G. Henderson, Managing the Presidency: The Eisenhower Legacy--From Kennedy to Reagan (Westview, 1988); Erwin C. Hargrove, Jimmy Carter as President: Leadership and the Politics of the Public Good (Louisiana, 1988); Mark J. Rozell, The Press and the Carter Presidency (Westview, 1989); Charles O. Jones, The Trusteeship Presidency: Jimmy Carter and the United States Congress (Louisiana, 1988); Richard Rose, The Postmodern President: The White House Meets the World (Chatham House, 1988). "The Policy Legacy of Ronald Reagan," Policy Studies Journal (Spring 1989), pp. 689-694. A review essay of Charles O.Jones, ed., The Reagan Legacy: Promise and Performance (Chatham House, 1988); B.B. Kymlicka and Jean V. Matthews,eds., The Reagan Revolution (Dorsey,1988); J.D. Lees and Michael Turner, Reagan's First Four Years: A New Beginning? (Manchester University Press, 1988). Leadership at the Fed, by Donald F. Kettl (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986), Journal of Politics (February 1988). Samuel Kernell, Going Public: New Strategies of Presidential Leadership (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1986), Journal of Politics (August, 1987). "A Trilogy on Lyndon B. Johnson's Administrative Presidency," Policy Studies Journal (March 1987). A review essay of James E. Anderson and Jared E. Hazleton, Managing Macroeconomic Policy: The Johnson Presidency (Texas, 1986); W. Henry Lambright, Presidential Management of Science and Technology: The Johnson Presidency (Texas, 1985); Emmette S. Redford and Richard T. McCulley, White House Operations: The Johnson Presidency (Texas, 1986). The Reagan Administration and Human Rights, edited by Tinsley E.Yarbrough (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1985), Presidential Studies Quarterly (Winter 1987), pp. 198-201. Jeff Fishel, Presidents and Promises: From Campaign Pledge to Presidential Performance (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1985) Journal of Politics (February, 1986), pp.189191. Theodore J.Lowi, The Personal President: Power Invested, Promise Unfulfilled (Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 1985), Presidential Studies Quarterly (Summer 1985), pp.638641. "Policy Elites and the Political Economy," Policy Studies Journal (June 1985), pp. 824-830 (with R. Aduddell). A review essay of Erwin C. Hargrove and Samuel A. Morley, The President and the Council of Economic Advisers (Westview,1984); John T. Woolley, Monetary Politics:The Federal Reserve and The Politics of Monetary Policy (Cambridge, 1984); Barry N. Siegel, ed., Money In Crisis: The Federal Reserve, The Economy and Monetary Reform (Pacific Institute for Policy Research, 1984); Susan B. Hansen, The Politics of Taxation: Revenue Without Representation (Praeger, 1983); Barry P. Bosworth, Tax Incentives and Economic Growth (Brookings,1984). "A New Era of Congressional Government," Policy Studies Review (February 1983), pp. 568-57l. A review essay of Louis Fisher, The Politics of Shared Power (C.Q. Press,1981); Thomas M. Franck, ed., The Tethered Presidency: Congressional Restraints on Executive Power (New York University Press, 1981); Hugh Heclo and Lester M. Salamon, eds., The Illusion of Presidential Government (Westview,1981); Norman Ornstein, ed., President and Congress: Assessing Reagan's First Year (American Enterprise Institute, 1982). PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Member, Executive Committee, Canadian Politics Section, American Political Science Association, 2008-2009; re-elected 2009-2011. Member, Awards Committee, Founders Award for Best Paper on the Presidency presented at the 2008 APSA Annual Meeting, 2009 Member, Editorial Board, Congress & the Presidency, 2007- Invited Participant, (Religion, Parties and Agenda-Setting: Dealing with Sexual Diversity( (with Mildred Schwartz), (Religion, Politics, and Gender Diversity Conference,( University of Toronto, January 2007. Member, The Founders Award Committee for the (Best Paper( During 2006-2007, Presidency Research Group, American Political Science Association, 2006-2007 Invited Participant, (The History That Presidents Make: The Presidency and the American Founding( (high school teachers workshop), Boise State University, June 21-24, 2004. Member, Advisory Group, Affiliated Group on Canadian Politics, American Political Science Association, 2003-2004 Member, Career Service Award Committee, Presidency Research Group of American Political Science Association, 2003-2004 Invited Participant, (The Study and Business of Canada in the North American Context: Canadian Studies, Cross-Border Trade, and Academic Collaboration,( Canadian Consulate General, Chicago, February 28, 2003 Consulting Editor, Roxbury Publishing Company, Los Angeles, 2001-2007 Director, Ph.D. Dissertation by Jon D. Schaff, (The Domestic Lincoln: Presidential Leadership, Realignment and Public Policy,( 2001 Member, Neustadt Award Committee (to select the best book on the presidency for 2001), Presidency Research Group (APSA Section on Presidency Research), 2001-2002 Invited Lecturer, (George W(s One Hundred Days: A Preliminary Assessment,( The Dirksen Congressional Center, (Congress in the Classroom( Summer Workshop, August, 2001. Chair, Neustadt Award Committee (to select the best book on the presidency for 2000), Presidency Research Group (APSA Section on Presidency Research), 2000-2001 Advanced Placement Test Development, Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, NJ. Wrote questions for Government and Politics Examination, March 2001; March 2000. Member, Editorial Board, Politics & Policy (formerly Southeastern Political Review), 1997-2003 Member, Governing Council, Presidency Research Group (APSA Section on Presidency Research) 1996-1999, 1999-2002 Member, Committee on Professional Development, Western Political Science Association, 1996- 1997 Invited Lecturer, Social Sciences Faculty, Robert Morris College, (Not Making Hard Choices: Clinton(s Election Strategy During a Time of Historic Change,( May 10, 1996, Chicago, IL. Invited Lecturer, Faculty and Graduate Students, Department of Political Science, West Virginia University, (Policy Perspectives on the Official English Movement,( November 13, 1995, Morgantown, WVA. Chairman, Program Committee, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Twenty-Sixth Annual Leadership Conference, Chicago, IL, Chicago Marriott Downtown, November 17-19, 1995. Book Award Committee, Policy Studies Organization, 1990 Member, Committee on Membership, Attendance, & Registration, Western Political Science Association, 1992-93, reappointed 1994-95. Member, Advisory Board of the Policy Studies Organization-Macmillan Press Book Series, 1990-91. Chair, Evaluation Team, Review of Graduate Programs in Political Science and Public Administration at Temple University, March 25-28, 1990. Manuscript Referee--Journals: American Political Science Review; American Journal of Political Science; American Politics Quarterly; Journal of Politics; Journal of Policy History; Journal of Sociolinguistics; Policy Studies Journal; Policy Studies Review; Polity; Social Science Quarterly; Women & Politics; Political Research Quarterly; Review of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Southeastern Political Review; Congress & the Presidency; Presidential Studies Quarterly; Politics & the Life Sciences; City & Community; Politics & Religion Manuscript Referee--Presses: Ohio State University Press; PrenticeHall; Brooks-Cole (Wadsworth); Westview Press; University of Michigan Press; Wm. C. Brown Publishers; University Press of Kansas; Allyn & Bacon Publishers; Texas A&M Press, Oxford University Press, Sage Publications, St. Martin(s Press, Chatham House Publishers, Canadian-American Public Policy (monograph series); Wadsworth Publishing Company; Peacock Publishers; Alliance Press; McGraw-Hill; Routledge; Broadview Press (Canada); CQ Press; Lynne Rienner Publishers; Atomic Dog Publishing; McGraw-Hill Publishers; Broadview Press; Roxbury Publishing Company; Palgrave-Macmillan; Stanford University Press; Oxford University Press; Tenure/Promotion/Grant Evaluations: In recent years I was asked by departments or other agencies at these institutions to evaluate tenure/promotion cases or grant proposals: Furman University, Clemson University, Old Dominion University, Colgate University, West Virginia University, Virginia Tech, University of New Mexico, Gettysburg College, University of New Orleans; City University of New York; University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Kalamazoo College; University of Texas-Arlington; University of California-Berkeley; University of Nevada(Reno; University of Kansas; ҹAV; University of New Hampshire; Florida Atlantic University; University of North Texas; University of Texas-Arlington; University of TexasEl Paso; CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Fiscal Frugality: The Heart of Canadian Conservatism. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, May-June, 2010, Montreal, Canada. Presidents, Parties, and Prosperity: The Political Economy of Public Opinion (with Daniel Ponder and Dane Wendell), paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Canada, August 2009. Chair, Panel on Judicial Mobilisation and Court Impact: Canada and Europe Compared, Canadian Political Science Association, May 28, 2009, Ottawa, Canada. Chair and Discussant, Panel on Constructing Man, Women, Child and Elder through Politics and Policy, Canadian Political Science Association, May 28, 2009, Ottawa, Canada. Chair, Panel on Electoral Dynamics, Canadian Political Science Association, May 27, 2009, Ottawa, Canada. The Religious Factor in Explaining Alcoholic Beverage Control in U.S. Counties (with John Frendreis), Paper presented at the Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 2009 Religion and the Demography of Dry Counties in the United States (with John Frendreis), Paper presented at the Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 2009. Chair, Panel on The Enduring Impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Annual Meeting, Ca Canadian Political Science Association, June 4-6, 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia. Chair and Discussant, (Regulating Sin: Smoking, Drinking and Driving,( Midwest Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, April 2006 (Gods, Generals, and the Confederate Flag: Symbolic Politics in the 2000 Race for the Republican Nomination( (with M. Wattier) The Citadel Symposium on Southern Politics, March 2004. Chair, Panel on (Federalism and Public Policy,( Biennial Meeting, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, November 19-23, 2003, Portland, OR. (Cultures at War: Moral Conflicts in Western Democracies,( Biennial Meeting, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, November 19-23, 2003, Portland, OR. Convenor, Panel on (Democracy and Governance,( Annual Meeting, Political Studies Association, April, 2003, Leicester, United Kingdom (Collective Responsibility and Policy Unaccountability: Morality Policy in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, and Germany,( Annual Meeting, Political Science Association, April 2003, Leicester, United Kingdom Chair and Discussant, Panel on (The Politics of Tobacco Policy,( Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, April, 2003, Chicago, IL. (Morality Policy and Political Unaccountability: Capital Punishment, Abortion, and Gay Rights in Canada, United Kingdom, France, and Germany,( Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, May-June, 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Judicial Activism vs. Judicial Restraint: The Role of the Courts in Official Language Politics in Canada and the United States( (with Michael MacMillan), Paper delivered to the Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, Toronto, June 2002. Discussant, (The Politics of Morality Policy and Social Regulation,( Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 25-28, 2002 (The Emerging Consensus on Presidential Leadership: A New Realism, An Old Idealism( (with T. Engeman), Paper to be delivered to the Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, August-September, 2001, San Francisco. (Language Policy in Canada and the United States( (with M. MacMillan, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax), Paper delivered to the Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, May 27-29, 2001, Quebec City. (Ending Neustadt(s Orthodoxy: Toward a Revival of Corwin(s Constitutionalism( (with T. Engeman), Paper delivered to the Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 15-17, 2000, Las Vegas, NV. Discussant, Panel on (Morality Policy: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marriage,( Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 15-17, 2000, Las Vegas, NV. Discussant, Round-Table on (Language Policy in Canada and the United States,( Annual Meeting, Atlantic Provinces Political Studies Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 20-22, 2000. (Provincial Policies on Abortion Since Morgentaler( (with M. Haussman), Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, July 29-Aug. 1, 2000, Quebec City, Canada. (Abortion, Bureaucracy, and Public Policy: Comparing the United States and Canada( (with D. Jesuit and B. Daynes), Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, July 29-August 1, 2000, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Chair and Discussant, Panel on (Provincial Public Policy in Comparative Perspective,( Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, July 29-August 1, 2000, Quebec City, Canada. Chair and Discussant, Panel on (Morality Policy: Agenda-Setting, Adoption, and Impact,( Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, April 27-30, 2000, Chicago. Discussant, Panel on (Theoretical Perspectives on Morality Policy,( Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, April 27-30, 2000, Chicago. (Judicial Activism and Symbolic Pain: Abortion in Canada and the United States,( Annual Meeting, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, November 1999, Pittsburgh, PA. Invited Lecturer, (Abortion in the USA,( Conference on (Regulating Morality: A Comparison of the Role of the State in Mastering the Mores in the Netherlands and the United States,( Roosevelt Study Center, Middelburg, Netherlands, and the University of Leiden, September 23-24, 1999. Invited Participant, (George Washington--The First Modern President? Strong But Limited Government versus the Modern Leviathan: A Reply to Nichols( (with T. Engeman), Washington Legacy Conference, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, June 11-13, 1999, Mt. Vernon, VA. Discussant, Roundtable on (The Christian Right, Impeachment, and the Elections of 1998 and 2000: Looking Both Ways,( Annual Meeting, Association for the Sociology of Religion, August 5-7, 1999, Chicago. (The Constitutionalist Presidency: Conservative Scholarship and Energy in the Executive( (with T. Cook and S. Yenor). Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 25-27, 1999, Seattle. Discussant, Panel on (Morality Policy,( Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, April 1999, Chicago. (Predicting Legislative Output in the First (100 Days(: A Longitudinal Analysis, 1896-1996" (with J. Frendreis and J. Schaff). Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, September 1998, Boston. --Winner of the (Founder(s Award for the Best Paper on the Presidency Presented at the 1998 Meeting of the American Political Science Association( by the Presidency Research Group, 1999 --Nominated for the Franklin L. Burdette/Pi Sigma Alpha Award for the best Convention paper at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. ((Friends and Neighbors( Voting Revisited: Comparing Localism and SES Cleavages as Predictors of Voting in Gubernatorial Elections in the South, 1968-1988" (with R.A. Strickland and B. Cassie), Citadel Symposium on Southern Politics, March, 1998, Charleston, SC. (The First (100 Days,( 1896-1996: Fact or Fiction in Lawmaking (with J. Frendreis), Annual Meeting, Southwestern Political Science Association, March 18-21, 1998, Corpus Christi, Texas. (Normative Politics v. Constitutional Principles: How Presidential Scholars Have Viewed the Presidency( (with S. Yenor and T. Cook), Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, April 23-25, 1998, Chicago. Discussant, Panel on (The Politics of Sin,( Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, April 23-25, 1998, Chicago. (Ideological Components of Judicial Reasoning: Scaling Supreme Court Opinions in Abortion Cases( (with J. Rossotti), Annual Meeting, Southern Political Science Association, November 5-7, 1997, Norfolk, VA. (Opinion-Party Leadership: Elections, Campaigns, Agenda-Setting and Environmentalism,( Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, August 29-31, 1997, Washington, DC. (Church-State Separation and Church Lobbying on Abortion: Comparing the United States and Canada( (with B. Daynes), Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, June 8-10, 1997, St. John(s, Newfoundland, Canada. (Indifference, Uncertainty, and Turnout: Sources of Prediction Errors in the Verba-Nie Standard Model, 1952-1992,( Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 13-15, 1997, Tucson, AZ. (Scaling Amicus Briefs as an Ideological Measure of Judicial Activism on Abortion: An Analysis of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (with J. Rossotti and L. Natelson), Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 13-15, 1997, Tucson, AZ. (Reconceptualizing Church-State Separation in an Era of Politicized Religion( (with B. Daynes), Annual Meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, November 8-10, 1996, Nashville, TN. (The Use (and Abuse) of Macroeconomic Indicators by Presidential Administrations: A Longitudinal Analysis, 1946-1995" (with J. Frendreis), Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, August 29-September 1, 1996, San Francisco. Panelist, (Considerations on Fiscal and Trade Policies,( Center for the Study of the Presidency, Twenty-Sixth Annual Leadership Conference, Chicago, IL, Chicago Marriott Downtown, November 17-19, 1995. (Pro-Choice Justices Write Pro-Choice Opinions: An Analysis of Policy Argumentation in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (with J. Rossotti and L. Natelson), Annual Meeting, Southern Political Science Association, November 1-4, 1995, Tampa, FL. (Marginality, Coattails Effect, and Electoral Turnover: Looking at Congressional Districts Across Five Decades( (with B. Daynes and G. Sussman), Annual Meeting, Southern Political Science Association, November 1-4, 1995, Tampa, FL. "Churches and Abortion in the United States and Canada: Patterns of Rhetoric and Mobilization" (with B. Daynes), Annual Meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, October 27- 29, 1995, St. Louis, MO. "Interest Groups in Mexico, Canada and the United States"(with P. Sanchez), International Seminar on "The Political Systems in the New North America: Nature, Conflicts and Convergences" at the Centre for Research on North America (CISAN) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)on May 17-19, 1995, Mexico City, Mexico. "Moral Conflict, Post-Materialism, and the Mobilization of Interests: Abortion Politics in Canada and the United States" (with B. Daynes), Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, June 4-6, 1995 Montreal, Canada. "Who Supports English-Only Language Laws?: Evidence from the 1991 and 1992 National Election Studies," Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 16-18, 1995, Portland, OR. "Polarized Interests, Political Arguments, and the Formation of Social Policy: A Content Analysis of the Amicus Briefs in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (with J. Rossotti and L. Natelson), Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 16-18, 1995, Portland,OR. Discussant, Roundtable on "The Environmental Presidency," at the Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 16-18, 1995, Portland, OR. "A Longitudinal Analysis of 'Friends and Neighbors' Voting and Socioeconomic Variables on the U.S. Senate and Gubernatorial Elections in the Emergent Two-Party South, 1968-1988" (with R.A. Strickland and B. Cassie), Annual Meeting, Southern Political Science Association, November, 1994, Atlanta, GA. "Presidential Elections and Abortion, 1972-1992: Evaluating the Single-Issue Voting Thesis" Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, Albuquerque, NM, March 10-12, 1994 (with B. Daynes and M. Wattier). "Is the South the Cause of Congressional Gridlock?: The 'Two Majorities' Revisited" (with J. Murley) Citadel Symposium on Southern Politics, Charleston, SC, March 3-4, 1994. "Pre-Roe State Abortion Laws, Abortion Providers, and Abortion Rates in the States Today" (with P. Pauly) Annual Meeting, Illinois Political Science Association, Bloomington, IL, November 13, 1993. "Gridlock Government and Policy Deadlock: The 'Two Majorities' Revisited" (with J. Murley) Annual Meeting, Southern Political Science Association, Savannah, GA, November 4-6, 1993. "Locating Abortion Clinics: Aggregate Data and Case Study Approaches to the Implementation Process" (with G. Halva-Neubauer and B. Daynes) Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, September 2-5, 1993, Washington, DC. "Patterns of Abortion Voting in the Canadian House of Commons" (with D. Studlar and M. Overby), Annual Meeting, Canadian Political Science Association, June 6-8, 1993, Ottawa, Canada. "Enacting 'English-Only' Official Language Laws: A Multivariate Analysis of Fourteen State Legislatures" (with J. Frendreis), Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, April 15-17, 1993, Chicago. "Senate Voting on Abortion Legislation, 1973-1988" (with M. Wattier), Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, April 15-17, 1993, Chicago. "Federalism and the Delivery of Abortion Services: Comparing the U.S. and Canada," Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 17-20, 1993, Pasadena, CA. "Senate Voting on Abortion Legislation Over Two Decades: A Cross-Sectional Analysis" (with M. Wattier), Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, March 17-20, 1993, Pasadena, CA. "Judicial Activism, Legalized Abortion, and Policy Outcomes: Comparing the U.S. and Canadian Experiences," Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, August 29-September 1, 1992. "Southern Nativism and Support for the Official "English-Only" Language Movement," Citadel Symposium on Southern Politics, March 5-6, 1992 "Referendum Voting on Official "English-Only" Language Laws in Five States," Annual Meeting, Southwestern Political Science Association, Austin, TX, March 16-18, 1992 "Pre-1973 State Abortion Laws and Hospital Abortion Services Today: Political Culture as the Causal Link to Compliance with Roe v. Wade (with D. Schier), Annual Meeting, Southern Political Science Association, Tampa, FL, November 7-9, 1991. Chair, Panel on "Race, Gender and Ethnicity in Comparative Perspective," Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 29-September 1, 1991. "English-Only Official Language Laws in Ten States: Is the Backlash Racist, Ethnic, or Cultural?,"Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 29-September 1, 1991. "Polarized Politics: The Presidency and Abortion," Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, Seattle, WA, March 21-23, 1991 (with B. Daynes) Discussant, Round Table: "Law and Social Change," Annual Meeting, Western Political Science Association, Seattle, WA, March 21-23, 1990. "Delivery of Abortion Services: Turnock v. Ragsdale and State Regulation of Clinic Facilities," Symposium on Public Policies Toward Unwanted Pregnancies, University of Pittsburgh, PA, November 28-December 1, 1990 (with S. Mezey) Chair, Panel on "Political Culture and the Eisenhower Presidency," Dwight D. Eisenhower Symposium, Gettysburg College, October 11, 1990 Discussant, Panel on "The Politics of Abortion," Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, San Francisco, August 30-September 2, 1990. "English Language Statutes in Six Midwestern States: A Comparative Analysis," Annual Meeting,Western Political Science Assocation, Newport Beach, CA, March 22-24, 1990. Discussant, "Leadership and Personality in the Modern Presidency," Center for the Study of the Presidency, Twenty-First Annual Student Symposium, March 17-19, 1990, Hyatt Regency, Washington, D.C. --Televised on C-Span Cable Network, November 22, 1990. Chair, Panel on "Interest Groups and the Politics of Litigation," Annual Meeting, Midwest Political Science Association, April 13-15, 1989, Chicago, IL. Convener, Special Focus Session--"The Career Executive and The Political Executive: The Job, Loyalty, and the Public Interest," a debate among Dr. Ralph C. Bledsoe, Special Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary of the Domestic Policy Council, Mr. David O. Cooke, Director of Administration and Management, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Ms. Sandra J. Hale, Commissioner of Administration, State of Minnesota. 50th Annual Meeting, American Society for Public Administration National Conference, April 8-12, 1989, Miami. Panel Discussant, "Presidential Leadership, Personality, and Power," Center for the Study of the Presidency, Twentieth Annual Student Symposium, March 17-19, 1989, Washington, D.C. Discussant, "Economic Policies, the Budget and Taxation," Center for the Study of the Presidency, Nineteenth Annual Leadership Conference, November 11-13, 1988, Boston, Mass. Discussant, "Separation of Powers, 1788-1988," Center for the Study of the Presidency, Nineteenth Annual Student Symposium, March 25-27, 1988, Washington, D.C. Presentations, Taft Institute Seminar, ҹAV, "The TwoParty System in the United States:Its Functions and Responsibilities in a Presidential System," 7/5/94; 7/6/93; 7/6/92; 7/9/91; 7/16/90; 7/10/89; 7/5/88; 7/6/87; 7/7/86; 7/8/85; 7/9/84; 7/11/83; 7/6/82, "The House of Representatives and Abortion: Changing Patterns of Support Since the Roe Decision" (with B. Bardes), Annual Meeting, Southwestern Political Science Association, March 17-20, 1982, San Antonio, TX. SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES Morality Policy on the Rocks: 100 Miles of Dry, the Persistence of Prohibition in the United States (with J. Frendreis), paper presented to Masters in Urban Affairs and Public Policy Program, ҹAV, April 5, 2010. AWARDS--GRANTS--CONSULTING ҹAV University Summer Stipend, 2008 ($6000), Awarded December 6, 2007. Small Research Grant ($300), ҹAV, 2005 (to pay consultants to transfer data from (floppies( to diskettes and upgrade software to Windows Word) Book Subventions from ҹAV: Nativism Reborn? The Official English Language Movement and the American States (1994: $2000); The Presidency and Political Science: Two Hundred Years of Intellectual Debate (2002: $2000). Canadian Studies Faculty Research Grant Program ($10,000) 2000-2001 (Canadian Abortion Policy since Morgentaler: A Question of Provincial Compliance), with co-grantee Melissa Haussman, Suffolk University, Boston. ҹAV University Summer Stipend, 2000 ($6000), Awarded December 2, 1999. Founder(s Award for the Best Paper on the Presidency Presented at the 1998 Meeting of the American Political Science Association: (Predicting Legislative Output in the First (100 Days(: A Longitudinal Analysis, 1896-1996" (with J. Frendreis and J. Schaff). By the Presidency Research Group (Presidency Research Section), American Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, 1999, Atlanta. Member, Canadian Studies Grants Review Panel, Canadian Embassy, December 10, 1999, Washington, DC. Grant Reviewer, Political Science Program, National Science Foundation, February 2003, March 1999. Reviewer, M.A. Thesis, for Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Thesis Award, February 2003 Reader, Advanced Placement Exam in Government & Politics, Educational Testing Service: Colorado State University, 2003; University of Nebraska, June 2000 and 1999; University of Maryland, June 1998; University of Maryland, June 1995; Clemson University, June 1994. Grant Reviewer, Political Science Program, National Science Foundation, March 1999. The Dirksen Center Congressional Research Grant ($2400), 1998 (study of role of presidential and congressional factors in legislative output during the (100 Days( of 1896-1996). Small Research Grant ($2000), ҹAV, 1998 (travel to National Archives to research subcommittee system in House of Representatives prior to 1947 for analysis of (100 days( legislative output of 1896-1996). Canadian Studies Faculty Enrichment Grant ($3000) 1996-1997 (to develop a course on (Canadian Politics( for the political science curriculum at ҹAV). Assessor, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Grant Proposal by S.L. Sutherland on (Ministerial Responsibility and Democratic Control in Three Parliamentary Designs: Canada, Britain and France,( February 1998. External Examiner, Ph.D. Thesis of Ms. Ann Penner: (An Examination of Rule Change: The Evolution of Trade Remedy Laws in North America,( December 1997, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Academic Leave (with pay), ҹAV, Fall 2008; Fall, 2000; Fall 1995; Fall 1989; Fall 1986; Fall 1983. Grant Reviewer, Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership Development Act, Part D, Title X, Higher Education Amendments of 1992, July 25-29, 1994. Grant Reviewer, Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership Development Act, Part D, Title X, Higher Education Amendments of 1992, August 9-13, 1993. Small Research Grant ($1200), ҹAV, 1995(research in Ottawa on Canadian abortion policy and politics) Small Research Grant ($1200), ҹAV University of Chicago, 1992 (multivariate analysis of the legislative process in enacting official English language laws in 14 states) Canadian Studies Faculty Research Grant Program ($4500)1991-1992 (comparative analysis of abortion politics and policy in Canada and the United States). Small Research Grant ($1200), ҹAV University of Chicago, 1991 (travel to California and Arizona to research legislative histories of English-Only language statutes) Small Research Grant ($930), ҹAV University of Chicago, 1990 (travel to North Carolina and South Carolina to research legislative histories of English-Only language statutes) Grant Reviewer, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1989 Small Research Grant ($1000), ҹAV University of Chicago, 1989 (analysis of congressional voting on abortion, 1973-88) Consultant to City of Chicago Department of Housing, Cook County Department of Planning and Community Development, and Illinois Housing Development Authority, 19821983, "The Impact of Subsidized Housing on Property Values: A TwoPronged Analysis of Chicago and Cook County Suburbs." Was coresearcher on grant; study published by the Center for Urban Policy, ҹAV University of Chicago. Consultant to DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, Inc. Summer, 1979, "Waste Paper Element of Energy Grant." Was coresearcher on grant to study feasibility of cooperative efforts by DuPage County municipalities to recycle office paper for energysaving purposes. Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts,University of Southern Mississippi, 19721973. Consistently ranked above department average on student course evaluations at ҹAV (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). MEMBERSHIPS American Political Science Association APSA Organized Section on Presidency Research APSA Organized Section on Public Policy Studies APSA Organized Section on Politics and History Association for Canadian Studies in the United States Canadian Political Science Association Center for the Study of the Presidency Midwest Political Science Association Political Studies Association (U.K.) Southern Political Science Association Southwestern Political Science Association Western Political Science Association ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE LOYOLA UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO: Director, Center for Urban Policy (CUP), 1980-1988. The Center was created [replacing the Center for Research in Urban Government) to encourage researchers at ҹAV and other colleges in metropolitan Chicago and individuals affiliated with community organizations to study public policies which affected the social, economic, and political development of this urban area. A monograph series, Urban Insights, was established as the Center's major publication, and to referee manuscripts I organized an Editorial Board composed of ҹAV and non-ҹAV academics from economics, sociology, geography and political science. I solicited manuscripts, acted as editor and publisher, and targeted advertising to key markets. The Director was a full-time faculty member of Political Science while supervising the operations of CUP. The Center received a small budget from ҹAV University to subsidize the three-month summer salary for the Director and the yearly salary for a one-half time secretary. The amount earmarked for publications was augmented by revenues derived from sale of CUP monographs. CUP published 17 monographs in its Urban Insights Series in addition to four symposia, two books, and one Festschrift. Over 3,000 publications were sold to libraries, federal and state government agencies, community groups, and interested persons. Elected to Faculty Council as Representative of Social Sciences (the universitywide faculty advisory assembly): 2001-2002; 1999-2000, 1996-1998, 1994-1995, 1991-1992, 19801986 --chair, Committee on Administrative Policies and Resources of Faculty Council, 1999-2000 --member, Ad Hoc Governance Committee of Faculty Council, 1999-2000 --chair, Elections Committee of Faculty Council, 1998-1999 --elected to Executive Committee of Faculty Council, 19821983 --member, Committee on Faculty Status of Faculty Council, 19801987 Appointed by the President as one of two ҹAV University members on the Board of Directors of the Institute of Urban Life, 19821988. Member, Departmental Graduate Program Committee, 1982-1990; 1998-2000; 2005-2008 Member, Departmental Committee on Special Activities, 1990-1996, 19801981 Appointed by President as Faculty Council Representative to the University-wide Communications Committee, 19831985 CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY: Chair, Department of Economics and Political Science. In this capacity I supervised the equivalent of nine fulltime faculty; monitored budgetary expenditures; made personnel recommendations for appointment, retention, tenure, salary and promotion; and managed the daytoday operations of the Department. I developed proposals for the Political Science major, an option in Public Administration, and a Legal Assistant Program. I acted as academic advisor for the Board of Governors and the University Without Walls Degree Programs, both experimental education options, and alsoformulated an eightcourse sequence in public administration for the Federal Careers College, a continuing education program administered by the Department of HEW, Region V, Chicago, Illinois. OTHER CIVIC ACTIVITIES Invited Lecture, Social Science Students, Robert Morris College, (Lessons From the Past: Voting Research and the 1996 Election,( September 4, 1996, Chicago. Invited Lecture, (Clinton(s Electoral Strategy in an Era of Political Realignment,( The Discussion Group, Briarwood Country Club, Deerfield, IL, July 7, 1995. July Fourth Parade Chairman, 1982, City of Evanston, Ill.; sponsored by nonprofit Evanston Fourth of July Association. Appeared on "Straight Talk" a discussion and callin program on WFYRFM radio on March 25, 1979. Participated in discussion of Chicago mayoral election campaign with press representatives from the Wallace Johnson (Republican) and Jane Byrne (Democratic) campaign organizations. Addressed Evanston, Illinois Junior League on the "Illinois General Assembly," July 9, 1975. Taught parttime at Jackson, Mississippi Police Academy, 1974, (public administration) and at Federal Careers College, Department of HEW, Chicago (public administraton), 1976-1978. REFERENCES Theodore J. Lowi, John L. Senior Professor of American Institutions, Cornell University (chaired my Dissertation Committee) Donley T. Studlar, Eberly Distinguished Professor of Political Science, West Virginia University Robert L. Jackson, Fletcher Jones Professor of Government, University of Redlands (formerly of Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada) Nicholas P. Lovrich, Jr., Claudius and Mary Johnson Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Washington State University Ted G. Jelen, Chairman, Department of Political Science, University of Nevada at Las Vegas Byron W. Daynes, Professor of Political Science, Brigham Young University OFFICE ADDRESS Department of Political Science ҹAV University of Chicago Lake Shore Campus-Damen Hall 954 1032 West Sheridan Road Chicago, IL 60660 (773) 508-8516 (office/messages) (773) 508-3131 (office FAX) rtatalo@luc.edu     PAGE 27 (*<XZ:   r s = G  q w g !$NZ\^`a./fhgOJQJh%OJQJh$6OJQJ]hY/6OJQJ]h$OJQJh7cOJQJhY/5OJQJ\hY/OJQJH)*< R S  p q w $0^`0a$gd$$a$gd$$a$gd7c$ Ha$$a$w + , ./78b qr!-.$a$$a$gd$&'8S 2ijr.U&K=y!#$;Abcdhh}OJQJh/6OJQJh/OJQJhH  efmn4DX Y a b v "!b!c!!!""H"Z"g"l"s"")#*#G###$$׳ jBhY/OJQJhOJQJ j@hY/6OJQJ] j@hY/OJQJ jAhY/OJQJhY/6OJQJ] j=hY/OJQJhY/OJQJ j>hY/OJQJ? !N!b!c!""""f#g####T$$$$%9%:%%%F&&3' $^a$gd$a$gd$a$$`a$$%%%%%%F&b&&& ''[''''''''0(\(((())))))P*e*f**4+_+`+++',u,-"----=.Q.R.../,///P0w000001!1"1hcOJQJ\hY/5OJQJ\ jAhY/OJQJhhY/H*OJQJh6OJQJ]hY/6OJQJ]hOJQJhY/OJQJA3'''''@(x(z(#)$))***_+`++,,,=->--P.Q...G/$a$gd$a$$`a$G/H///00111 1!1112233344i5j5s6t6\7]77 8$a$gd*$a$gd$a$"1+10191C11111111112232J2K2L222222222223 3-3ƻƳƏ|q|f|[| j@hY/OJQJ j=hY/OJQJ j>hY/OJQJhY/OJQJ jAhY/OJQJh(!OJQJ h7eh7e6B*OJQJphh*6OJQJ]h7eOJQJ j@h*OJQJh*OJQJhc6OJQJ\h*6OJQJ\hXOJQJ\hcOJQJ\h*OJQJ\ -3.3R3i3333334444[4h4i44444444&5T5U5h5j555 66686s6t6u666667774757[7]7^77]88899m9999-:.:4:5:j:: j=hY/6OJQJ]hY/5OJQJ\h6OJQJ] j@hY/OJQJ jAhY/OJQJh /OJQJhY/6OJQJ]hY/OJQJhOJQJ@ 8]8888+9999:::;l;;;;R<<=]====>>h?i??$a$$a$gd::: ;;;;W;;; 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