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Frendreis Phone: 773.508.3054 (office) 773.508.3131 (fax) E-mail: jfrendr@luc.edu Current Position: Professor of Political Science Department of Political Science ҹAV EDUCATION Marquette University: B.A. in Political Science and Mathematics & Statistics, Summa Cum Laude, 1975 Florida State University: M.S. in Government, 1976 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Ph.D. in Political Science, 1981 TEACHING AND RESEARCH INTERESTS American Politics Environmental Politics and Policy Political Parties and Elections State and Local Politics Public Policy Intergovernmental Relations Research and Quantitative Methods ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Research Assistant, Florida State University, 1975-1976 Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1976-1978 University Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1978-1979 Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1979-1980 Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer 1980 Lecturer, Department of Urban Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1980-1981 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Houston, 1981-1983 Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, 1983-1986 Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, 1986-1987 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, ҹAV, 1987-1991 Professor, Department of Political Science, ҹAV, 1991-present SIGNIFICANT ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Graduate Program Director, Department of Political Science, ҹAV, 1992-1996 Chair, Department of Political Science, ҹAV University of Chicago, 1996-1999 Associate Vice President for Planning and Analysis, ҹAV, 1999-2002 Vice Provost, ҹAV, 2002-2005 Provost, ҹAV, 2005-2007 COURSES TAUGHT Undergraduate University 101: The First Year Experience The U.S. Experience (interdisciplinary Honors Program course) American Government Environmental Politics and Policy Introduction to Politics Exploring the Urban Environment Urban Politics The City (interdisciplinary course) American Federalism American Public Policy State Government and Politics Intergovernmental Relations American Political Parties and Elections Public Opinion Elections and Political Development Quantitative Analysis Graduate Political Institutions and Public Policy American Political Parties and the Election Process Voting Behavior State and Local Politics Policy Making and Implementation Scope and Methods of Political Science Quantitative Analysis Research Methodology and Design Municipal Management The Study of Public Administration Budgeting and Finance PUBLICATIONS Books Professional Associations and Municipal Innovation. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1981. (with Richard D. Bingham, Brett W. Hawkins, and Mary P. LeBlanc) The Modern Presidency and Economic Policy. Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock Publishers, 1994. (with Raymond Tatalovich) The Presidency and Economic Policy. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2008. (with Chris J. Dolan and Raymond Tatalovich) Articles and Chapters "A Hundred Miles of Dry: Religion and the Persistence of Prohibition in the American States. State Politics and Policy Quarterly: forthcoming. (with Raymond Tatalovich) A Presidential Economic Scorecard: Performance and Perception. PS: Political Science and Politics 42 (October 2009): 689-694. (with Chris J. Dolan and Raymond Tatalovich) Riding the Tiger: Bush and the Economy. In S. Schier (ed.), Ambition and Division: Legacies of the George W. Bush Presidency. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2009. (with Raymond Tatalovich) "Thinking Outside the Quality Box: The Impact of Candidate Motivations on Election Outcomes." American Review of Politics 27 (Spring 2006): 21-44. (with Douglas Roscoe, Shannon Jenkins, and Alan Gitelson) Ten Years After the Revolution: 1994 and Partisan Control of Government. In J. Green and D. Coffey, The State of the Parties, Fifth Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006. (with Shannon Jenkins, Douglas Roscoe, and Alan Gitelson) The Persistent Mandate: George W. Bush and Economic Leadership. In S. Schier (ed.), High Risk and Big Ambition: The Presidency of George W. Bush. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004). (with Raymond Tatalovich) Testing Spatial Models of Electoral Competition: The Influence of Voters and Elites on Candidate Issue Positions. Legislative Studies Quarterly 28 (February 2003): 77-101. (with Alan Gitelson, Shannon Jenkins, and Douglas Roscoe) The Battle for the Legislature: Party Campaigning in State House and State Senate Elections. In J. Green and R. Farmer (eds.), State of the Parties, Fourth Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002. (with Alan Gitelson, Paul Herrnson, and Peter Francia) Predicting Legislative Output in the First One-Hundred Days, 1897-1995. Political Research Quarterly 54 (December 2001): 853-870. (with Raymond Tatalovich and Jon Schaff) Clinton, Class and Economic Politics. In S. Schier (ed.), The Postmodern Presidency: Bill Clintons Legacy in U.S. Politics. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2000. (with Raymond Tatalovich and Jon Schaaf) Accuracy and Bias in Macroeconomic Forecasting by the Administration, the CBO, and the Federal Reserve Board. Polity 32(Summer 2000): 623-632. (with Raymond Tatalovich) "Local Parties in the 1990s: Spokes in a Candidate-Centered Wheel." Pp. 135-153 in J. Green and D. Shea (eds.), The State of the Parties, Third Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999. (with Alan R. Gitelson) "Who Supports English-Only Laws? Evidence from the 1992 National Election Study." Social Science Quarterly 78 (June 1997): 354-368. (with Raymond Tatalovich) "State Legislative Elections: Choice or Echoes?" Pp. 190-204 in A. Stone and B. Ginsberg (eds.), Do Elections Matter? Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1996. (with Alan R. Gitelson, Gregory Flemming, and Anne Layzell) "Voters, Governmental Officials, and Party Organizations: Connections and Distinctions." Pp. 339-348 in J. Green and D. Shea (eds.), The State of the Parties: The Changing Role of Contemporary American Parties. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1994. A revised version appeared in the second edition (1996). "Local Political Parties and Legislative Races in 1992." Pp. 133-146 in J. Green and D. Shea (eds.), The State of the Parties: The Changing Role of Contemporary American Parties. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1994. (with Alan Gitelson, Gregory Flemming, and Anne Layzell) A revised and updated version appeared in the second edition (1996). "Local Parties in an Age of Change." American Review of Politics 14 (Winter 1993): 533-547. (with Alan R. Gitelson) This is a special issue of this journal entitled Political Parties in an Age of Change, the Foundation Volume of the annual series sponsored by the Political Organizations and Parties Section of the American Political Science Association "The Electoral Relevance of Local Party Organizations." American Political Science Review 84 (March 1990): 225-235. (with James L. Gibson and Laura L. Vertz) "The Information Revolution and Urban Life." Journal of Urban Affairs 11 (Fall 1989): 327-338. The same issue of the Journal contained two rejoinders and my response, "Urban Form and the Future: Response to Warren and Dutton." "Modeling Spatial Diffusion: Reaction to Wellhofer." Comparative Political Studies, 22 (October 1989): 343-352. "Migration as a Source of Changing Party Strength." Social Science Quarterly, 70 (March 1989): 211-220. "Party Dynamics in the 1980s: Changes in County Party Organizational Strength 1980-1984." American Journal of Political Science, 33 (February 1989): 67-90. (with James L. Gibson and Laura L. Vertz) "Contending Models of Cabinet Stability." American Political Science Review (in "Controversies" Section), 82 (September 1988): 930-941. (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) "The Public Service Professional and Decision-Making: A Model." Political Behavior 10 (1988): 77-93. (with Laura L. Vertz) "Nationalization of the American Electorate: A Multi-Office Perspective." American Political Science Review, 81 (September 1987): 961-966. (with Laura L. Vertz and James L. Gibson) "The Study of Governmental Dissolutions in Western Parliamentary Democracies." Legislative Studies Quarterly, 11 (November 1986): 619-628. (with Dennis W. Gleiber and Eric C. Browne) "Dissolution of Governments in Scandinavia: A Critical Events Perspective." Scandinavian Political Studies, 9 (1986): 93-110. (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) "The Process of Cabinet Dissolution: An Exponential Model of Duration and Stability in Western Democracies." American Journal of Political Science, 30 (August 1986): 628-650. (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) "'Old Boy' Networks Among City Managers: Informal Ties Among Alumni of Graduate Programs." The Municipal Matrix (December 1985). "PAC Contributions and Legislative Behavior: Senate Voting on Trucking Deregulation." Social Science Quarterly, 66 (June 1985): 401-412. (with Richard W. Waterman) "An 'Events' Approach to the Problem of Cabinet Stability." Comparative Political Studies, 17 (July 1984): 167-197. (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) "Explanation of Variation and Detection of Covariation: The Purpose and Logic of Comparative Analysis." Comparative Political Studies, 16 (July 1983): 255-272. "Innovation: A Practice in Search of a Theory, or So What Does All This Research Mean, Anyway?" Journal of Urban Affairs, 5 (Spring 1983): 109-122. "Patterns of Reputation and Personal Interaction Among American City Managers." Pp. 159-163 in The Municipal Year Book 1981. Washington, D.C.: International City Management Association. "Allocating Coalition Payoffs by Conventional Norm: An Assessment of the Evidence from Cabinet Coalition Situations." American Journal of Political Science, 24 (November 1980): 753-768. (with Eric C. Browne) "Innovation Characteristics and the Adoption of New Budgetary Techniques: Agreement and Conflict in City Administration." Georgia Political Science Association Journal, 8 (Spring 1980): 3-28. (with Richard D. Bingham) "The Role of Professional Associations in Technology Transfer." The Journal of Technology Transfer, 4 (Fall 1979): 77-98. (with Richard D. Bingham, Brett W. Hawkins, and Mary P. LeBlanc) "Innovation Characteristics as Correlates of Innovation Adoption in American Cities." Midwest Review of Public Administration, 12 (June 1978): 67-86. "The Nominating Process in Nonpartisan Elections: Petition Signing as an Act of Support." Journal of Politics, 40 (November 1978): 1044-1053. (with Richard D. Bingham and James M. Rhodes) Research Monographs Patterns of Personal Reputation and Communication Among Municipal Chief Executives. Milwaukee: Urban Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1981. Professional Associations as Intermediaries in Transferring Technology to City Governments. Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1978. (with Richard D. Bingham, Brett W. Hawkins, and Mary P. LeBlanc) Book Reviews Review of Transforming Democracy: Legislative Campaign Committees and Political Parties by Daniel M. Shea in American Political Science Review, 91 (1997): 755-756. Review of The Nemesis of Reform: The Republican Party During the New Deal by Clyde P. Weed in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 544 (1996): 227. Review of One Billion Dollars of Influence by R. Kenneth Godwin and The Best Congress Money Can Buy by Philip Stern in American Political Science Review, 84 (1990): 304-305. Review of Regime Change and the Coherence of European Governments by Mark Irving Lichbach in American Political Science Review, 80 (1986): 1050-1051. Review of Federal Aid to Big Cities: The Politics of Dependence by James W. Fossett; Federal Aid to Chicago by Charles J. Orlebeke; Federal Aid to Detroit by Thomas J. Anton; Federal Aid to Houston by Susan A. MacManus; Federal Aid to St. Louis by Henry J. Schmandt, George D. Wendel, and R. Allen Tomey; in Publius, 14 (1984): 203-206. CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION Papers Presented The Religious Factor in Explaining Alcoholic Beverage Control in U.S. Counties. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 2, 2009. (with Raymond Tatalovich) Religion and the Demography of Dry Counties in the United States. Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 19-21, 2009. (with Raymond Tatalovich) Ten Years After the Republican Surge: 1994 and the Contract with America. Presented at the Bliss Institute Conference on the State of the Parties, Akron, OH, October 2005. (with Douglas Roscoe, Shannon Jenkins, and Alan R. Gitelson) The Impact of Candidate Motivations on Campaign Resources, Organization and Outcomes. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 2005. (with Douglas Roscoe, Shannon Jenkins, and Alan R. Gitelson) Getting the Green, Fighting on the Ground, and Plotting Strategy: Labors Campaign Activities in State and Federal Elections. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA, September 2-5, 1999. (with Peter L. Francia, Alan R. Gitelson, and Paul S. Herrnson) "Candidate Emergence in State Politics." Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Seattle, WA, March 25-27, 1999. (with Alan Gitelson, Shannon Jenkins, and Douglas Roscoe) "Political Parties and Local Elections in the United States." 25th Annual Conference of the American Politics Group, Selwyn College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, January 6-8, 1999. (with Alan R. Gitelson) "Legislative Success in the First 100 Days: A Longitudinal Analysis, 1896-1996." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, September 3-6, 1998. (with Raymond Tatalovich) "The First '100 Days,' 1896-1996: Fact or Fiction in Lawmaking." Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Corpus Christi, TX, March 18-21 1998. (with Raymond Tatalovich) "Political Parties, Candidate, and Voters: Winning and Losing in the 1992, 1994, and 1996 State Legislative Elections." Annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Norfolk, VA, November 5-8, 1997. (with Alan R. Gitelson) "Continuity and Change in the Electoral Roles of Local Parties." Bliss Institute Conference on "The State of the Parties: 1996 and Beyond," October 9-10, 1997. (with Alan R. Gitelson) "The Use (and Abuse) of Macroeconomic Forecasting by Presidential Administrations: A Comparative Analysis" Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, August 29-September 1, 1996. (with Ray Tatalovich) "Do Cleavages Among Political Elites Reflect Mass Cleavages?" Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, August 29-September 1, 1996. (with Alan Gitelson) "Running for Office: The View from the States." Annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, March 12-16, 1996. (with Alan Gitelson) "Political Parties, Candidates, and Voters," Southern Political Science Association, November 1-4, 1995. (with Alan R. Gitelson) "Parties, Candidates, and State Electoral Politics," American Political Science Association, August 31- September 3, 1995. (with Alan R. Gitelson) "Electoral Behavior in Rural Minority Communities," Midwest Political Science Association, April 6-8, 1995. (with Steven Doherty) "Who Supports English-Only Language Laws? Lessons from the 1990 and 1992 National Election Studies," Western Political Science Association, March 16-18, 1995. "Local Political Parties in the United States: Continuity and Change," special conference on "Party Politics in the Year 2000" held in Manchester, UK, January 13-15, 1995. (with Alan R. Gitelson) "Do Electoral Choices Make for Policy Differences?" Southern Political Science Association, November 3- 6, 1993. (with Alan Gitelson, Gregory Flemming, and Anne Layzell) "Continuities and Change of Cabinet Dissolution Events," Southern Political Science Association, November 3-6, 1993. (with Dennis Gleiber) "Local Parties and Legislative Races," Bliss Institute Conference on "The State of the Parties: 1992 and Beyond," September 23-24, 1993. (with Alan R. Gitelson) "Political Parties and the 1992 Campaign for the State Legislature," American Political Science Association, September 2-5, 1993. (with Alan R. Gitelson, Gregory Flemming, and Anne Layzell) "Enacting English-Only Official Language Laws: A Multivariate Analysis of Fourteen State Legislatures," Midwest Political Science Association, April 15-17, 1993. (with Raymond Tatalovich) "Governmental Lifecycles in Parliamentary Democracies, 1945-1990," Western Political Science Association, March 19-21, 1992. (with Dennis W. Gleiber and Greg Granger) "The Rise and Fall of Republican Fortunes in Southern Senate Races, 1980-1986," Midwest Political Science Association, April 9-11, 1992. (with L. Marvin Overby) "The Electoral Consequences of Gentrification," Southern Political Science Association, November 8-10, 1990. (with William N. Stant) "Migration as a Source of Changing Partisan Electoral Strength," Southwestern Political Science Association, March 28-31, 1990. "Women and Social Change: The Canadian Electoral Experience," Southwestern Political Science Association, March 23-26, 1988. (with Laura L. Vertz) "Party Activists in a Changing Party System: County Party Chairs and State Convention Delegates in Texas," American Political Science Association, September 3-6, 1987. (with Laura L. Vertz, James L. Gibson, and John R. Todd) "Migration as a Source of Changing Party Strength," Southwestern Political Science Association, March 18- 21, 1987. "The Election of Women to Provincial Legislatures in Canada," Southern Political Science Association, November 5-8, 1986. (with Laura L. Vertz) "Local Party Organizations in the 1984 Elections," American Political Science Association, August 29- September 1, 1985. (with James L. Gibson and Laura L. Vertz) "Party Dynamics in the 1980s: Changes in County Party Organizational Strength 1980-1984," Midwest Political Science Association, April 17-20, 1985. (with James L. Gibson and Laura L. Vertz) "A Critical Events Perspective on Cabinet Stability in the French Fourth Republic," Midwest Political Science Association, April 17-20, 1985. (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) "Changing Urban Lifestyles in the Information Revolution," Southwestern Political Science Association, March 20-23, 1985. "Dissolution of Governments in Scandinavia: A Critical Events Perspective," Southern Political Science Association, November 1-3, 1984. (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) "Professionalization of the Public Sector: Significance for Technological Change and Popular Control," American Political Science Association, August 29-September 2, 1984. (with Laura L. Vertz) "An 'Events' Approach to the Problem of Cabinet Stability," Southwestern Political Science Association, March 21-24, 1984. (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) "Determinants of Service Reputation Among City Executives," American Political Science Association, September 3-5, 1983. (with Woodrow Jones, Jr.) "PAC Contributions and Legislative Behavior: Senate Voting on Trucking Deregulation," Midwest Political Science Association, April 20-22, 1983. (with Richard W. Waterman) "The Effect of Impending Elections on the Decision to Dissolve Cabinets in European Parliamentary Systems," Midwest Political Science Association, April 20-22, 1983. (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) "The Survival of Cabinet Governments: The Dissolution of Cabinets as a Stochastic Process," American Political Science Association, September 2-5, 1982. (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) "Theory in Practice: Federal Networking Efforts and the Interactive Behavior of Local Chief Executives," Southwestern Political Science Association, March 17-20, 1982. "Reputation and Interaction Among Municipal Officials: Their Application to Innovation Groups," Fifth National Innovation Network Conference, Seattle, WA, September 24-26, 1980. (with Richard D. Bingham) A version of this paper was published in the Conference Proceedings. "The Role of Professional Associations in Technology Transfer," American Society for Public Administration, April 1-4, 1979. (with Richard D. Bingham, Brett W. Hawkins, and Mary P. LeBlanc) "Innovation Characteristics and the Adoption of Zero-Base Budgeting: Agreement and Conflict in City Administration," Midwest Political Science Association, April 20-22, 1978. (with Richard D. Bingham) "A Reexamination of the 'Parity Norm' for Ministerial Payoffs to Parties in Cabinet Coalitions," Southwestern Political Science Association, April 12-15, 1978. (with Eric C. Browne) "Innovation Characteristics and Innovation Adoption: A Conflict Model," Southeast Regional Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, October 12-14, 1977. "Professional Associations as Intermediaries in Transferring Technology to Cities: Some Preliminary Findings," American Political Science Association, September 1-4, 1977. (with Richard D. Bingham and Brett W. Hawkins) "The Nominating Process in Non-Partisan Elections and Right Wing Candidates: Nazi Support in Milwaukee," Southwestern Political Science Association, March 20-23, 1977. (with Richard D. Bingham and James M. Rhodes) Other Participation Section Chair, Political Methodology Section, Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, March 20-23, 1985. Panel Chair, "Political Parties, Interest Groups and Legislative Behavior," Midwest Political Science Association, April 18-20, 1996. Panel Chair, "Parties, Interest Groups and Governance in the American States," Midwest Political Science Association, April 14-16, 1994. Panel Chair, "Interest Groups, Political Action Committees and State Politics," Southern Political Science Association, November 3-6, 1993. Panel Chair, "Modeling Intergovernmental Aid Flows, Policy Implementation, and Economic Power," Midwest Political Science Association, April 15-17, 1993. Panel Chair and Participant, Roundtable on "Getting Your First Job," Midwest Political Science Association, April 9-11, 1992. Co-Chair and Participant, Roundtable on "Party Organizations in Urban Areas," Midwest Political Science Association, April 5-7, 1990. Panel Chair, "Understanding Partisanship," American Political Science Association, September 3-6, 1987. Panel Chair, "Theory and Methods in Public Administration," Western Social Science Association, April 22-25, 1987. Panel Chair, "State and Local Responses to Federal Initiatives: Cross-Level Comparisons," Midwest Political Science Association, April 17-20, 1985. Participant, Roundtable on "Coordinating Datasets for State Politics and Policy Research," American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, September 3-6, 1998. Participant, Roundtable on "PAC Influence on Capitol Hill: What We Do and Don't Know," American Political Science Association, September 1-4, 1988. Participant, "Stasis or Static? Roundtable on Methodological Issues in the Study of Cabinet Stability," Southwestern Political Science Association, March 23-26, 1988. Participant, Roundtable on "Problems and Prospects for Academic Couples: A Multidisciplinary Forum," Southwestern Social Science Association, March 23-26, 1988. Participant, "Family and Profession Roundtable," Southwestern Social Science Association, March 18-21, 1987. CURRENT RESEARCH The President and Economic Policy - My colleague, Raymond Tatalovich, and I have a long-standing research interest in the President and economic policy making. We continue to update this research, most recently in the publication of our book and a forthcoming article in a volume edited by Steve Schier on the Obama presidency. The Politics of Prohibition Raymond Tatalovich and I are currently at work on an article-length manuscript examining voting decisions of counties across the U.S. relating to the sale of alcohol. We examine this from the perspective of moral controversies, thereby extending the range of policy decisions falling into the moral controversies policy domain. The Politics of FreshWater I am in the early stages of a multi-year research plan to study the issue of the availability and regulation of fresh water, both in the United States and in other countries. Fresh water has always been and will remain a necessity for human survival, and trends in global population and environmental degradation make it likely that disputes over water will become more common. The first stage of my research will focus on understanding the policy-making process for resource and environmental issues, including the nature of intergovernmental and international regimes for the regulation of water. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Member: American Political Science Association Midwest Political Science Association Southern Political Science Association Western Political Science Association Reviewer: American Political Science Review American Journal of Political Science Political Research Quarterly Social Science Quarterly Journal of Politics Comparative Political Studies Journal of Urban Affairs American Politics Quarterly American Review of Politics Legislative Studies Quarterly Various book publishers Best Book Award committee of the Urban Politics section of the American Political Science Association, 1996[chair] and 1999 GRANTS AND HONORS Phi Beta Kappa Gold Medal Award, College of Liberal Arts, Marquette University, 1975 University Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1978-79 Graduate Faculty Member of the Year, 1996, awarded by the Graduate School, ҹAV Best Paper Award, 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Presidency Section (with Raymond Tatalovich and Jon Schaaf) Best Paper Award, 1984 Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association (with Eric C. Browne and Dennis W. Gleiber) Investigator, "The Structure and Policy Impact of Interactional Networks Among City Managers," contract from the National Science Foundation ($9,500), 1980-81 Summer Research Grant, Center for Public Policy, University of Houston, to study the stability of Western European governments ($1,000), 1983 Organized Research Grant, University of Texas at Dallas, 1984 Research Grant, School of Social Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, 1984 Faculty Research Grant Programme, Government of Canada, "The Election of Women to Provincial Legislatures" ($3,000), 1986 (with Laura L. Vertz) Summer Research Grants, ҹAV University of Chicago, 1988 and 1994 Research Support Grants, ҹAV University of Chicago, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994 Paid Research Leaves, ҹAV University of Chicago, Fall 1989, Fall 1992, and Spring 2008 P.I., School-Based Citizen Science, the Seabury Foundation, 2009-2011, $12,500. 89<FMNOQS_tu  ! +  / A B c d .Kc趮萅hxvh]ZCJaJhxvh -CJaJhBCJaJhxvhj-CJaJhj-CJaJh3CJaJhBh35CJaJhxvh9CJaJhxvhICJaJhxvCJaJhxvh3CJaJhxvh35CJaJ/)*Ofv ! + ,   / 0 B gdxv$a$gdxvuB d 8 y U Y abc;gdxvA!5Lj,`gdygdxv@A~XeflmB23N~裛|q|q|eh5{h5{>*CJaJh5{h5{CJaJh5{CJaJhxvh.CJaJhOh.>*CJaJh3CJaJhxvhj?NCJaJh.CJaJhBh35CJaJhxvhyCJaJhyCJaJh]ZCJaJhxvh]ZCJaJhxvh3CJaJhxvh3>*CJaJ&`p@VWeflm34 7$8$H$gd5{`gd.gd.gdxvP 4FLT\]hjº⧔⧺~sk_Thxvh9 *CJaJhxvhaS>*CJaJh.CJaJhxvhaSCJaJhth,FdCJaJh5{>*CJ]aJhy>*CJ]aJh8CCJaJhthtCJaJhyCJaJhtCJaJh3CJaJhh5CJaJhh5{5CJaJh5{CJaJh5{h5{>*CJaJh5{>*CJaJ ]ij)<= 56`gd![`gd![`gd.`gdtgd5{gdxv 0^`0gd 7$8$H$`gd5{()=T\h 458vxy}z{˿׷׃w׃׃hxvh3>*CJaJhxvh3CJaJh![h![>*CJ]aJh5{CJaJh![h![CJaJh![CJaJhj?NCJaJhxvhj?N>*CJaJhxvhaS>*CJaJhxvhj?NCJaJh.CJaJhxvh9 *CJaJhxvhaSCJaJ.  {6]^-?@J `gdXs^gd5{gdxv`gd.f 56M &,-F I J [ '!(!E!!!!!!c"g"h""""###### $1$8$9$$$%'%3%4%%%%%%%h8CCJaJhXs>*CJaJh@OCJaJhXsCJaJhxvh3>*CJaJhxvh3CJaJh5{CJaJL (!!!!!h""#a#b##9$$$$4%p%q%%:&Z&[&&&&:';'`gdXsgdxv%9&:&&&&&''''''1(R(q(r())')()))))J*^*_*h*+++#+++++(,),,,,,$-3-4-=-----..."/#/;/////x0y00000T1U1l11112327282222333333hXs>*CJaJhxvh3>*CJaJhXsCJaJhxvh3CJaJU;''((r(((()>)?))))_***+e+f++),G,H,,,,4-u-v-`gdXsgdxvv--.....#/X/Y//00y0000U111182222)3*333`gdXsgdxv3344c4445i5z5{555/6066677-8.89999999`gdXsgdxv344S4b4c444 55h5i5{555556:6z66667*7I7]7~7777888n88888889'9h9o9999::y:::=;>;;;;<<<<<<ͺhOCJaJhxvh)CJaJhCJaJhhCJaJh'sCJaJh'sh'sCJaJh3CJaJhXsCJaJhxvh3CJaJhxvh3>*䴳>9::::>;;;;<:<;<<<,=-===U>>>?????O汹''<.=====U>W>>>????f@h@@@3A5ABBeBgBBBCCD DDDgEiEFFFF4G6GGGeHgH&I(IlImIIIfJhJKKKKLL2M4MMM]N_NNN{O}OOOhPjPPPnQpQRRRRSSTTTTUh;ICJaJhOCJaJhxvh3CJaJhxvh)CJaJV??g@@@@4AAABfBBBBGCHCC D>D?DDEEhEEEF7F8FFgdxvFFF5GSGTGGGGfHHH'IkIlIIIIgJJJKcKdKK$L%LLLLgdxvL3MtMuMMMM^NNNNOO|OOOOiPtPuPPQ QoQQQRqRrRRgdxvR/S0SSSSTeTfTT,U-UUUU=VnVoVVWWWWWW^XXX,YlYgdxvUUVVWWWWճ+-YY46ZZZ>[[;=¤]Ұ^^%'ҳڳgggɾhhhh)*3䴳e䴳b䴳±䴳±±>*䴳±b>*䴳->*䴳汹3>*䴳汹3䴳O䴳:Y5ZZZ?[\<]]]]H^g^h^^&_D_E_F_G_gdxvG_[_\___f`g```}a~abbbbccccccdd6e7eeeufvfggdxvggggggghhNjOjlllllm:mammmmmmn)nHnan~nngdxvOjijjjkjljjllllm}n~nnnttttttuuŽűŋŋŃ{phxvhi]CJaJhi]CJaJh3CJaJhOCJaJhxvhO>*䴳O>*䴳3>*䴳汹3>*䴳-䴳汹3䴳汹±䴳5䴳>䴳±䴳5±>*䴳nnnnѴooppʱrrrr!,6mAeLGWe`hhm& b\b  )*Ofv !+, /0Bd8yUY abc;A! 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