ࡱ> gifa 9bjbjڥڥ 0rR\R\1 p p 84|l(DDDD$m##&v>><D`nPf],i04&&<<8&t>>&p > : TWYLA BLACKMOND LARNELL CONTACT Office Address INFORMATION ҹAV Department of Political Science 333 Coffey Hall 1032 W. Sheridan Rd. Chicago, IL 60660  HYPERLINK "mailto:tblackmondlarnell@luc.edu" tblackmondlarnell@luc.edu (708) 208-3208 EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Political Science (2013) Comprehensive Exam fields: American Politics and Public Policy Graduate Specialization: Global Urban Studies Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Dissertation Title: Policy Network Theory of Local Governance: Structural Composition of Decision-Making Networks as a Determinant of Policy Committee: Laura Reese (Chair), Ric Hula, Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Joshua Sapotichne, and Sarah Reckhow Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Political Science and Economics (2006) Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL. Minor: African American Studies High School Diploma (2002) Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA), Aurora, IL. RESEARCH & American political institutions and behavior; political economy; TEACHING urban and local politics and policy with a focus on racial, ethnic, and INTERESTS gender politics and representation as well as local community and economic development. ACADEMIC Assistant Professor Fall 2013- POSITIONS Department of Political Science Present ҹAV Instructor (Non-Tenure Track), Fall 2011- Department of Political Science Spring 2013 ҹAV DATASETS: Local Government Structure and Mayoral Attributes in American Cities with Populations Larger than 45,000. (N = 705) Chicagos Tax Increment Finance Districts (2001-2013) PUBLICATIONS: Reese, Laura, Twyla Blackmond, and Gary Sands. (2010) Patterns in Tax Abatement Policy: Lessons from Outliers. The American Review of Public Administration 40(3): 261-283. LaMore, Rex, Terry Link, and Twyla Blackmond. (2006) Renewing People and Places: Institutional Investment Policies that Enhance Social Capital and Improve the Built Environment of Distressed Communities. Journal of Urban Affairs. 28 (5). 429-445. MANUSCRIPTS Larnell, Gregory, Twyla Blackmond Larnell, and John Bragelman. (2016). IN PRESS: Towards Reframing the Open Door: Policy, Pedagogy and Developmental Education in the Urban Community College. Ed. M. Pagano. The Urban Agenda. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. MANUSCRIPTS Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. It Takes a Village: Governance Networks UNDER REVIEW: and Local Economic Development Policy during the Great Recession. (resubmitted with suggested revisions). Blackmond Larnell, Twyla and Davia Downey. The Problem with TIFs: Engineering Blight in Chicago. (resubmitted with suggested revisions). Blackmond Larnell and Cameron Williams. Power in Numbers? Minority Majority Cities, Minority Mayors, and Public Housing. (resubmitted with suggested revisions). Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. Does it Matter Who Governs: Local Economic Development Decision-Making Networks and Policy Use. Blackmond Larnell, Christina Campbell, Aaron Martin, and Jordan Papp. The Importance of Space and Place: Liquor Stores as a Determinant of Violent Crime in Poor and Minority Neighborhoods in Chicago? Blackmond Larnell, Twyla and Alice Thompson. Presence vs. Power: Office Prestige amongst Women and Women of Color Mayors. PREPARING Blackmond Larnell, Twyla and Davia Downey. Tax Increment FOR Financing: Addressing Blight or Promoting Gentrification? (preparing SUBMISSION: for submission in April 2016). WORKING Blackmond Larnell, Twyla and Alice Thompson. American Cities PAPERS: Electing Women and Women of Color Mayors. Kushner, Danielle and Twyla Blackmond Larnell. Scholarly Perceptions vs Popular Perceptions of the State and State Legitimacy. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla, Cameron Williams. Minority Majority Cities and the Mayors that Govern Them. (preparing for May October 2016). FUTURE PAPERS: Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. Leaning In?: The Professional Development and Desirability of Office amongst Women and Women of Color Mayors. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla, Elizabeth Todd-Breland, and Gregory Larnell. The Only Game in Town: Is Tax Increment Financing Chicago Public Schhols? Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. Revisiting the Dilemma of the Minority Mayor. BLOGS & Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (September 30, 2016). Power to the People: COMMENTARIES Are Racial and Ethnic Groups Going to Abandon Americas Two-Party System? At the Politics of Color: Commentary & Reflections (online blog for the Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics). Available at:  HYPERLINK "http://politicsofcolor.com/reactions-to-the-1st-presidential-debate/" http://politicsofcolor.com/reactions-to-the-1st-presidential-debate/. Patricca, Nick and Twyla Blackmond Larnell. (October 1, 2014). Its Your Money Illinois. Windy City Times. SELECTED Blackmond Larnell, Twyla and Davia Downey. (2016) The Problem with CONFERENCE TIFs: Engineering Blight in Wealthy Communities. Urban Affairs PAPERS & Association (UAA), Miami, FL. PRESENTATIONS Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2015) Revisiting the Dilemma of the Minority Mayor. Presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association (UAA), Miami, FL. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2015) Minority Majority Cities and the Mayors that Govern Them. Presented at the 2014 Meeting of Politics, Race, Immigration and Ethnicity Consortium, Notre Dame, IN. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla and Michael Thom. Less Money, More Problems: The Effect of Municipal Fiscal Distress on State Policy. Presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2012). A Conceptual Framework of Decision-making Networks and Policy: Examined within Local Economic Development. Presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2011). Does It Matter 'Who Governs'? Local Economic Development Decision-making Coalitions and Policy. Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2011). Who Governs? The Composition of Local Economic Development Decision-Making Coalitions. Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association (UAA), Chicago, IL. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2011). Who Participates? Local Economic Development Decision-Making Coalitions and Tool Selection. (2011). Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association (SPSA), New Orleans, LA. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2010). Participation in Local Economic Development Policy Coalitions. Presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2009). Hunters and Gatherers: Does Organizational Structure Matter in Economic Development? (2009). Presented at 2009 Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) , Chicago, IL. Reese, Laura A., Gary Sands, and Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2008). Patterns in Tax Abatement Policy: Lessons from Outliers. Presented at 2008 Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association (UAA), Baltimore, MD. OTHER Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2017) Citywide Faculty of Color Panel. PRESENTATIONS Presented by the University of Chicagos Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2015) How Seriously are Cities Taking Sustainability?: Environment, Economics, and Equity in Local Sustainability Plans. Presented at ҹAVs Center for Urban Research and Learning Friday Seminar. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2014). Fiscal Responsibility in Government Panel Discussion. Presented by ҹAVs Gannon Center and Center for Urban Research and Learning Friday Seminar. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (2014). And the Rich Get Richer: Property vs. Economic Blight in Chicagos TIF Districts. Presented at ҹAVs Center for Urban Research and Learning Friday Seminar. MEDIA Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (November 9, 2016). Interview with APPEARANCES & Adeshina Emmanuel. Here for the Long Run: $50 Million Initiative INTERVIEWS Instills Hopes for More Equitable Neighborhood Investment. SouthSouthWeekly.com. Available at: http://southsideweekly.com/here-for-the-long-run/. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (October 10, 2015). Interview with Elizabeth Czapski. Mayors Gun Violence Solution Met with Skepticism by Students and Faculty. ҹAVs Rambler. Available at: http://loyolaphoenix.com/2016/10/mayors-gun-violence-solution-met-skepticism-students-faculty/ Blackmond Larnell, Twyla. (October 10, 2015). Interview with Lynne Marek. Inside the Private Group that Guides Chicagos Economic Development Policy. Crains Chicago Business Magazine. Available at: http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20151010/ISSUE01/151009797/inside-the-private-group-that-guides-chicagos-economic-development-policy. Blackmond Larnell, Twyla, Rick Kogan, and James Rhine (panelists). (October 24, 2013). In the Loop. WYCC PBS Chicago. AWARDS, ҹAV Gannon Center Spring 2016 HONORS Faculty Fellowship: Gender and Politics: The Under- & FELLOWSHIPS representation of Women (of Color) in Americas Mayors Offices ҹAV Provost Office Summer 2015 Faculty Summer Stipend: And the Rich Spring Get Richer: Property vs. Economic Blight in Chicagos TIF Districts. ҹAV, Spring 2015 Finalist: Sujack Teaching Award Awarded: Master Teacher Award ҹAV Provost Office Fall 2014 Professional Development Support Faculty Development and Diversity Program Michigan State University School of Social Science, Summer 2011 Department of Political Science and Global Urban Studies Program: Dissertation Completion Fellowship TEACHING ҹAV, Fall 2011-Department of Political Science present PLSC 101: American Politics PLSC 218: African American Politics PLSC 300A: Contemporary Issues in Political Science (Minority Politics) PLSC 334: Urban Policies and Problems PLSC 389: State Politics PLSC 390: Urban Politics Honors 203: The U.S. Experience (Urbanization) (Masters) Directed Readings Course: Governance, Regimes, and Networks in Local Policy-Making (Masters) Directed Readings Course: Urban Politics UNIVERSITY/ Speaker, Undergraduate Womens Leadership Spring 2017 DEPARTMENT Award Ceremony SERVICE College of Arts and Sciences ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Chair, Sujack Teaching Award Committee Spring 2017 College of Arts and Sciences ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee Spring 2017- Cameron Williams, Sociology present ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Undergraduate Research Mentor, Provost Fellowship, Summer 2016- ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. present Member, Political Science Department Faculty Search Fall 2016 - Committee present ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Member, Political Science Department Graduate Advisory Fall 2015- Committee present ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Chair: Masters Thesis Committee Fall 2014 - ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Spring 2015 Undergraduate Research Mentor, Provost Fellowship, Summer 2014- ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Spring 2015 Political Science Department Undergraduate Advisory Fall 2013- Committee ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Summer 2015 Undergraduate Research Mentor, Provost Fellowship Summer 2014 ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Political Science Representative, University Academic Spring 2014 Council ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Undergraduate Research Mentor, Mulcahy Fellowship Summer 2013 ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. Undergraduate Research Mentor, Provost Fellowship Summer 2012 ҹAV University, Chicago, IL. PROFESSIONAL Economic Development Quarterly (Referree) SERVICE Urban Affairs Association (Referree) Housing Policy Debate (Referee) SOFTWARE SPSS (Proficient) PACKAGES STATA (Proficient) Excel (Proficient) GIS (Proficient) NVivo (Competent) PROFESSIONAL American Political Science Association ASSOCIATION Midwest Political Science Association Urban Affairs Association Womens Caucus for Political Science REFERENCES Peter Schraeder, Ph.D. Chair, Department of Political Science ҹAV Chicago, IL 60660 Phone: (773) 508-3047 Email: Pschrae@luc.edu      !#157BC`      - . / 8 : l p   ɾ߾Ծ߯{pib^bhb hJ@hhe hJ@hc+hJ@h5]OJQJhJ@h OJQJ hJ@h hJ@h5]0JjhJ@h5]UjhJ@h5]U hJ@h5]hJ@h-^b6hJ@h-^bOJQJhJ@h@nOJQJhJ@h@nOJQJ hJ@h-^bhJ@h-^bOJPJQJhJ@h(OJPJQJ!7` . / r    S p^pgdhe p^p`gdhegd ^` ^`gd gd5] &d P    6 G I Q S T Y    5 ? @ F f p  Ͻ鲮|hrOJQJhbOJQJ hIt&hbhbh4OJQJh hIt&h4h~h4hbh4OJQJ hJ@h5db hJ@hJ@hJ@h5dbhJ@h@nOJQJhJ@h5]OJQJ hJ@h5] hJ@hhehJ@hhe6,S }  6 m  gdb ^`gdx `gdx gd4 p^p`gd5dbgd5] ^`48DabpQi{}~žŶžŧŶŜ}rjrbhJGOJQJhbOJQJhJ@hbOJQJhJ@hb\h hRhhb hJ@hbhJ@hbOJQJ hJ@hnhJ@OJQJhJ@h5]6 hJ@hhe hJ@h5]hJ@h5]OJQJhJ@h@nOJQJhrOJQJhr hJ@hrhJ@hrOJQJ%}~hi^_p^pgde^up^pgd?gd5] p^p`gdc+gd p^p`gdbgdbp^pp^pgdJ@/N\]m@ghi_ep]ϣ|w|o|ogowo\h h?B*phhe^uB*phh?B*ph h?\h? hJ@h? hJ@h+hJ@h \ hR\hJ@hJ@\hJ@h@nOJQJhJ@hc+\hJ@hc+OJQJ hJ@hc+ hJ@h@nhJ@h@nOJQJhbOJQJhj*hj*6 hj*hj*hj* h \ hJG\"] Z\]^_hik%&flmnw˥ށvrk hj*h?he^uhJ@h?OJQJhJ@h?OJQJ hJ@hc+hJ@h@nOJQJ h5dbh?h?OJQJh!Fh5dbB*ph hJ@h5dbh5db h5dbh5dbh5dbOJQJhc+ h h?h? hJ@h?h?B*\phh h?B*\ph)fCD% p^p`gdu ^`gdd:p^pgde^u p^p`gdd: p^p`gdc+gd?p^pgd? p^p`gd? 0^`0gd?d\$gd5dbgd 6H ?BC$%'(2LbwxDRS_ꨠ{t hZhhe^u he^uhe^ujhe^uU hJ@hE(ShZhhE(S hJ@hZhhZhOJQJ hJ@hw3Lhu hJ@h@n hJ@h+ hJ@hhe^u h9hd:hd: hJ@hd:h?OJQJh h?hr hJ@h? hJ@h -%(y4^_"0pgdSip^pgd)gd5]`gdR ^`gdRgdRgd:v ^`gde^u ^`gde^u p^p`gdE(S 0^`0gd:vgd`45]^_gij !"/03źyqyibWbhJ@hROJQJ hJ@hRhROJQJh:vOJQJh:vh:vOJQJhJ@h:vOJQJhJ@h:vOJQJ hJ@h-^bh:v hJ@h:v hJ@hhe hJ@h5]hJ@h@nOJQJhZhOJQJ hZhhe^uhJ@he^uOJQJ hJ@he^uhZhhe^uht?he^u0Jjhe^uU")5 !78  $ D x M!O!r!!!D"F"i"""##5#]#}###0$1$$$$$»»»»°hJ@h@nOJQJhJ@h-^bOJQJ hJ@h-^bhJ@h5]OJQJ hJ@h hJ@OJQJhJ@ hJ@h5] hJ@hSi hJ@h)hJ@hROJQJ>w x N!O!E"F"####$$%~%% p^p`gdJ@ 0^`0gdJ@gd5]p^pgdA5`p^pp^pgd-^b p^p`gd5]p^pgdJ@$$$$$$$%% %!%2%=%@%U%}%~%%%%%%%%&u&v&w&C'\'d''''' (((("(Ƚ߲Б}vodhJ@hJ@OJQJ hJ@h hJ@h hJ@hC$hJ@h6B*ph(((hJ@hOJQJhJ@hB*ph((( hJ@hh-^bhJ@h-^bB*ph(((hJ@h@nOJQJhJ@B*ph(((hB*ph((( hJ@h^Ph hJ@h-^bhJ@hOJQJhJ@h@nOJQJ'%%v&w&B'C'((c((S)V)*** + ^`gdd: ^`gdd:p^pgdZh`gdd: p^p`gd6n$gd gd^ygd p^pgd-^bp^pgdC$gd5] p^p`gd ^`gd"($(%(@(P(b(c(p(q(r((((( )Q)R)S)V))))&******C+R++++++, ,!,E,Y,Z,ƾ礒㒀yrynyrhR hJ@hO[ hJ@hh hJ@h6b6c66666670727źųųŬhJ@h5]OJQJ hJ@hJ@ hJ@haha hJ@h5] hJ@hA5 hJ@hq#hJ@ hJ@h%hJ@h:vOJQJhJ@h:vOJQJh:v hJ@h:vhd:OJQJ hJ@hd:hd:84555556?6b6c6666 70727p777`gd5]p^pgd5] ^`gdagd%`gdap^pgda ^`gdA5gd5]gd:v^gd:v27O7Q7c7777777777 8!8"8#8,8.8?8@8H8I8K8R8\8^8a8s8t8u8z8888888888899¾ߔ||v| hX^JhJ@h~^J h~^JhJ@h-^b^JhJ@h@nOJQJ^JhJ@h5]OJQJ^JhJ@h5]^J hJ@hXhXhh hJ@h@n hJ@hhhJ@hhOJQJhJ@hJ@OJQJhJ@h5]OJQJ hJ@h5]hJ@+777!8#8@8^8u8888889D9E9h999991$7$8$H$^`gd5]7$8$H$^`gd5] 1$7$8$H$gd5] 7$8$H$gd5]1$7$8$H$gdh99C9D9E9P99999999999999Ľhee[jhee[UhThe5CJaJ hRhehJ@htqOJQJhJ@h5]OJQJhJ@hJ@OJQJhJ@hptOJQJh5]hpthptOJQJ9999999999999gd(gdT1$7$8$H$^`gdR .:pY;/ =!"#$% DyK tblackmondlarnell@luc.eduyK Bmailto:tblackmondlarnell@luc.edus666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH TT  Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJaJ DA D Default Paragraph FontViV 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List 0U`0  Hyperlink>*B*HH he0 Balloon TextCJOJ QJ ^J aJN/N he0Balloon Text CharCJOJ QJ ^J aJ4"4 (0Header  !6/16 (0 Header CharCJaJ4 B4 (0Footer  !6/Q6 (0 Footer CharCJaJR^bR  0 Normal (Web)dd[$\$CJOJ QJ aJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VvnB`2ǃ,!"E3p#9GQd; H xuv 0F[,F᚜K sO'3w #vfSVbsؠyX p5veuw 1z@ l,i!b I jZ2|9L$Z15xl.(zm${d:\@'23œln$^-@^i?D&|#td!6lġB"&63yy@t!HjpU*yeXry3~{s:FXI O5Y[Y!}S˪.7bd|n]671. tn/w/+[t6}PsںsL. 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