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Sheridan Road (847) 328-5275 Chicago, Illinois 60626 (773) 508-3068 Present Position Professor, ҹAV University of Chicago Department of Political Science Areas of Specialization Political Theory: American Political Thought; Normative Political Economy; Democratic Theory; Marxism Professional Experience Fall 2003- Professor, present ҹAV University - Chicago Fall 1993 - Associate Professor, Spring 2002 ҹAV University - Chicago Fall 1989 - Assistant Professor, Spring 1993 ҹAV University - Chicago Fall 1984 - Assistant Professor Fall, 1989 Lake Forest College Education 1986 Doctor of Philosophy, Political Science York University, Toronto, Canada 1976 Master of Arts, Political Science York University, Toronto, Canada 1973 Bachelor of Arts, Political Science Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Teaching Experience Undergraduate Courses: Politics (including honors and writing intensive sections); Political Justice; Modern Political Thought (including writing intensive sections); Socialism (including writing intensive sections); Liberalism (including writing intensive sections). Graduate Courses: Modern Political Thought; Nineteenth Century Political Thought; Socialism; Liberalism; Selected Problems in Political Philosophy (Progressivism). Doctoral Dissertation Committees: Chair (6 committees); Member (11 committees). Faculty Advisor - Freshman Orientation and Registration (Summer 1997-Summer 2001; 2003). Faculty Telecounseling Initiative (1998-2001) Faculty Advisor - Committee for Pre-Law Advising (2002-present) Publications Book: From Feudalism to Capitalism: Marxian Theories of Class Struggle and Social Change (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press). November 1989. Articles: Thomas Jeffersons Liberal Anticapitalism, American Journal of Political Science 47 (January 2003): 1-17. Syndicalist Liberalism: The Normative Economics of Herbert Croly, History of Political Thought 22 (Winter 2001): 669-702. "Private Property Versus Markets: Democratic and Communitarian Critiques of Capitalism," American Political Science Review 91 (June 1997): 277-289. "The Greek Matrix of Marx's Critique of Political Economy," History of Political Thought 15 (Summer 1994): 229-248. "Debating the Dynamics of Feudalism -- Challenges for Historical Materialism," Science and Society 58 (Summer 1994): 195-204. "The Socialist Polis: Antiquity and Socialism in Marx's Thought," The Review of Politics 56 (Spring 1994): 237-260. "Karl Marx on the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism," Theory and Society 22 (June 1993): 363-389. "Marx on the Peasantry: Class in Itself or Class in Struggle?" The Review of Politics 54 (Winter 1992): 50-71. "Three Views of the Latin American Debt Crisis," co-authored with Vincent Mahler. Cooperation and Conflict 2 (June 1992): 191-213. "Social Benefits in Advanced Capitalist Countries," co-authored with Vincent Mahler. Comparative Politics. 21 (October 1988): 37-51. [Reprinted in Comparing Nations and Cultures, ed. Alex Inkeles and Masamichi Sasaki (Prentice Hall, 1996): 356-370.] "The Impact of Taxes in Developed Capitalist Countries," co-authored with Vincent Mahler and Michael Franz. Response to a criticism of our December 1983 article. The American Political Science Review (March 1986): 255-257. "The Impact of Taxes on Growth and Distribution in Developed Capitalist Countries: A Cross National Study," co-authored with Vincent Mahler and Michael Franz. The American Political Science Review. (December 1983): 871-886. Grants Awarded: Paid Leave of Absence -- Spring Semester 2003 Paid Leave of Absence -- Spring Semester 1996. Summer Research Grant -- Summer 1993. Paid Leave of Absence -- Spring semester, 1992. Mellon Core Award -- Spring semester, 1991. Book Reviews Review of Renewing Socialism: Democracy, Strategy, and Imagination, by Leo Panitch (Westview Press, 2001), in the Canadian Journal of Political Science (June 2003): 475-6. Review of Liberal Economics and Democracy: Keynes, Galbraith, Thurow and Reich, by Conrad P. Waligorski (University Press of Kansas, 1997), in the American Political Science Review (December 1997): 955-956. Review of Marx Versus Markets, by Stanley Moore (Penn State Press, 1993), in the Review of Politics (Winter 1995): 147-150. Review of Households, by William James Booth (Cornell University Press, 1993), in the Journal of Politics (August 1994): 851-3. Review of The Pristine Culture of Capitalism, by Ellen Meiksins Wood (Verso 1992), in Science and Society (Winter 1993-1994): 481-4. Under Review Authoritarian Liberalism: Employment Law in the Early American Republic, in The History of Political Thought. Convention Papers Thomas Jeffersons Liberal Anticapitalism. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco. August 30-September 2, 2001. "Syndicalist Liberalism: The New Republic of Herbert Croly." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Boston. September 3-6, 1998. "Private Property or Markets? The Moral Dilemmas of Liberal Economies." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco. August 28-September 1, 1996. "The Socialist Polis: Antiquity and Socialism in Marx's Thought." Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago. April 15-17, 1993. "The Logic of Epochal Change: Karl Marx's Theory of Contradiction." Western Political Science Association. San Francisco. March 19-21, 1992. "Marx's Theory of the Proletariat: Class Struggle or Revolution?" American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco. August\September 1990. "Marx on the Peasantry: Class In Itself Or Class In Struggle?" American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago. August/September 1987. "Income Maintenance Programs in Advanced Industrial Countries: A Cross-National Study," with Vincent Mahler. Northeastern Political Science Association. Boston. November 1986. "Two Marxes: Alternative Theories of Historical Materialism." American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Washington. September 1986. "The Political Economy of Income Maintenance Programs in the Advanced Industrial Societies, with Vincent Mahler. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans. September 1985. "The Impact of Government Spending on Growth and Distribution in Developed Capitalist Countries: A Cross-National Study," with Vincent Mahler. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Washington. September 1984. "Income Distribution, Taxation Policies and Economic Growth in Developed Market Economy Countries: A Cross National Study," with Vincent Mahler and Michael Franz. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Denver. September 1982. "Towards a New Theory of Property." Conference on the Future of the Liberal Tradition--Search for an Agenda. St. Xavier College. Chicago. April 1982. "The Politics of Revolution: Rousseau's Project for Corsica" International Studies Association, Midwest Conference. Chicago. May, 1981. "Marx and Crisis: The Legacy of the French Revolution." Conference for the Study of Political Thought. Chicago. February 1980. Conference Participation Chair. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Panel Title: Problems in the Theory of Property. San Francisco. August 28-September 1, 1996. Chair and Discussant. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Panel Title: Marx and Marxism. Chicago. April 14-16, 1994. Discussant. Midwest Political Science Association. Panel Title: War in Modern Political Thought. Chicago. April 15-17, 1993. Discussant. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Panel title: Hegelian and Post-Marxist Critiques of Civil Society. Chicago. August/September 1992. Chair. Midwest Political Science Association. Panel title: Reassessing Marx(ism). Chicago. April 9-11, 1992. Participant. Roundtable on Analytic and Contextual Approaches to Marx. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco. August\September 1990. Discussant. North American Chapter for Greek Political Thought. Panel on The Political Philosophy of Aristotle. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago. April, 1987. Chair. Midwest Political Science Association Meeting. Panel on Political Theory, Rhetoric and The Arts. Chicago. April 1986. Chair and Discussant. International Studies Association/Midwest. Panel on Latin American Political Economy. Chicago. November 1985. Discussant. Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis. Panel on Theory, Praxis and Violence. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Washington. September 1984. Chair and Discussant. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Panel on Modernity: Dissolution or Rebirth? Chicago. April 1984. Discussant. Panel on Politics and Policy in Western Europe. International Studies Association, Midwest Conference. Chicago. October 1980. University and Department Activities ҹAV University: Director (2004-present), Peace Studies Interdisciplinary Program; Member (2004-2005), Search Committee, Helen Houlahan Rigali Professorship in Political Science; Member (2004), Search Committee, Director, School of Communication, Technology and Public Service; Chair and Host (Spring 2004), Morris I. Leibman Distinguished Lecture Series; Chair (2001- 2002), Considine Chair Search Committee; Member (2002-present), Oversight Committee for the Program in Bioethics and Healthcare Policy; Member (Fall Spring 2002-present), Honors Program Review Committee; Member (Spring 2001), GPD Task Force Committee; Chair (1997-2000) and Member (1996-1997), Curriculum Committee of the Council of Graduate School Programs; Executive Committee, Council of Graduate School Programs (1997-present); Member of the Council of Graduate School Programs (1996 to the present); Graduate School representative to the ҹAV 2000 Academic Proposal Committee (the Austin Committee) (1998-1999); Member of the Graduate Studies Coordinating Board (1997-1999). Department of Political Science: Chairperson (January 2003-present); Director of Graduate Programs (Fall 1996-Fall 2002); Member, Graduate Studies Committee (1991-1995); Member, Teaching Committee (2000-present); Chair, Richard S. and Nancy K. Hartigan ҹAV Lecture Series (1995-present); Member, International Studies Search Committee (1995-1996); Member, Political Theory Search Committee (1992-1993); Member, Special Activities Committee (1990-1991); Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee (1989-1991); Chair, Academic Grievance Committee (1989-1990). Professional Associations American Political Science Association; Foundations of Political Theory Manuscript Referee: The American Political Science Review; The Review of Politics; The Journal of Politics; The American Journal of Political Science. Languages Spanish French PAGE 7 )145WX Q h  +  3 5 J C S =t$&su{/1v0)y $ $ h4>* h46]h$ h9}5\ h$5\ h45\h4U&'(678d  0 P Q i j 1$` `1$ H1$1$44 3 4 _      ! 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