
Zhandarka Kurti, PhD
Title/s: Assistant Professor
Specialty Area: Carceral Studies; Law and Society; Race, Class, Gender, Crime and Justice; Mass Supervision, Qualitative Research Methods, Youth Justice
Office #: Mundelein Center, Room 807B
Phone: 773.508.8525
CV Link: Kurti CV 2022
Dr. Zhandarka Kurti is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at ҹAV. Dr. Kurti received her PhD degree in Sociology from the . Her research explores race, class, gender and criminalization, probation and mass supervision and contemporary politics of criminal justice reforms.
Her research and teaching are informed by an interdisciplinary approach that brings together critical scholarship on policing, prisons and social control to place criminal justice system transformations within the wider socio-historical, economic and political forces that shape American life.
Before coming to ҹAV, Dr. Kurti was an Assistant Professor of Sociology, Criminology and Criminal Justice at the (2019-2021). She was also a postdoctoral fellow at where she taught sociology courses to incarcerated students at Wallkill Correctional Facility.
2018 Ph.D., Sociology, Binghamton University (SUNY)
2008 M.A., World-Historical Sociology, Binghamton University (SUNY)
Professional & Community Affiliations
2016-Present American Sociological Association
2014- Present American Society of Criminology
2015- Present Eastern Sociological Society
Courses Taught
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Juvenile Delinquency
Race, Ethnicity, and Criminal Justice
Punishment and Society
Carceral Studies
Selected Publications
Kurti, Zhandarka 2021. “Police Power After Black Lives Matter” Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict, and World Order. Special Issue: Police Power and the Fabrication of Social Order: The Critique of Police in the Twenty-first Century.
Kurti, Zhandarka 2021. “Starting a Dialogue: From Radical Criminology to Critical Resistance: An Interview with Tony Platt," (Capitalist World Economy in Crisis: Policing, Pacification and Legitimacy) August 2021
Kurti, Zhandarka and Jarrod Shanahan. 2018. “Rebranding Mass Incarceration: The Lippman Commission and ‘Carceral Devolution’ in New York City” Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order 45 (2/3) pp. 23-50.
Kurti, Zhandarka and Odilka Santiago 2019. “Central Park Five Syllabus: A Supplementary Reading List.” with Odilka Santiago Abolition Journal
Kurti, Zhandarka 2018. “Probation and Second Chances in the Era of the Jobless Future” Brooklyn Rail.