
Does Ethics Sell? A Discussion about Morality and the Marketplace

Does Ethics Sell? A Discussion about Morality and the Marketplace

Thursday, February 21, 2019, 7:00-9:00 PM
Information Commons, 4th Floor
Lake Shore Campus

Featured Fr. Frank LaRocca, SJ, Assistant Dean and Clinical Assistant Professor of Management, Quinlan Business School.

Students only. All students are welcome.

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After initially claiming that it was not their "business" to be ethically responsible, corporations seem to be striving to uphold ethical and moral values. Where huge private equity firms and hedge funds used to hold increasing profits as their main focus, via outsourcing, layoffs, and sweatshops, there seems to be a growing trend toward R&D, upholding a strong firm reputation, and the future of the company and community.

Is this to be taken as a sign that corporate America is becoming increasingly humane, or rather appropriating moral credibility instead of earning it? Thank you to all those who joined in the conversation with a specialist in business ethics and international business, Fr. Frank LaRocca.